Strake said:
Here's one positive for the amfa guys at NWA, they got themselves about a $5.00 an hour raise in pay after they sold out there fellow workers by voting in the amfa.
Strake, lies and half truths will not get you anywhere.
You seem to assume a few voted in AMFA for the majority, how is that??? If that were true they would have been decertified and no union would be at NWA.
After the IAM was booted out of the mechanic and related business at NWA, the AMFA membership negotiated a 46% increase in pay and benefits. You should know this, as the twu at AA rode on their coattails and gained a couple of cents over them, of course the benefits far outweighed ours and the scope language is light years ahead, also they had to leap frog the industry as they were near the bottom under the afl-cio IAM. Since then we have taken over a 30% cut in pay and benefits plus thousands laid off. All in all, even though your 46% figure far exceeds the truth, we have taken a much bigger hit. The difference is at NWA, they have held the line on pay and benefits where the twu blows away like a house of straw. As you know the President of the united States had to step in and stop them from striking for better pay and benefits. When was the last time the twu had the gonads to say boo to the company??? All the twu can do is go boohoo, it really is pathetic.
This next sentence of yours following the first, suggest they did very good, which seems to contradict your first sentence. Either that or you think "sold out fellow workers" is a good thing.
Do you think in these times the same scenario would be duplicated at AA if the amfa were to get on the property? Fat chance.
Perhaps a class in sentence structure would help, just a suggestion!!!
Forty Seven point One percent of the mechanics at NWA were laid off after the amfa became their bargaining agent. Is that a plus?
I am not sure if what you said is a plus or a minus. Are you saying the 46 points were before AMFA became their bargaining agent??? Again, that class may help!!! See if you can figure this out Strake. We took a 30% pay and benifit cut, will it take close to a 60% increase to return to where we were?
The amfa has proven time and time again that they are the best at allowing the outsourcing of work and the jobs that go with it. The amfa doesn't seem to mind if your pensions get gutted.
So, you think the AMFA memberships allow their work, their jobs, and their pensions to go out the door. Perhaps a psychologist can help you on this matter!!!
The amfa supporters here like to whine about the TWU's leadship but when you look at it's performance compared to the amfa's, there is just no comparison.
True, we think leadership should be accountable to the people that hire them!!!
The TWU wins by a landslide. The amfa supporters claim having the amfa as a BA is the way to go. Really? What "good" have they done in the past? The amfa has proven they can not protect "the work", they can not protect your job, and do not care about protecting your pension.
The twu wins what by a landslide??? Again, a psychologist may be able to help you on this matter!!!
Are you asking: Who needs the memberships input??? Certainly not the twu, they have an agenda and it only includes us for the dues money!!!
The amfa will show you on their website that they represent about 18,000 mechanics at eight airlines. What they don't show you are the mechanics they represent that are on the street. I estimate about 10,000 too 11,000 on the street. Not good.
LMAO, on this one you need a basic math class. Your 46 or (47 points?), are now 55% to over 61%. OK, OK, I have to admit you are correct in twu math but, the world has yet to decode it. You guys need to have a meeting and get all your stories straight or better yet just start telling the truth for a change!!!
I urge every mechanic worth his salt not to even sign a card, its a no-brainer. WE do not want or need the amfa. Their track record shows how totally enept they really are.
Strake, urging people to not sign a card so the membership cannot vote is not the answer to your predicament. Try this:
1. Tell the membership they don't like having control of their union and do like the idea of being told what they will receive in pay, benefits, and work rules.
2. Tell the membership they should like the idea of having unaccountable officers to decide their fate.
3. Keep telling the membership they should not have the ability to vote on Letters of Agreement because they are stupid and Jim Little is smart.
4. Keep telling the membership that a monkey could do their work.
5. Tell the membership that the 3.1 million the company is paying the twu is for medicinal purposes.
6. Tell the membership that Bobby Gless (twu international Officer) is being paid 120,000 pr/yr by the company to better serve pancakes or some other food item (perhaps it will confuse them enough to advance your agenda).
7. Tell the membership that twu international officer are paid similar to company executives because they have so much responsibility and they will leave if not paid executive wages, therefore what rank and file members make, has no bearing.
8. Tell the membership to get involved so that the twu does not have to take responsibility for their action.
9. Tell the membership that when they voted to not build a new union hall in Tulsa that they were actually voting yes. In other words
convince them that no means yes and yes means yes. Kinda like our contract!!!
10. Tell the membership that the AMFA drive is over and that the twu has won because they will not get to vote.
PS: In addition too and after your class to help you with your Math and English, oh and getting the Psychological help, and presuming you still advocate the twu (not very likely afterward but, just suppose), perhaps you could become an instructor of the twu's patented rank and file position. Have the membership practice touching their toes while their knees are locked. Tell them to do this while trying to hold the position for longer and longer periods of time and that it may help to grab their ankles. I got that last part from a poster on who seems to understand twu physics!!!