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American Airlines Seeks Recall Of Laid-Off Workers

It is a win - win situation for all if they're brought back. The company can forego the whole interview process, the retraining can be abbreviated as it was for us, and they are all at or near the bottom of the payscale. It just makes sense to extend the recall rights to include the falloffs

And it is the right thing to do. Why should one group laid off 2 weeks before the other, not be given the same recall extension?
:angry: ------- I heard yesterday that Kasher had given the TWU what they wanted in regards to the LAX recall. The nAAtive American AMT's will be recalled before the exTWAer's irregardless of Seniority! Let it be noted that the exTWAer's were "NOT" represented at the meeting, and were "NOT" given the opportunity to argue their side of the issue!!! Which has been true in all cases involving Kasher!!!! In fact, in the case of exTWAer's on the property, the Union dues we pay the TWU are used against us, and our fellow colleges!!! Under Article#28a, of their own Contract it states: "There will be no discrimination against anyone over the issues of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation!" But it seems the exTWAer's are fair game!!!
Correct. The decision is posted posted on the Local 564 website.
<_< ------ And they wonder why we refurr to ourselfs as "AA's redheaded step children!"? :down:
The only merger that I have been involved in was this one. I admit that emotions have run very high on both sides. Instead of everyone taking the attitude of " We're in this together", everyone focused on how we screwed each other when we should have been focused on how the company was screwing us. How unfortunate.
The only merger that I have been involved in was this one. I admit that emotions have run very high on both sides. Instead of everyone taking the attitude of " We're in this together", everyone focused on how we screwed each other when we should have been focused on how the company was screwing us. How unfortunate.
<_< -------I totally agree!!!------ Hey Joe, whatever happened to "cup-cake"?

HEY....."Cup Cake" 🙄 ,

How many AMT's(AA + LLC) are still awaiting to get their "FIRST" letter to return ??
<_< ------ Hello Bears! Oh! This story is not over yet! I've been told we'll finally get our say in front of an Arbitrator! The President of Local 530 has signed a 29d, or Presidential grievance, against AA for bypassing two exTWAers that have been layed off in LAX! Stating Kasher's decision was unfounded do to the fact that the exTWAer's were not represented at the meeting with the LAX TWU! If no consideration is given to them, it could effect as many as ten exTWAer's here at MCI that are formerly from LAX. ------- And the beat goes on!!!!
<_< ------ Hello Bears! Oh! This story is not over yet! I've been told we'll finally get our say in front of an Arbitrator! The President of Local 530 has signed a 29d, or Presidential grievance, against AA for bypassing two exTWAers that have been layed off in LAX! Stating Kasher's decision was unfounded do to the fact that the exTWAer's were not represented at the meeting with the LAX TWU! If no consideration is given to them, it could effect as many as ten exTWAer's here at MCI that are formerly from LAX. ------- And the beat goes on!!!!



But aside from that, have any other LLC AMT's "NOT" received a FIRST letter to return ?


But aside from that, have any other LLC AMT's "NOT" received a FIRST letter to return ?
<_< ------ Not to my knowledge! What's going on here Bears is that when th first exTWAer sets foot on AA property there at LAX, that station becomes a 25% seniority station! That's what this is all about! Up until now, the LAX local has managed to avoid this! But now with the recall, they're swimming in a smaller, and smaller, pond!------- It will happen! But they're frantically trying to put it off, for as long as they can. But by doing so, they are denying the exTWer's one of the most basic principles that this country, and our legal system, is based upon! It's called "Due process of Law!" The right one has to defend oneself! That's what this grievance is all about! The exTWAer's were denied their right to "Due process!" Which has been the case for all dealings with Kasher!
<_< ------ I believe what your asking is, are there still LLC AMT's on the street? The answeer is yes!! What's going on here Bears is that when th first exTWAer sets foot on AA property there at LAX, that station becomes a 25% seniority station! That's what this is all about! Up until now, the LAX local has managed to avoid this! But now with the recall, they're swimming in a smaller, and smaller, pond!------- It will happen! But they're frantically trying to put it off, for as long as they can. But by doing so, they are denying the exTWer's one of the most basic principles that this country, and our legal system, is based upon! It's called "Due process of Law!" The right one has to defend oneself! That's what this grievance is all about! The exTWAer's were denied their right to "Due process!" Which has been the case for all dealings with Kasher!

MCI, sorry to be so dense and stupid, but if LAX were to become a "25% seniority station" because some LLC AMTs end up there, how does that harm the nAAtive AMTs there? Could you give me a short primer? Thanks!
MCI, sorry to be so dense and stupid, but if LAX were to become a "25% seniority station" because some LLC AMTs end up there, how does that harm the nAAtive AMTs there? Could you give me a short primer? Thanks!
<_< FWAAA------ Let me just say that, at the time AA bought TWA, TWA was ruled to have been the dominant presance at LAX, and therefore ruled, by Kasher, a 25% Seniority station! The 25% was not granted exTWAers because there were nAAtive American employes on lay-off at the time. Then when AA reduced it's AMT force further, all exTWAer AMT's were layed off also. Some to the street, some to MCI, and STL., and SFO. Now with the recall, most nAAtives, with higher senioity than 4-10-01 have been recalled. But due to Kasher's resent ruling, the exTWAers are being pastover for recall by nAAtive employees employees with less 4-10-01!------ So the question should be: How does that harm the exTWAers? Not the other way
MCI, sorry to be so dense and stupid, but if LAX were to become a "25% seniority station" because some LLC AMTs end up there, how does that harm the nAAtive AMTs there? Could you give me a short primer? Thanks!
<_< -----FWAAA What is meant by a 25% Station is: Kasher ruled that at stations that TWA had a dominant presance, exTWA AMT's would recieve 25% of their TWA Ocupational seniority. LAX is one of those stations! But only after all nAAtive employee on the street have been recalled. Until that happens, their Ocupational seniority is only 4-10-01. Which at presant, is not enough to hold LAX. 100% at MCI, TWA's old overhaul Base, and 100% at STL, TWA's primary Hub. I hope this clears things up for you. I know this is a screwed up way of handeling the Seniority issue, but, it is, what it is! :down:

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