On 8/10/2003 4

36 PM Checking it Out wrote:
Airline Rep. Running Scared
Yes last week Jerry Holiday tha Airline Rep. at Horizon Air ran to management about being offended by the Anti-AMFA apearel that I was wearing.
But this week he also ran to management when someone had printed up the article about him claiming Union Business on the weekend so the Local would pay him so he could stay home instead of working. See Airline Rep. at Horizon Air takes long weekends on membership's money. for more information on that subject.
AMFA is a management tool. Instead of representing it's members it choses to run to management to tattle like a child to get someone in trouble.
I still maintain the Jerry Holiday sould be removed from office for missuse or the local's money and for working against the peope he represents by going to management in an effort to have diciplinary action brought against them.
Jerry Holiday I am glad that I offended you! Because you and your lacksidazical association offends me! If you are so weak that you can't fight your own battles but must have the company fight them for you then you have no business representing anyone! Resign now before it gets worse!
The Big Dog
If you want to run with the Big Dog you have to get off the porch.
From what I can see their is no difference between rv4 and Jerry?
Are these the Individuals you want to Represent you?
Checking it Out,
You have alot of nerve posting information claiming a union is so weak they have to request management defend them and fight their battles. We have documented and audio tape recorded proof that the TWU is guilty of such activity.
Below is a link to a transcript of a TWU/AA Anti-AMFA rally held in Tulsa, Oklahoma in June of 1999. This rally took place on the ramp in TUlsa between the hangars during working hours. AA Management was even kind enough to provide a stage and a sound system, so that the love-fest could be recorded, only to become known as RATFEST '99.
The TWU Local 514 President admits he ran to management and requested the rally so that his so-called union members could RAT out AMFA supporters and stop the AMFA movement. Read for yourself how the TWU Worshippers were so quick to RAT OUT fellow co-workers.
The cast of characters:
Dennis Burchette - Then TWU Local 514 President
Dave Kruse - Then AA Senior VP of Maintenance and Engineering
Kevin Hammack - The RAT from Dock 1C
Jim Cook - Wanna Be Washed Up TWU Officer
and many more TWU Supporting RATS from RATFEST 1999.
CIO, post us more data about that reflect your opinions about RATS and UNION OFFICIALS who run to management to recruit soldiers for fighting the battle. You are doing a great job!
Lest you forget, we have documents stored from many years of TWU Lies and Misdeeds and you will lose the debate!
Good Luck CIO... Your turn?