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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Tim will we have the same negotiators in section 6?If so it will kinda look like Groundhog day to me
section 6 will still have the same bell ringers. All of whom kiss Sitos pinky to continue feeding their families steak. And thats the story.

You want to read something funny? Go to some of their fb pages and they hate trump and are claiming that the economy is gonna tank.

If they really believed that, and if it happened, then half or more of what the company proposed would come off the table. Instead of $33 at dos, it will be $28.

Thats if trump haters like blowhards like steve are correct.

Dude talks out of both sides
So again I’m still asking would you have preferred we just simply went by a bully arrangement and just squashed anything they might have liked over what we like just to speed things along?

How much do you know or understand about the TWU “Roll Call”?

The Association IS a bully arrangement!!
The Association IS a bully arrangement!!

Ok you couldn’t answer my question so that has to tell me yes. You would have preferred to be able to step on the minority rather than letting them have a voice too.
Gary says Isom is the enemy and not Parker. The war starts Labor Day...
Gary says Isom is the enemy and not Parker. The war starts Labor Day...
I dont think it works that way,thats like saying the Colonel is our enemy not the General chain of command goes up in this case...............whatever I'm sick of it
I dont think it works that way,thats like saying the Colonel is our enemy not the General chain of command goes up in this case...............whatever I'm sick of it
Watch to video, says Isom wants Parkers Job. But, I agree, I see no end in sight.
Of course he does and someday he'll probably get it.
I guess my point was (or Gary's) it's a power struggle and Isom is the blame for our lack of a contract.
But yes, of course he does, and he will probably get it.
About 2 weeks.
And you are NOT a part of your collective bargaining agent no matter how much you want to thrwo your twu under the bus for an iam job. Ive heard employees like you before. Blowhard that has never organized one soul into this miserable union.

Tell me Mr Walegir, would you have been as short sighted as your future IAM boss Mr Baskett when he voted to approve the united contract and did so because he said united wasnt any of our business?

Oh timmy timmy timmy or if we're being so formal Mr. Nelson, tell me something when you start the TWO (timmy world order) union and you try to convince oh I don't know Spirit airlines or the panhandlers under the overpass where I-10 & I-17 meet is your opening line going to be " You need a union, I have my own. I quit a union so you really don't have any reason to trust me, but trust me the t.w.o. Will always let you know, where to go. And since I've turned my back one one union already, and support political candidates who are notorious for crushing unions there's no reason, errr I mean plenty of reason to trust me"
Oh my good golly sign me up.

Btw weez I've been assigned the HNL organizing section. You can keep fll
The Twu currently in their contract has rotating shifts in lga which is where Al is located. Rotating meaning days then nights. They argue or discuss ( if arguing is too strong for some) it’s more fair to everyone that way.

Days off rotate,not your shifts. Same at JFK.
Btw weez I've been assigned the HNL organizing section. You can keep fll

Ah excellent Steve. To be honest they did ask me if I wanted that one instead but I told them that Volcanoes frighten the crap out of me.

I’m telling you the same as I told our handlers. That Diamond Head is a ticking time bomb gonna blow its top just like Krakatoa. I’m always right.
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