American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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What amazes me is how you’re one of the most vocal advocates about how people in the past sold you out but here you are begging to do the same thing to the next generation.

“You” want to vote now because “you” want the money that the Company promised to give you.

“You” shall not pass”

I was "B-Scale" the first day I came to work and I will always be. I have shown my disdain for the structure of the TWU, yes for 30+ years. I want a contract and never having voted yes I always found something I did not like mostly against one workgroup or another. The sellout was a "B-Scale" so those already on the property could retire or gain a better package for themselves. The main issue someone is going to lose whether they are here now or not. The only thing I want from the company is the Doug Parker and or Robert Isom stated Delta or United +3%. The problem with that is Fleet Service will lose on scope alone. No I am not advocating to punish those not here, but is it ok if while waiting on that contract the TWU people lose everyday?
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Not sure where the confusion lies. Are YOU able to discern a concessionairy contract offer from one that is not concessionairy?
One is a positive contract and one is a negative contract for the membership, not just you. Of course you do have to weigh how it effects you personally.
Giving up work is a NEGATIVE thing. Once it starts, it will never end until all are gone

If the mechanics obtain less than what Doug Parker stated then it is concessionary
“I” don’t want them to bring “me” out what “I” would likely call a piece of crap contact also.

“I” don’t want them to waste “my” time or give in to the greedy little minions who just want the quick cash.
I promise to go ahead and retire when I get my $250,000...
I was "B-Scale" the first day I came to work and I will always be. I have shown my disdain for the structure of the TWU, yes for 30+ years. I want a contract and never having voted yes I always found something I did not like mostly against one workgroup or another. The sellout was a "B-Scale" so those already on the property could retire or gain a better package for themselves. The main issue someone is going to lose whether they are here now or not. The only thing I want from the company is the Doug Parker and or Robert Isom stated Delta or United +3%. The problem with that is Fleet Service will lose on scope alone. No I am not advocating to punish those not here, but is it ok if while waiting on that contract the TWU people lose everyday?

Buck you need to stop with pointing the finger at an acronym. It wasn’t an acronym that sold you out to come in under a B Scale, it was people. You could have come up with any acronym you wanted and it still would have been the same people selling you out so they could get some $$$$. So now I’m asking you if you want the next generation thinking you and yours were a bunch of sellouts too?

You got to be kidding me that you only want Delta + 3%. Dude that’s absolutely terrible. Parker originally promised top of the industry + 7%. I have no interest at all in a lousy 3%

And what do you mean Fleet Service will lose on Scope alone? Who (seriously) are you listening to? The Company still wants to chop the crap out of your work too don’t kid yourself otherwise.

What are you losing every day? Buck you make good pay and benefits right now. You’re just focusing on the few groups out there that are making a little more than you.

I don’t know but I just get this sense of Deja Vu. Like History is always doomed to repeat itself and each Generation is always going to screw the next even after they spent the last 30 years complaining how they got screwed by the one before.

Dude I just don’t dig that Roller Coaster ride myself.
If the mechanics obtain less than what Doug Parker stated then it is concessionary

On wages Parker stated whoever was at the top of the industry between Delta or United plus 7%

You should expect anything less.


I promise to go ahead and retire when I get my $250,000...

Where are you getting $250,000? The buyout offer was 1 year salary.
Ratification Vote day!!
Exactly. I have been telling the weezal that for long time. T/A day will be chaotic once all the nego info is out there. I have said that from the very beginning...

What happen to the day when a negotiating committee would put out a T/A for the membership to vote on with either the committees endorsement or their non endorsement. Some contracts were ratified without the unions endorsement and at times they were rejected although the committee recommended an approval. Now an individual states if he doesn't like it, you won't get it. Hey John, you and your boys work for the membership, they don't work for you.
Because your union is caving to the companies demands that they do not endorse or not endorse, typical company movement. Our company asked for the very same but got the exact opposite...
Buck you need to stop with pointing the finger at an acronym. It wasn’t an acronym that sold you out to come in under a B Scale, it was people. You could have come up with any acronym you wanted and it still would have been the same people selling you out so they could get some $$$$. So now I’m asking you if you want the next generation thinking you and yours were a bunch of sellouts too?

You got to be kidding me that you only want Delta + 3%. Dude that’s absolutely terrible. Parker originally promised top of the industry + 7%. I have no interest at all in a lousy 3%

And what do you mean Fleet Service will lose on Scope alone? Who (seriously) are you listening to? The Company still wants to chop the crap out of your work too don’t kid yourself otherwise.

