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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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It’s just something they’ve done there for a very long time and as you know they weren’t going to part with it. I didn’t rotate when I was there cause they didn’t rotate PT.

I’m not a fan and don’t agree with the rotating for lots of reasons.

With 40 years though Al is not going to have to rotate if he doesn’t want to. His friends are a different story though.
True. With 40, he will not have to rotate. But again, I understand him being pissed about it.
Bet you know exactly what his status is,at least you should considering your position. Instead of bickering with Tim wouldn't your time be better served clearing up any concerns and answering any questions from the ranks in your station.Perhaps someone in the video wasn't 100% honest or maybe a honest mistake and you should clear that up
Al you should know by now that twu/iam leaders are rude and arrogant and care about one thing only there big paychecks and retirement . And there A5 passes they get it all us union paying members get two union who couldn’t negotiate there way out of a bag over there head. Plus they can’t seem to answer questions the members want to know. I’m fed up with this association signed my AMP card . You folks in fleet should get your own fleet service union and show the twu/iam off the property. After what sito and the iam did to Boeing workers , the iam should be put out of there misery . No wonder South Carolina Boeing turned down the iam. If sito can’t respect the first vote they turned down to loose there retirement when the locals were happy with it being turned down the first time. But sito had to stick his head into it get another vote of course no matter how the members voted it was going to pass sito had to keep his 270000 plus benefits. I do not know how anyone can support the iam/twu with all the pay and benefit cuts they have gave away . I say we should stop giving them our hard earn money till they stop playing around . But of course they would fire us all for that since there such great people.
Pardon my ignorance, but what are "rotating shifts"? I assume something to do with differing shifts, but are they related to days off, shift times or both? And what's the rational as to doing them? Do they change weekly?
The Twu currently in their contract has rotating shifts in lga which is where Al is located. Rotating meaning days then nights. They argue or discuss ( if arguing is too strong for some) it’s more fair to everyone that way.
Al if and when you get a jcba and forced into the twu. Go to a union meeting make a motion to go straight shifts bring all the senior people with you to second it and get a vote. They tried to get rotating shifts in avionics dfw us senior guys had enough to stay straight shifts. By a vote. So you can try that I hope it works for you
The Twu currently in their contract has rotating shifts in lga which is where Al is located. Rotating meaning days then nights. They argue or discuss ( if arguing is too strong for some) it’s more fair to everyone that way.

Actually they rotate their days off every month. So say you take a bid and you have Sat Sun when the bid starts. That S/S lasts you for 1 month. The next Month you have Thu Fri off, next Month Tue Wed until the new bid starts and you do it all over again.

And yes it’s 100% nuts and it’s only done in NYC. No other TWU Station in the system does it. It’s completely (And will remain that way) exclusive.
Actually they rotate their days off every month. So say you take a bid and you have Sat Sun when the bid starts. That S/S lasts you for 1 month. The next Month you have Thu Fri off, next Month Tue Wed until the new bid starts and you do it all over again.

And yes it’s 100% nuts and it’s only done in NYC. No other TWU Station in the system does it. It’s completely (And will remain that way) exclusive.
Yes I agree it’s nuts as it was a issue that the two sides were at a standstill for a long time. But the IAM moved on that issue when the twu moved on a issue that we needed them to move on. Again. Both unions have to give and take, and you do your best to minimize any damage.
WeAA what was the original reasoning for strictly NYC to have the rotating shifts n how did the TWU come up with that or was it AA mgmt at that time?
Yes I agree it’s nuts as it was a issue that the two sides were at a standstill for a long time. But the IAM moved on that issue when the twu moved on a issue that we needed them to move on. Again. Both unions have to give and take, and you do your best to minimize any damage.

I think the solution of an in Station vote was the best and most fairest solution and another example where yes you can and did achieve compromise.

It’s going to be one hell of a contest I think.
WeAA what was the original reasoning for strictly NYC to have the rotating shifts n how did the TWU come up with that or was it AA mgmt at that time?

