Weez keeps calling himself a member. He's not. Nobody is a member, not even Screaming Mr Baskett. We have no rights whatsoever. Now, 2 years later, Baskett and Gary Peterson are left scrambling wondering what happened and apparently calling for a slowdown. Be careful with that because those guys will get sued by the company if anything significant happens in any slowdown now, plus there can be little doubt that the company would wipe out half of PHL and even some in CLT by giving the 175 work to a vendor. No bullets in our gun. The Association blew it with the cross utilization agreement. That's a fatal flaw in negotiatin 101. Never cave in on a company's biggest need by only accepting the money. Unfortunately, the TWU bit since their dues is based on base wages. We would have had a JCBA 2 years ago like everyone else. So now, the chest thumping and feet stomping and screaming updates have begun.
They present no exit strategy, they just say "Fight like hell". With what? How? They either allow the final offer to be voted on or go into section 6 and wait a few years and see what happens. The only delay could be them filing jointly for expedited mediation which never works.