American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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dvlhog212 said:
Best scope in the industry? 50% of overhaul, 2200 jobs, gone. Double the line outsourcing, roughly 900 jobs gone. Sorry, that does not sound like "best scope in the industry" to me.

You better get yourself educated.. does not sound like is not a fact..
dvlhog212 said:
Best scope in the industry? 50% of overhaul, 2200 jobs, gone. Double the line outsourcing, roughly 900 jobs gone. Sorry, that does not sound like "best scope in the industry" to me.

You better get yourself educated.. does not sound like is not a fact..

August 12, 2018

In this video Gary says that the Association did propose for the Company to have a fair amount of outsourcing so it’s not as if we aren’t satisfying the tenant of Good Faith bargaining.

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Difficult to organize lemmings to turn around and not go off the cliff like they have been programed.Stick with the ass and we are likely to having this tit for tat 5 years from now
Get your head out of the sand, Organizing is at a all time high
Get your head out of the sand, Organizing is at a all time high
alright let me give him the benefit of the doubt pulled my head out of the sand and stuck it in front of Google and found nothing supporting your claim, nope,actually to the contrary.I think you found a old union jetblue recruiting pamphlet on the back of the employee bus
In what sector?

Probably meant the Airline Industry.

TWU isn’t stopping there.

“When we complete this contract with the flight attendants, we look forward to organizing the mechanics and gate agents,” said John Samuelsen, international president. “We are already having those discussions.”

Samuelsen said the carrier has about 750 mechanics and 2,500 passenger service agents. The airline said it has 21,000 employees but declined to provide a breakdown by work group.
You're losing out on nothing if your job is gone, what do you think scope is all about?
Scope is about union dues. The union is a business just like AA no different. If the union really cared about the people it would be a non-profit and would be there solely for the purpose of advancing workers rights and compensation. Instead they are in it for your and my money. Just last week I got mail from the twu trying to sell me insurance, the union should never be trying to sell me anything.

I am not worried one bit about my job.
Were you a part of any of the protests staged all over the Country?

You know there are limits to what we can do unless you want to put your neck on the line and we can go all Anarchist.

Should we go with a little Anarchy?
What would that mean?? We are not allowed to strike or have a job action. So what would the anarchy entail.
What would that mean?? We are not allowed to strike or have a job action. So what would the anarchy entail.

People are not allowed to supposedly do a lot of things by Law but they do them anyway.

Those who don’t abide by the Law are called Anarchists.

Definition of anarchist

1: a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power

2: a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchyespecially : one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order
Scope is about union dues. The union is a business just like AA no different. If the union really cared about the people it would be a non-profit and would be there solely for the purpose of advancing workers rights and compensation. Instead they are in it for your and my money. Just last week I got mail from the twu trying to sell me insurance, the union should never be trying to sell me anything.

I am not worried one bit about my job.

Non-profit organizations include churches, public schools, public charities, public clinics and hospitals, political organizations, legal aid societies, volunteer services organizations, “””labor unions”””, professional associations, research institutes, museums, and some governmental agencies.

“A labor organization is an association of workers who have combined to protect or promote their interests by bargaining collectively with their employers to secure better working conditions, wages, and similar benefits. Similar benefits include benefits traditionally provided by labor organizations such as strike, lockout, death, sickness, accident, and other benefits. Labor organizations need not be recognized labor unions. An organization does not qualify for exemption if its net earnings inure to the benefit of any member.”
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