Tim Nelson
Unfortunately, you are correct.And you won't see it until there is some major threat of layoffs in an IAM station. People like The Baskett-case do nothing but lie on a daily basis. IAM is doing nothing but stalling because their members got AA money and job security while maintaining US air benefits. So while there is "some" truth that the company wants certain things the bigger issue is that the ones(IAM) that say their in there fighting for you are lying through their teeth. The IAM could care less if we ever get a contract cuz their in heaven right now laughing all the way to the bank every two weeks. Then we gotta get insulted by the Baskett-case as lies to our face with his fairytale updates smh. Until somehow, some way, we rid ourselves of the cancer aka the IAM there is no light at the end of the tunnel
Two items.
1. What exactly is the lame "AA should care" campaign expect to accomplish? An offer improvement?
Look at that petition, very few even signed it and that makes that campaign look dumb.
2. Look for the company to put 1200 IAM jobs up for bid in the coming months for fleet. There is a reason why the iam wont support the twu job actions.
So, in conclusion, the TWU appears to be putting pressure on the company to knife the iam enough to loosen up the iam into a jcba