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Iam Negotiations

USFLIBOI says, No one didnt provide dip this time because hello? WE DIDNT GO IN ASKING????

USAIR knew they'd have no one to ask brother!!!!!!!! THAT'S WHY, it's just a matter of time probably January. There is no light at the end of that tunnel B)
700UW said:
Very well said Phantom!

No group is being asked to give up as much and vote themesleves out of a job.

700UW, with the CWA, Reservations was the sacraficial lamb, and thats why their buyout was $20,000 as opposed to the $15,000 to the rest of the 15 plus year employees. Its pretty obvious whom is the chosen one with the IAM. The company is gonna get their way whether its buy the judge or not, so why not at least your group have a say and at least walk away with something rather then nothing.
But you kept one center and everyone has the right to transfer to the center remaining, the company wants to eliminate as much maintenance as possible and never bring it back.
LGA / 037 said:
700UW, with the CWA, Reservations was the sacraficial lamb, and thats why their buyout was $20,000 as opposed to the $15,000 to the rest of the 15 plus year employees. Its pretty obvious whom is the chosen one with the IAM. The company is gonna get their way whether its buy the judge or not, so why not at least your group have a say and at least walk away with something rather then nothing.

If you think any of that buyout money is going to be paid your nuts. The company cannot have their say in chapter 7, which is where they should be put either by the unions sooner or their own ineptness and the marketplace in a year or so.
Winglet said:
I'll bet the execs will get theirs, if they haven't already.
SpinDoc it is 10:56am and I am still waiting for you to answer the questions.
Maybe he has a job or a life and doesn't have time to be on here 24/7 making posts about anything and everything and repeating himself over and over and over every five minutes like some people...

Just a thought.
Bear96 said:
Maybe he has a job or a life and doesn't have time to be on here 24/7 making posts about anything and everything and repeating himself over and over and over every five minutes like some people...

Just a thought.

Or maybe he doesn't have his head up a little birdies bhutt; getting all his latest information. Yes, we do know where you've been lately.
700UW said:
But you kept one center and everyone has the right to transfer to the center remaining, the company wants to eliminate as much maintenance as possible and never bring it back.

One Res center ? That is about as realistic as the Work at Home Program ! (WAH) in the new labor agreement ! Rumor has it (and I am checking hispanic sources) that an El Salvador res cnter is in the making and interviews have been going on for months now . $6.00 per hour and two weeks vacation -----------thats it !
INT or PIT will stay around a couple of years more but I would anticipate EDS or another contract group to eventually bid for a support center .
$6 an hour is more tha twice the average annual income of $5,000 a year in El Salvador. There is no way US Airways is going to raise any standard of living for any worker in any country, with the notable exception of retired and soon to be retired upper management.
If you want to stay in RES. You better ask if the company will pay moving expenses to India.
700UW said:
And ever sit on an plane and wait and wait and wait for contract mtc to show up? Plus IAH handled numerous tasks for RON mtc.

And per the FAA and US Airways, EVERY US Airways plane must be seen once per day by a US Airways mechanic in order to be legal to fly.

So glad to see you are concerned for my future.

The IAH maint. dept. handled other things like what? Sweeping the break room. Give me a break. It was wasteful to have them there for the handful of flights that went into the city and that's just one example. As for the a mechanic seeing a US Airways plane each day nothing says it has to be in the morning except when the merger took place and PI had to hire hundreds of mechanics because USAir management was so tunnel visioned they wouldn't let the aircraft checks be done when they passed through a hub or large city. Now there's a smart move.
Sounds like the IAM needs another Lavman lackey in negotiations to add more fat.
speaking of negotiations.....this doesn't look promising:
The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, the lone holdout in the US Airways' request for $1 billion in labor cuts, is still talking with the company about concessions. The unit representing the baggage handlers met with the company last week. The unit representing mechanics did not meet face-to-face with the company last week or get an official counterproposal to a union offer made Dec. 16, but there was dialogue between the two sides. The airline is seeking more than $353 million from the IAM, which represents about 9,000 baggage handlers, mechanics, stock clerks and cleaners