American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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“There are many sad stories to tell about the U.S. economy in the last 30 years, but here's a happy story for everybody (except the airlines), from radical capitalists to the most liberal consumer advocates. Getting government out of the business of regulating the skies has led to a remarkable collapse in airline prices

A happy story for consumers isn't necessarily a happy story for the airline industry, which bled an astounding $51 billion between 2001 and 2011 and lost money in every other year since 1981”
You are making him turn into Mr Hyde again. Dude is bi polar to the max. I like the good Weez but the bad weez is just unreasonable and imo destructive to weez' health. He needs to get off of here and redouble his health then maybe come back on.

Yeah, I noticed.

Look Einstein, I have been in the industry a lot longer than you have.
So, your lame google search skills for digging up airline history are not gaining you any traction in your argument. All that **** you posted is a "given" to me, not a gee wiz, I didn't know that.
You have shown your true allegiance enough times on these threads.
You throw some **** at the wall, see if it sticks.
Then come back a post or two later and claim you're just a regular guy with no political bias, and no ties to the International.
yea, so anyways, the first step that Mr Baskett takes in support of the TWU may possibly mean the loss of 1,200 jobs, including several in CLT who handle a few of those 75s. Time will tell.

Do you live under the illusion if you post or say something enough it will come true??
I’ve already told you before on this exact post, that your way off on the 1200 Jobs. Or maybe you had it up to 2000 Jobs then. No job loss in clt from 175 work. Mainline works very few anymore. And DC has crossutilized which kicked in no displacement from that city protection, except those that were hired after the date of the interim agreement. Which isn’t that many. So I guess your going to say that 99% or those 1200 are going to be in Phl. But keep saying it, someone like you probably hopes it comes true. But again. Your way off on the 1200.
the company has utilized iam to do all the republic air R75 work in many stations. In phl its almost 1 whole concourse and 750 spots. Those jobs could all be gone if the iam joins the twu in actions or talk against the company.
UNTRUE....The R75 work in Phl as of the March schedule is 95 flights A WEEK!!!!!! Roughy 13-14 flights DAILY!!!!! With gates doing roughly 8-10 turns a day with maybe a RON and/or an ORIGINATOR This amounts to one gate....(TWO at the MAX).
To be fair.....the number of jobs that could be affected in Phl IF THE COMPANY GETS THEIR LANGUAGE WITH “ CORE WORK” and “WHEN and WHERE so DIRECTED” could quite possibly even top the 750.
That Socialist union made sure a long time ago that your ass had a spot to come into. Otherwise your ass would be across the field earning half what you do now. (BLS REPORTS DONT LIE)

You don't know what you're talking about. The same day American called me to start work, so did Continental. About 2 weeks later, UAL called with an offer to start. The market dictates through supply and demand, and AA hired me - not the TWU. That almighty union you love, had 3 pay scales by the time I got there. Do you think they explained any of that in the job interview? There was no internet back then to research info of this nature. It was hard knox education, and from almost day one this union has been an abject failure from my perspective, and I'm not alone in that sentiment.

By the time we voted on going to one pay scale in the 92 contract extension, there was another controversy; in that, there was a 6 month delay on the correction.
Look Einstein, I have been in the industry a lot longer than you have.
So, your lame google search skills for digging up airline history are not gaining you any traction in your argument. All that **** you posted is a "given" to me, not a gee wiz, I didn't know that.
You have shown your true allegiance enough times on these threads.
You throw some **** at the wall, see if it sticks.
Then come back a post or two later and claim you're just a regular guy with no political bias, and no ties to the International.

None of this refuted not a single word or post I made. I can paint you any way I want and you can paint me any way you want. None of it means chit if one of us has his facts down and the other guy don’t. Next you’ll probably go back to I’m only a little FSC to try and contain your embarrassment that you don’t have any good counterpoints.

BTW who cares about Political biases. If I wanted to talk about that crap I’d go up in the Water Cooler where I wouldn’t be very popular I think. I lean about 35% Conservative, 65% Liberal. A buddy of mine in Texas thinks I’m a Libertarian. Actually I’m a Humanist.

And yea I have ties to the International. I’m friends with Alex Garcia and I talk and text Mike Mays once in awhile (Nowhere near what you might think) I don’t think there’s anything wrong with making friends and showing friends support.

I also made what I think are some friends in the IAM too if that matters to you?
That Socialist union made sure a long time ago that your ass had a spot to come into. Otherwise your ass would be across the field earning half what you do now. (BLS REPORTS DONT LIE)

You don't know what you're talking about. The same day American called me to start work, so did Continental. About 2 weeks later, UAL called with an offer to start. The market dictates through supply and demand, and AA hired me - not the TWU. That almighty union you love, had 3 pay scales by the time I got there. Do you think they explained any of that in the job interview? There was no internet back then to research info of this nature. It was hard knox education, and from almost day one this union has been an abject failure from my perspective, and I'm not alone in that sentiment.

By the time we voted on going to one pay scale in the 92 contract extension, there was another controversy; in that, there was a 6 month delay on the correction.

Weren’t Continental and United also Unionized? Did you know or even care what Unions any of these Carriers had? And if you didn’t like the deal you got or took on at AA you I’m sure could have gotten into one of those other carriers or maybe even be working for SWA today.

No you’re looking back in hindsight with regrets. Your regrets are that you should have had a crystal ball to see the future and if you had that crystal ball it would have led you to try to get in at UPS or FEDEX and work in Louisville or Memphis because the only focus you would have would be where can you get paid the most.

Or do you like where you live and don’t want to live anywhere else?

“If they don’t like it they can always move”
the union leaders should put down in writing exactly what the company wants. according to them in private all our jobs, but they can't put it down in writing because the company won't put it down in writing. Fyou Trumka, F-you samuelson, Fyou everyone involved in this contract. You're all a bunch of over salaried bull-ka ka artists on an endless vacation. At least Charlie Brown came on here and b asically said this was the right thing to do from the iam perspective. good luck picketing and the social media campaign, aa should care. You're al a bunch of a-holes. Now come back on here and tell us to k now our place, and how the company isn't negotiating, Go to arbitration now then. Liars, give yourselves another raise. .
the union leaders should put down in writing exactly what the company wants. according to them in private all our jobs, but they can't put it down in writing because the company won't put it down in writing. Fyou Trumka, F-you samuelson, Fyou everyone involved in this contract. You're all a bunch of over salaried bull-ka ka artists on an endless vacation. At least Charlie Brown came on here and b asically said this was the right thing to do from the iam perspective. good luck picketing and the social media campaign, aa should care. You're al a bunch of a-holes. Now come back on here and tell us to k now our place, and how the company isn't negotiating, Go to arbitration now then. Liars, give yourselves another raise. .
I guess you are not aware that on both NCs there are members that are actually paid their hourly rate of pay not salaried.... and actually work in their respective class/craft.
the union leaders should put down in writing exactly what the company wants. according to them in private all our jobs, but they can't put it down in writing because the company won't put it down in writing. Fyou Trumka, F-you samuelson, Fyou everyone involved in this contract. You're all a bunch of over salaried bull-ka ka artists on an endless vacation. At least Charlie Brown came on here and b asically said this was the right thing to do from the iam perspective. good luck picketing and the social media campaign, aa should care. You're al a bunch of a-holes. Now come back on here and tell us to k now our place, and how the company isn't negotiating, Go to arbitration now then. Liars, give yourselves another raise. .
You want ARBITRATION????? Go ask the FAs how THAT worked out for them.
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