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American Airlines creditors want to talk merger

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Those pennies bought me an $80,000 car and 2 houses. That's why I'm still here and I Love US Air and hope to retire from here. The company treats us like a person not a number like some Arrogant Airlines.
US treats it's employees like a person, really? It seems that most, if not all, of the US employees on the US board would take issue with that statement; especially those US rampers who claimed that US would not even provide them with access to water over the summer. AA, on the otherhand, has provided us with plenty of water in addition to a roving cart that goes gate to gate providing gatorade to all its ramp personell during the summer months.

BTW, AA did not decide your seniority, the TWU did not decide your seniority, an ARBITRATOR decided your seniority at AA, GET OVER IT!!!
BTW, AA did not decide your seniority, the TWU did not decide your seniority, an ARBITRATOR decided your seniority at AA, GET OVER IT!!!
Seems to be an allergy to arbitrated results at US; maybe it's something in the water?
Better yet I can't wait for the day AA files chapter 7 and you and the AA'ers that disrespected us exTWA'rs apply aapply as a new hire at Delta. Karma is a biatch isn't it boyyyyyyy
How were you disrespected? We agreed to binding arbitration and have honored the arbitrator's ruling (unlike a certain group of DOH obsessed pilots at your new airline). The fact is your bitter because the arbitrator did give you your full TWA seniority at AA system wide which would have put you and almost all the other TWAers at the top of the combined list. The arbitrator recognized CAREER EXPECTATIONS (of which you had none at defunct TWA) and appropriately protected nAAtives in their bases. And since you take delight in our current situation, you should know that the 13,000 layoffs just announced should pretty much purge the few thousand TWAers that remain at AA. And if AA is in fact broken up (ie. MIA, DFW to DL) I am quite confident that the nAAtives at those cities will be offered jobs with their seniority just as the TWAers were in STL and MCI, and the Pan Am people were in JFK when DL took over those operations. However, IMO, AA will remain independent.
Seems to be an allergy to arbitrated results at US; maybe it's something in the water?
Don't think it's the water. It seems this "allergy" persists in airline employees whose airlines have an inferior route (hub) structure, a miniscule number of widebody aircraft, and a very senior workforce.
Don't think it's the water. It seems this "allergy" persists in airline employees whose airlines have an inferior route (hub) structure, a miniscule number of widebody aircraft, and a very senior workforce.

You left out illusions of grandeur left over from what the airline was like 10/20/30 years ago...
Yea, so?

Everyone else did, so why can't AA? Double standard? The only people who won't get all the money they're entitled to, as I understand it, are the people who were supposed to get more than the PBGC max.

AA has paid its premiums and is in full compliance with the law.

Where's the beef besides the PBGC crying about something the government allowed?

"American's letter sent earlier this week to current employees ignores the potential harm to retiree health benefits and glosses over the huge number of employees who would see their pensions reduced, the PBGC said in a press release.

,"American Airlines is telling their workers and retirees not to worry, but they should," J. Jioni Palmer, PBGC's director of communications, said.

American said that more than 90 percent of the 130,000 current and future retirees would not see their pensions reduced. The exception would be pilots.

LINK http://aviationblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2012/01/pbgc-to-american-airlines-but.html

American said that more than 90 percent of the 130,000 current and future retirees would not see their pensions reduced. The exception would be pilots.
Maybe they should have been more reasonable.
Yea, so?

Everyone else did, so why can't AA? Double standard? The only people who won't get all the money they're entitled to, as I understand it, are the people who were supposed to get more than the PBGC max.

AA has paid its premiums and is in full compliance with the law.

Where's the beef besides the PBGC crying about something the government allowed?
Listen to Town Hall Call

Audio of
Eric Geist, CWA research economist
Horton would not be bumping his lips if he didn't have an ace in his back pocket. There was no reason to say what he stated in an interview unless he knows something. Hint, there is a reason for this US dream to come true they are courting British Airways and stating BA has nothing to fear from US.
"American's letter sent earlier this week to current employees ignores the potential harm to retiree health benefits and glosses over the huge number of employees who would see their pensions reduced, the PBGC said in a press release.

,"American Airlines is telling their workers and retirees not to worry, but they should," J. Jioni Palmer, PBGC's director of communications, said.

American said that more than 90 percent of the 130,000 current and future retirees would not see their pensions reduced. The exception would be pilots.

LINK http://aviationblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2012/01/pbgc-to-american-airlines-but.html

I'll say again,

Yea, so?

As I said above, the ones that take the hit are the ones who should have had more than the PBGC max. I'm in that boat. Why are you more concerned about it than me? I figured/planned, years ago, that the likelyhood of me making it to retirement with our A fund fully intact was not going to happen. The APA has been negotiating solutions to move away from the DB retirement system with the company for some time now. Even pre-BK. It's out of my hands. Entirely. As a comany, how can we have a level playing field with the competition if no one else maintains a DB plan?

I'll ask again, why are you more concerned about this than me?

Are you holding out hope the PBGC somehow force AA to fund the retirements so that LCC has a chance of purchasing AA?
How so? APA presented a transition plan away from the traditional DB retirement plans.
Not APFA—APA. They were ridiculous. They did not give their membership the opportunity to vote on the company’s proposal—and here we are in bankruptcy. Thanks APA. <_<
Not APFA—APA. They were ridiculous. They did not give their membership the opportunity to vote on the company’s proposal—and here we are in bankruptcy. Thanks APA. <_<
Dont be so fooled to think that bull led us into BK. It was part of AAs long term plan. You're smarter than that!!! I hope.....
Think about it.... AA now has 2 chances at getting cuts from their employees ( in 2003 and now in 2012).

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