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American Airlines workers try to dump union

On 8/10/2003 11:48:26 AM Checking it Out wrote:

Think about this :"Are these the Individuals you want to represent You?" when the times get Tuff they run and hide. This is one of the biggest complaints at NW right now!
YOU, Of all people hiding behind an alias an violating the law, and you talk about "running and hiding". Give us a break STOOGE! I thougt the biggest complaint at NWA was farmouts, now you claim it is running and hiding. From the news media reports I read, there is no evidence of a run and hide problem at all. In contrast, your Jim Little guy has shut down his e-mail and wont answer his cell phone. Who has ran and hid out?
Also, at NWA, AMFA is refusing concessions despite pressures applied by management using "force majeure" as tool to furlough workers, and I don't see any running and hiding to date. No sir, they stand firm on their contracts amendable date and refuse to talk concession
You must be talking about the TWU running and hiding under managements desk and "without further ratification" making us the worst paid in the industry when factoring pay and benefit packages. Is that the "running and hiding" you are talking about? Is that what you call, getting bold when the going gets tuff? You must think your membership are all fools. They are not, and they see right through your lies and deciet. Thus, the card count continures to rise!

US Airways Representational Update
August 8, 2003
AMFA National received more information concerning furloughed employees and additional authorization cards over the weekend.
The representational status at US Air was discussed at length during the National Executive Council (NEC) meeting held on August 5. The NEC has determined that the US Air supporters are very close to achieving their goal and will commence with a more active roll to assist our supporters in achieving the representational election that they currently seek.
AMFA National is:
1. Establishing contact with furloughed US Air mechanic and related employees
2. Notifying current card signers of their expiration date
3. Scheduling informational meetings at cities on the US Air system
With the additional information we are receiving and the NEC’s commitment we are confident that AMFA National will be able to file for a representational election on US Air in the near future.
Terry Harvey
Assistant National Director
Airline Rep. Running Scared

Yes last week Jerry Holiday tha Airline Rep. at Horizon Air ran to management about being offended by the Anti-AMFA apearel that I was wearing.

But this week he also ran to management when someone had printed up the article about him claiming Union Business on the weekend so the Local would pay him so he could stay home instead of working. See Airline Rep. at Horizon Air takes long weekends on membership's money. for more information on that subject.

AMFA is a management tool. Instead of representing it's members it choses to run to management to tattle like a child to get someone in trouble.

I still maintain the Jerry Holiday sould be removed from office for missuse or the local's money and for working against the peope he represents by going to management in an effort to have diciplinary action brought against them.

Jerry Holiday I am glad that I offended you! Because you and your lacksidazical association offends me! If you are so weak that you can't fight your own battles but must have the company fight them for you then you have no business representing anyone! Resign now before it gets worse!

The Big Dog
If you want to run with the Big Dog you have to get off the porch.

From what I can see their is no difference between rv4 and Jerry?

Are these the Individuals you want to Represent you?

On 8/10/2003 4:11:36 PM Checking it Out wrote:

Airline Rep. Running Scared

Yes last week Jerry Holiday tha Airline Rep. at Horizon Air ran to management about being offended by the Anti-AMFA apearel that I was wearing.

But this week he also ran to management when someone had printed up the article about him claiming Union Business on the weekend so the Local would pay him so he could stay home instead of working. See Airline Rep. at Horizon Air takes long weekends on membership's money. for more information on that subject.

AMFA is a management tool. Instead of representing it's members it choses to run to management to tattle like a child to get someone in trouble.

I still maintain the Jerry Holiday sould be removed from office for missuse or the local's money and for working against the peope he represents by going to management in an effort to have diciplinary action brought against them.

Jerry Holiday I am glad that I offended you! Because you and your lacksidazical association offends me! If you are so weak that you can't fight your own battles but must have the company fight them for you then you have no business representing anyone! Resign now before it gets worse!

The Big Dog
If you want to run with the Big Dog you have to get off the porch.

From what I can see their is no difference between rv4 and Jerry?

Are these the Individuals you want to Represent you?

