Im an exTWA Employee and I look forward to the day the most Senior AA employees get stapled to US or Delta's seniority list. I will throw a party for my exTWA friends.
How is he going to put forth a believable POR with that kind of cost increase? How is he going to even make payments on that kind of money? Pay everyone minimum wage with the DB pensions being the only benefit?If Parker came up with enough money to save the pentions and merge the companys wouldn't that be a win (aa) win (us) win (pbgc)?
I have never looked or posted on the USAirways board on this forum.
The pilot forums elsewhere are spammed with thread after thread of east vs. west civil war. Why would I want more of that "news" here?
Why are YOU here?
How is he going to put forth a believable POR with that kind of cost increase? How is he going to even make payments on that kind of money? Pay everyone minimum wage with the DB pensions being the only benefit?
Plus, bankruptcy law specifies that all creditors be treated basically the same. How do you increase employee costs $1 Billion or more per year, not give the other creditors a scalping, and pretend that the result of merging one airline losing money with another barely making money will result in a carrier that will be profitable?
sYou will die in that misery because thanks to you and TWA'rs there is no more
stapling. Thank you!!!
Are you quite finished with the goose gander bit? <_<US escaped liquidation twice and terminating DB pensions was part of the reason they escaped. So it seems that what was good for the goose (US) should be good for the gander (AA). Or are you saying that some of the geese (US/UA/DL/NW) had the right to get fat by dumping pensions but the lone goose that hasn't done that yet should starve to death so the vultures (now US/DL/UA) can feed on the carcass.
It would be wrong to dump our problem on the taxpayer. If pensions are gone—so be it. We have no right to ask the taxpayer to foot the bill (Ex 20:15).Pensions need to stay with the companies and not on the taxpayers?
Are you quite finished with the goose gander bit? <_<
I’m sorry you feel this way. I like my TWA co-workers. I respect them for their hard work and enjoy their company very much when we spend time together in our LGA crash pad. We play Scrabble®. 😀Better yet I can't wait for the day AA files chapter 7 and you and the AA'ers that disrespected us exTWA'rs apply aapply as a new hire at Delta.
There is no karma (Deut 32:38). :wacko: Visit us at someday.“Karma is a biatch isn't it…”
Not this airline—that’s for damn sure (Ps 111:10). :wacko:What are you worried about .... you're a bluebird!
What does an auto industry government bailout have to do with AA's CH 11 filing?How did the auto companies do it three years ago? Last I read he and his venture capitalist buddies were willing to come up with "many billions" to put it together? Most of the wealth on wall street these days came from dumping pensions, and screwing workers, and the rest from outsourcing US manufacturing jobs to China ..... Maybe some of it should flow back where it belongs. If these fat cats want to do big mergers, buy billions of dollars worth of new airplanes maybe they should be required to earn profits while running an airline and treating their employees fairly at the same time? Not by dumping pension and healthcare on the government?
Since the government played it's roll, deregulation, and over the years encouraging too much competition ... in order to drive down labor, maybe it's time for it to change it's over-site philosophy.
Bottom line is there are too many seats out there and the airlines can't charge enough to support themselves and it's workers. Seats have to be reduced and ticket prices have to go up. Pensions need to stay with the companies and not on the taxpayers?
Help us out, AANOTOK. 😱 “I need to buy a vowel (Ingraham).” :huh:Bitter betty alone in her misery...