What are you losing every day? Buck you make good pay and benefits right now. You’re just focusing on the few groups out there that are making a little more than you.

I don’t know but I get this sense of Deja Vu. Like History is always doomed to repeat itself and each Generation is still going to screw the next even after they spent the last 30 years complaining about how they got screwed by the one before.

Dude I don’t dig that Roller Coaster rides myself.

It was not me that created the labels.
The labels speak of years concession.
I use these labels, so we don't forget how the TWU and the company have screwed every generation.
Yes let's stop using the labels or acronyms: TWU, IAM, and Association.
Do you believe that the members working today care about what's coming in the door? The majority have already gone thru your scenario. The old guys back from the 1983 contract would tells us "you knew what you were getting into" or "you will get yours someday".

DL and UA +3% or 7%, whatever...
I was just pointing out that the company made the statement.
Fleet Service will be lucky not to get what United has, Unlimitrd Part Time.
But if necessary

Mechanics pay, we were at the bottom of the pay scales for years and the only thing that got us was the company needing the mechanics to work on both fleets. Why did our negotiators turn down the VC 7th Week at 29 years for the mechanics?
TWU members are losing wages and benefits everyday. Healthcare cost and Holidays and possibly things like shift premiums.

Generations? Welcome to the TWU.
We will never be even with DL as long as their Profit Sharing is 10x ours.
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On wages Parker stated whoever was at the top of the industry between Delta or United plus 7%

You should expect anything less.

Where are you getting $250,000? The buyout offer was 1 year salary.

I made that one up but it got you.
What did the union give on? Nothing, your just as bad as little Timmy with your made up facts and misinformation. You’ll never change nor will you get it.
Look, with a Labor Organization, we arent suppose to be bringing up the bottom. We are always behind, never leading. Why pay dues for this bullchit?
Do you believe that the members working today care about what's coming in the door? The majority have already gone thru your scenario.

The old guys back from the 1983 contract would tells us "you knew what you were getting into" or "you will get yours someday".

1983 was after the 1978 Airline Deregulation Act was signed into Law and dark clouds were beginning to rise on the Horizons for the Legacy Airline Industry and its workers.

There are no more clouds and I see nothing but sunshine today.

So if there was a cycle of abuse in your Family you want to pass that on? I don’t honestly know what the “members” today care about because I’m only “one” member.

I don’t speak for anyone but myself.

DL and UA +3% or 7%, whatever...
I was just pointing out that the company made the statement.
Fleet Service will be lucky not to get what United has, Unlimitrd Part Time.
But if necessary

There’s a big difference between 3% and 7% or even more than that. Plus I need to know what the percentage looks like over the next 5 years so I don’t fall behind also. That’s pretty important you know.

Where are you getting the word “Lucky” first? Where are you getting your information that Part Time at another Airline is unlimited? And why are you suspecting that our Negotiators are going to accept or have even been asked to accept weaker language than we already own?

Have you read either of our Fleet contracts to know what the PT language is today?

Mechanics pay, we were at the bottom of the pay scales for years and the only thing that got us was the company needing the mechanics to work on both fleets. Why did our negotiators turn down the VC 7th Week at 29 years for the mechanics?

If you were at the bottom compared to 3 or 4 other Airlines it was because more work was/is insourced at AA than any other Airline.

Would you have preferred they outsource almost all overhaul and maybe they could have closed TUL and you could have ended up maybe in JFK?

How do you know for a fact that you were offered a 7th week of Vacation and it was turned down? Have you gone to a Union meeting and asked Dale what that story is if there actually is a story?

How do you know when you get a TA that there won’t be a 7th week of Vacation in that package?

Generations? Welcome to the TWU.
We will never be even with DL as long as their Profit Sharing is 10x ours.

There you go with the acronym pumping again. No. Welcome to the Human race. It can be a pretty greedy disgusting little race at times.

We won’t be like Delta as long as they earn more profit than AA, as long as they put more Profit aside than AA and as long as they share their Profit with 40,000 less in house Employees than AA. (I’m still going to pump the narrative that we’re being shortchanged while we’re in Negotiations though)

Have you ever thought about comparing us to JetBlue or Frontier or any carrier in their wheelhouse?

I bet their Employees say every day they’ll never be even with us here at AA also.
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