Checking it Out,
You have alot of nerve posting information claiming a union is so weak they have to request management defend them and fight their battles. We have documented and audio tape recorded proof that the TWU is guilty of such activity.
Below is a link to a transcript of a TWU/AA Anti-AMFA rally held in Tulsa, Oklahoma in June of 1999. This rally took place on the ramp in TUlsa between the hangars during working hours. AA Management was even kind enough to provide a stage and a sound system, so that the love-fest could be recorded, only to become known as RATFEST '99.
The TWU Local 514 President admits he ran to management and requested the rally so that his so-called union members could RAT out AMFA supporters and stop the AMFA movement. Read for yourself how the TWU Worshippers were so quick to RAT OUT fellow co-workers.
The cast of characters:
Dennis Burchette - Then TWU Local 514 President
Dave Kruse - Then AA Senior VP of Maintenance and Engineering
Kevin Hammack - The RAT from Dock 1C
Jim Cook - Wanna Be Washed Up TWU Officer
and many more TWU Supporting RATS from RATFEST 1999.
CIO, post us more data about that reflect your opinions about RATS and UNION OFFICIALS who run to management to recruit soldiers for fighting the battle. You are doing a great job!
Lest you forget, we have documents stored from many years of TWU Lies and Misdeeds and you will lose the debate!
Good Luck CIO... Your turn?
"Any" union at dues of $ 35 a month and pay of $30 an an hour is better than no union and $12 an hour. You people b#tch so much I can not believe it! Why don't you get off your ass$ and fix some airplanes! If the free market was truly free, I could compete for your job and probably get it! ( exept for the truly qualified master line mechanics who make the airline work).

I have been cut from 3 airlines since 9/11. Thank your lucky stars you still have a job at $65,000 a year. Come out here and see if you can sell your skills to some chick in HR to put together fume hoods for resaurants. See if you can sell your electrical skills to a company that makes generators. See if you can hide the fact that you made too much money before and that is why they will not hire you. Come out here and see!

If you want a debate, I would vote for AMFA. Someone who could represent me as an AMT, and not some union that makes sure the laziest members of our society get jobs that end up making $24.00 an hour throwing bags or emptying lav's . A Union that would define the A&P to the Department of Labor as skilled labor(did you know that a A&P spends as many hours in class as a college graduate? 1920 hours).

More later------
On 8/9/2003 10:42:59 AM DFWCC wrote:

The AGW union for ramp workers is trying to make headway at DFW. There are a lot of irate FSCs who voted against the contract. I'm beginning to see info taped in hallways. TWU may go out and be replaced by AMFA and AGW.
You never know in this business.


What is the "AGW" union, there background ???

Don't get me wrong DFWCC, I'd vote for the "JOE SH*T THE RAG MAN" union, ANY union, to replace the useless "company mother humpin' TWU.

On 8/10/2003 4:11:36 PM Checking it Out wrote:

Airline Rep. Running Scared

Yes last week Jerry Holiday tha Airline Rep. at Horizon Air ran to management about being offended by the Anti-AMFA apearel that I was wearing.

But this week he also ran to management when someone had printed up the article about him claiming Union Business on the weekend so the Local would pay him so he could stay home instead of working. See Airline Rep. at Horizon Air takes long weekends on membership's money. for more information on that subject.

AMFA is a management tool. Instead of representing it's members it choses to run to management to tattle like a child to get someone in trouble.

I still maintain the Jerry Holiday sould be removed from office for missuse or the local's money and for working against the peope he represents by going to management in an effort to have diciplinary action brought against them.

Jerry Holiday I am glad that I offended you! Because you and your lacksidazical association offends me! If you are so weak that you can't fight your own battles but must have the company fight them for you then you have no business representing anyone! Resign now before it gets worse!

The Big Dog
If you want to run with the Big Dog you have to get off the porch.

From what I can see their is no difference between rv4 and Jerry?

Are these the Individuals you want to Represent you?

Checking it Out,
What about writing a letter to the American Airlines Senior Vice-President of Maintenance and Engineering and requesting to fly the "TWU UNION FLAG" along with the "AA Company Flag"? What about using the words "WHAT BETTER WAY TO SHOW OUR ALLIANCE" when making the request?
"Freeman pays particluar attention to the role of the Communist and veterans of the Irish Republican Army--Including TWU President Michael J. Quill"....
On 8/9/2003 10:54:06 AM RV4 wrote:

TWU International Representative Robert Gless denied any one person or a few control the union. He said the TWU presidents council, which is made up of elected presidents who represent locals around the system at American, make most of the decisions that affect members.

As the Treasurer who served for three years with Mr Gless It was my experience that Bobby made very few decisions without calling the International. He nearly s#!+ when there was a tie vote at the EBd and he could not sluff off a controversial decision on the E-bd. "The chair doesnt have a vote unless there is a tie, dont blame me".

The fact is that Sonny Hall has tremendous power over the union and he does not hesitate to use those powers in his interests, too bad he doesnt use them for our best interests. The Hall team has got to go.
The Transport Workers Union of America
was investigated by Congress for UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITES....

On 8/10/2003 11:15:55 AM Checking it Out wrote:

Rum I believe you have been drinking to much of the amfa-kool-aid today!

And I believe you are suffering from battered wife syndrome. No matter how badly the TWU screws the membership, you just keep going back for more.
I hear this in evey one of your posts: "They didn't mean it" "they won't do it again" "they still love me".
You are one stupid idiot.

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