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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Oh timmy timmy timmy or if we're being so formal Mr. Nelson, tell me something when you start the TWO (timmy world order) union and you try to convince oh I don't know Spirit airlines or the panhandlers under the overpass where I-10 & I-17 meet is your opening line going to be " You need a union, I have my own. I quit a union so you really don't have any reason to trust me, but trust me the t.w.o. Will always let you know, where to go. And since I've turned my back one one union already, and support political candidates who are notorious for crushing unions there's no reason, errr I mean plenty of reason to trust me"
Oh my good golly sign me up.

Btw weez I've been assigned the HNL organizing section. You can keep fll
now isnt the time to raid fleet service.

Great video although he shouldnt be so explicit about a slowdown?
lmao how he just let it fly and went personal against Isom trying a power move against Parker which is like telling parker to fire isom.

What is most important is that he confirmed that the pilots and flight attendants are solid with us. Thats due to the laa culture. LUS was never like that.
Well, gloves are off and im sure the environment is now too polluted for the company to negotiate.

Looks like a called shot over labor day by Gary. Lets see how his mx react and if the company rolls over or throws some punches as well?
Great video although he shouldnt be so explicit about a slowdown?
lmao how he just let it fly and went personal against Isom trying a power move against Parker which is like telling parker to fire isom.

What is most important is that he confirmed that the pilots and flight attendants are solid with us. Thats due to the laa culture. LUS was never like that.
Well, gloves are off and im sure the environment is now too polluted for the company to negotiate.

Looks like a called shot over labor day by Gary. Lets see how his mx react and if the company rolls over or throws some punches as well?
Take that video to a judge and get an injunction
Ah excellent Steve. To be honest they did ask me if I wanted that one instead but I told them that Volcanoes frighten the crap out of me.

I’m telling you the same as I told our handlers. That Diamond Head is a ticking time bomb gonna blow its top just like Krakatoa. I’m always right.

Damn you weez, they gave you more seniority then me. I'll have to fix that when C.B. buys me lunch. Because as you well know a fat guy never turns down a free lunch
Not looking to fight here but every time someone mentions the “smaller” IAM or groups I wonder if they just wanted the opportunity to completely squash anything they may have liked?

Should any of their wants have just been completely ignored?

Guess that's why your Avatar is Wonder Weasle..
We have lost our Shift Change policy in TULE (something I really liked) and this group thinks it deserves something special, sorry for not having much compassion.
Also, everything given up or lost to date has been without ANY type of vote from the membership, primarily the loss of leverage that they had with FOI given for the raise. Before you go saying that I wouldn't have turned down the raise let me say if it was made clear to everyone that we would lose so much leverage it would have been voted down I believe.
In this day and age Union Leverage is very rare to non existent and they SQUANDERED IT and here we are with LAA/TWU holding the short end of the stick.
I am getting ready to enjoy a three day weekend (the first one of this year) so before you post another QWERTY catharsis reply to me I won't be back until Tuesday.
Have a good weekend. And I sincerely mean that.
Take that video to a judge and get an injunction
it does sound like he called a shot over the weekend?
If the company recognizes that and files an injunction then it airs its dirty laundry and lets the public know that **** has hit the fan......and passengers feel insecure and book elsewhere. But something has to give because if the company doesnt sue baskett and peterson for going on record seemingly calling for a slowdown AND a slowdown actually happens in concert, then the company risk F'n up its thanksgiving/Christmas $$$.

This is my speculation but if there was a significant slowdown then the company will force an injunction from an all too willing judge in texas or NC. But this would then go national live with the worst possible media disaster for the company as shipping jobs overseas is bigtime frowned on now in this country since we have a president who is against it.
it does sound like he called a shot over the weekend?
If the company recognizes that and files an injunction then it airs its dirty laundry and lets the public know that **** has hit the fan......and passengers feel insecure and book elsewhere. But something has to give because if the company doesnt sue baskett and peterson for going on record seemingly calling for a slowdown AND a slowdown actually happens in concert, then the company risk F'n up its thanksgiving/Christmas $$$.

This is my speculation but if there was a significant slowdown then the company will force an injunction from an all too willing judge in texas or NC. But this would then go national live with the worst possible media disaster for the company as shipping jobs overseas is bigtime frowned on now in this country since we have a president who is against it.
If they do sue will Peterson and Baskett be doing their next video with no shirts and in black and white?
If they do sue will Peterson and Baskett be doing their next video with no shirts and in black and white?
Chances are that the union may have us flip the bill. Remember, we have Christmas and Thanksgiving around the corner. The company isn't going to just sit back and be passive, it will most likely have to go public (something it wouldn't want to do but have no choice) with an injunction if there is any hint of dabbling by Mr Peterson and Mr Baskett. Cuz if those two do incite a slowdown, and it is measurable, then won't the company mobilize to protect the holiday season?

It would be a power play by Peterson. If it does go public then he will most likely have to attach the fact that the company wants to send our jobs to mexico or brazil. I can tell you 100% that will NOT play well to the American public or this US Administration. American risk damaging its image, an image which may quickly look Un-AMerican. Peterson appears to be stepping up and out calling out the company with words and actions. Risky indeed but something gotta give since Isom is not taking anything seriously apparently.

Remember, a corporate campaign is the most aggressive weapon a union can use against a company. And it is only employed when things have broken down. If Peterson goes the Corporate campaign route (And it's not illegal) to paint this company as un American sending jobs overseas, I think that will have an element of success against the branding.