The story goes something like this as I was told. Upper management was allowing lower management to rotate their days off and the guys on the ramp went bananas and fought to gain the same ability. I don’t know the year and I’m assuming it was a lot of very low Seniority guys who fought for it. But that’s the basics.
Yes I agree it’s nuts as it was a issue that the two sides were at a standstill for a long time. But the IAM moved on that issue when the twu moved on a issue that we needed them to move on. Again. Both unions have to give and take, and you do your best to minimize any damage.

^^THIS is the reason for the M&R AMP drive! Bargaining between two agents over one stations wants, seriously. How many of my work rules/benefits have been bargained away to the smaller IAM?
Anyone who doesn't want to dissolve this Association has a mental problem IMO!

The name of this thread should be American Airlines and Labor/Labor Negotiations

No disrespect CB.
Actually they rotate their days off every month. So say you take a bid and you have Sat Sun when the bid starts. That S/S lasts you for 1 month. The next Month you have Thu Fri off, next Month Tue Wed until the new bid starts and you do it all over again.

And yes it’s 100% nuts and it’s only done in NYC. No other TWU Station in the system does it. It’s completely (And will remain that way) exclusive.

When I worked @jfk we rotated every 2 weeks. At the time I didn't know any better. But now looking back at it, I feel it is a horrible way of doing shifts. Thankfully it's only practiced in NYC
^^THIS is the reason for the M&R AMP drive! Bargaining between two agents over one stations wants, seriously. How many of my work rules/benefits have been bargained away to the smaller IAM?
Anyone who doesn't want to dissolve this Association has a mental problem IMO!

The name of this thread should be American Airlines and Labor/Labor Negotiations

No disrespect CB.

Perfect example of why the IAM and this ASSgroup have no business on the property. This type of stupidity is more than likely why there's no contract as well.
Yea ok. I’ll be waiting for your call.
Make sure to leave a voice message in case I don’t answer. We will see how soon that happens.
Seriously I want to buy you lunch one day to discuss your issues.
You wont be buying, we will be because you spend our money. You should share with everyone how you guys approved monthly monies for agcs to take your buddies out to eat?
And why cant you stop expensing your health care on our dime. Cripes, you cant even pay the normal contribution that we all pay.

Btw i like the video, but the association blew it when it bit on the $$ bait in exchange for cross utilization.
NYer was right. Now, sito just has to decide at what year does he want to accept the last offer, or wait 3-5 years and see what happens. Only 2 options.
Parker would rather you guys sign it but if not then no biggie for him cuz he is paying less now.
Al you should know by now that twu/iam leaders are rude and arrogant and care about one thing only there big paychecks and retirement . And there A5 passes they get it all us union paying members get two union who couldn’t negotiate there way out of a bag over there head. Plus they can’t seem to answer questions the members want to know. I’m fed up with this association signed my AMP card . You folks in fleet should get your own fleet service union and show the twu/iam off the property. After what sito and the iam did to Boeing workers , the iam should be put out of there misery . No wonder South Carolina Boeing turned down the iam. If sito can’t respect the first vote they turned down to loose there retirement when the locals were happy with it being turned down the first time. But sito had to stick his head into it get another vote of course no matter how the members voted it was going to pass sito had to keep his 270000 plus benefits. I do not know how anyone can support the iam/twu with all the pay and benefit cuts they have gave away . I say we should stop giving them our hard earn money till they stop playing around . But of course they would fire us all for that since there such great people.

Conehead, first let me reiterate a post I've made before about the AMP card drive. If you collectively feel the current situation you're in is broken and you want to fix it by establishing a new union then I support that 100%.
My question is this. From the previous AMFA card drives to the current AMP drive who will be the new leaders of your union? Will it be the same people you have now or is there / has there been a group who will step up and represent you the way you feel you need to be and haven't been getting. I ask only because if it's the same people then what leads you to believe anything will be different, and if it's a new group and they really care about change then why aren't they involved already? I mean no disrespect to you or any AC Mntc person, I appreciate the dedication you put in and what it took to get you where you are today (schooling, federal oversight) I'm just curious is all. At least you see a problem and are trying to fix it in a union fashion, as opposed to those who see a problem, try to fix it, fail, give up and quit(the union cause). I have all the respect in the world for all union people trying to make their jobs and lives better. Change takes time, and as you've seen with the AMFA drive, you'll probably stumble and fail a few times, but ultimately persistence pays off. Best of luck on your card drive.
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