Mechanical Discrepancy: Put It in the Book, Then Call It In
All of us appreciate having an aircraft that is mechanically sound when we show up at the gate. A trend has been identified where pilots are not entering mechanical discrepancies in the Aircraft Maintenance Log (AML) until after they have conferred with an Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT).

APA has been advised of circumstances where radio communications have suggested not entering a discrepancy.

If a mechanical discrepancy is discovered – whether on the ground or in the air, during pre-flight, cruise, post-flight or through-flight – FAR 121.563 and Flight Manual Part 1, Section 5.3, paragraph 5.3.1.B are quite clear:

All discrepancies discovered by the Flight Crew shall be entered in the AML. The Captain is responsible for all Flight Crewmember entries into the AML. The Captain may delegate writing entries in the AML, but no entry may be made without the Captain’s prior knowledge and approval.

FAR 121.563

121.563 Reporting mechanical irregularities.

The pilot in command shall ensure that all mechanical irregularities occurring during flight time are entered in the maintenance log of the airplane at the end of that flight time. Before each flight the pilot in command shall ascertain the status of each irregularity entered in the log at the end of the preceding flight.

Please ensure you follow the FARs and FM Part 1 explicitly. It is the responsibility of each of us to ensure safe operation of our aircraft. The AMTs cannot fix what is not written and documented in the AML.

Thanks for your professionalism and expertise.

Mechanical Discrepancy: Put It in the Book, Then Call It In
All of us appreciate having an aircraft that is mechanically sound when we show up at the gate. A trend has been identified where pilots are not entering mechanical discrepancies in the Aircraft Maintenance Log (AML) until after they have conferred with an Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT).

APA has been advised of circumstances where radio communications have suggested not entering a discrepancy.

If a mechanical discrepancy is discovered – whether on the ground or in the air, during pre-flight, cruise, post-flight or through-flight – FAR 121.563 and Flight Manual Part 1, Section 5.3, paragraph 5.3.1.B are quite clear:

All discrepancies discovered by the Flight Crew shall be entered in the AML. The Captain is responsible for all Flight Crewmember entries into the AML. The Captain may delegate writing entries in the AML, but no entry may be made without the Captain’s prior knowledge and approval.

FAR 121.563

121.563 Reporting mechanical irregularities.

The pilot in command shall ensure that all mechanical irregularities occurring during flight time are entered in the maintenance log of the airplane at the end of that flight time. Before each flight the pilot in command shall ascertain the status of each irregularity entered in the log at the end of the preceding flight.

Please ensure you follow the FARs and FM Part 1 explicitly. It is the responsibility of each of us to ensure safe operation of our aircraft. The AMTs cannot fix what is not written and documented in the AML.

Thanks for your professionalism and expertise.
Just out of curiosity what is fleet service doing to get a contract? Bag numbers look great, departures are good. Great job guys!

I have told people and written on my facebook group, and on here, how the company offered ALL current work at ALL 40 stations, including catering. And that's true, they offered all of that. What is equally true, is they got beyond scope and went to other issues, the offer was pulled as the IAM made the IAM Pension a deal breaker. What Baskett and Peterson will not tell you is that catering itself was offered in the protection. We know that. You do as well. But to cover for the IAM Pension, we are now expected to believe in conspiracy theories as officially recognized by the Association channeled through Gary Peterson.

Look, Gary and Baskett can continue their working class hero Bullchit and wear their tin caps as they say negotiations were sabatoged due to Ronald Isom trying to climb the corporate ladder in some mythical coup to oust Parker. And you can agree with Gary that Parker isn't the enemy. But what you can't do is make me believe in such a moronic, ridiculous conspiracy as our Association put forth. And that's the story. After 4 years, the official video we have Gary wearing a tin cap putting forth the secret Robert Isom coup which is so secret that Robert Isom doesn't even know it. Like I said, nobody can stop Charlie Brown and Gary Peterson's working class hero banter, but they can't deny that all 40 stations scope WAS OFFERED until Sito F'd it all up.
You have told people and written on your facebook group Tim?

Oh boy the Association is in BIG trouble now......
It isn't important what I write, but what is important is that it was confirmed by the union. As much as Mr Baskett wants to say that they want to contract all of us out, that was never offered. What was officially offered by Parker, spoken by Parker in the videos, then confirmed by someone who spoke to me, was that the work at all 40 stations was in fact offered. I've told you catering as well although I can't stop Baskett from lying. Finally, the union admitted that this was all true even though YOU and especially Steve was saying it was all garbage lies. But the union put a twist on it by saying that even though the offer did include all of the same work at all 40 stations, that offer was later removed due to other issues brought up. What they continually REFUSE to tell you is that the IAM Pension is the deal breaker. And instead of disclosing the truth, you and other working class heros who ring the bells of these chaotic updates want members to believe the conspiracy theories that somehow Robert Isom is planning some secret coup against Parker and is sabotaging negotiations to drive down the stock price and oust Parker, because as Gary says "I've seen it before". REALLLY WEASSLES? REALLY? You want us to believe that the Flying Speghetti Monster is real and that it is Robert Isom? Everyone, please watch Gary's video where he says that our negotiations are sabatoged because Robert Isom is trying to drive down the stock price to climb the corporate ladder...it's around the 5 minute mark. Folks, we deserve better than our top negotiator wearing a tin cap and bantering about conspiracy theories.
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