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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Do I have your permission to give your number to other union members.Im sure many members have questions.The rotating shifts are a hot topic.I myself wonder why it's not a system vote after all Peterson said in one of his videos seniority is everything or words to the affect
I give my number to anyone that ask for it. It’s on the district website for all to see, so of course you do. Just plz tell them to leave a message and time they call. I can’t answer my phone a lot of times, so I have to return calls. And no, no editing the video, I said already if you have a question feel free to ask. Now how about a lunch date? I would really like to meet you and discuss your issues. You seem like someone that really gives a crap.
Do I have your permission to give your number to other union members.Im sure many members have questions.The rotating shifts are a hot topic.I myself wonder why it's not a system vote after all Peterson said in one of his videos seniority is everything or words to the affect

Al excuse me for interrupting but here’s the list of all the AGC’s including the one who has LGA assigned to him.

I give my number to anyone that ask for it. It’s on the district website for all to see, so of course you do. Just plz tell them to leave a message and time they call. I can’t answer my phone a lot of times, so I have to return calls. And no, no editing the video, I said already if you have a question feel free to ask. Now how about a lunch date? I would really like to meet you and discuss your issues. You seem like someone that really gives a crap.
If you can do something about the rotating shifts ill buy you lunch.Was it even discussed at the table or just agreed to like the bulletin boards
Never heard of him guess I don't care as much as you think.Guess I'm cynical

I’m not the guy who said I think you care.

Remember though you’re going to be TWU in the future so I think you’re barking up the wrong tree asking CB or any other AGC that rotating days off question.

You need to call TWU Local 501 and ask to talk to Victor Gonzalez or Angelo Cucuzza if you really want an answer.
If you can do something about the rotating shifts ill buy you lunch.Was it even discussed at the table or just agreed to like the bulletin boards
In have already spoke to a few of your guys about the rotating shifts. And let me first say that Personally, I think it’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. The IAM contract as you know doesn’t have this. It was one of several big discussions between the two unions. Neither union wins every argument in these talks. It’s a give and take. And the twu was adamant about keeping the rotating shifts. Now I can say, it’s not as severe or good ( depending what union your with ) as the current language in the twu contract. But again, niether side wins every argument. I’m not saying this thinking your gonna feel better about it. I would be pissed myself. So I totally understand and actually agree with those that are pissed. I think seniority should rule in everything.
You have a problem of listening to someone that is playing everyone. He has even admitted it before. Of course I also know he loves being about 8 different people on forums also. So why don’t you give me a call. Maybe you and I can meet one day for lunch.

I didn't know you were Mark Baskett which explains Tim's rants, as I would hear separate references to both I never made the connection. As you obviously are not attempting to be incognito, your nom de guerre would be superfluous.
If he does actually call... more than likley it will display an ORD area code...
Lmao. That’s why Im awaiting the call. I can think of two more area codes it might come from also. That’s why I would love to have lunch.
Funny story: I was asked to get on another forums page one time and ask questions about a organizing drive Mr Nelson was doing. I asked the guy how it was going and how many people were on the site. And he said, well it looks like there are 12 of us on there, but it’s really just Tim and I.
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I didn't know you were Mark Baskett which explains Tim's rants, as I would hear separate references to both I never made the connection. As you obviously are not attempting to be incognito, your nom de guerre would be superfluous.
Hi Jester. Sorry, I thought all the posters on here pretty much knew who I was. Now having said that. I have let a few friends post on here before using my sign in. But it usually is me.
Lmao. That’s why Im awaiting the call. I can think of two more area codes it might come from also. That’s why I would love to have lunch.

CB Al is for real. I’ve spoken to him on the phone and even Giannola knows him very well. (Drove him nuts too)

Funny story: I was asked to get on another forums page one time and ask questions about a organizing drive Mr Nelson was doing. I asked the guy how it was going and how many people were on the site. And he said, well it looks like there are 12 of us on there, but it’s really just Tim and I.

Now this one really got the Gals going tonight.

CB Al is for real. I’ve spoken to him on the phone and even Giannola knows him very well. (Drove him nuts too)

Now this one really got the Gals going tonight.

I believe you. I’m serious about buying him lunch. I find that many posters on here if they are willing to call or spend some time discussing the issues and getting a explanation, will understand the issue better. Again, not that it will make them happy, but at least they will understand a little more.
I have found from my job that many people hate their situation they are in, but once they get a TRUE explanation of things, then they aren’t so bitter after all about the situation. But I totally understand that he is pissed about rotating shifts.
I believe you. I’m serious about buying him lunch. I find that many posters on here if they are willing to call or spend some time discussing the issues and getting a explanation, will understand the issue better. Again, not that it will make them happy, but at least they will understand a little more.
I have found from my job that many people hate their situation they are in, but once they get a TRUE explanation of things, then they aren’t so bitter after all about the situation. But I totally understand that he is pissed about rotating shifts.

It’s just something they’ve done there for a very long time and as you know they weren’t going to part with it. I didn’t rotate when I was there cause they didn’t rotate PT.

I’m not a fan and don’t agree with the rotating for lots of reasons.

With 40 years though Al is not going to have to rotate if he doesn’t want to. His friends are a different story though.
But I totally understand that he is pissed about rotating shifts.

Pardon my ignorance, but what are "rotating shifts"? I assume something to do with differing shifts, but are they related to days off, shift times or both? And what's the rational as to doing them? Do they change weekly?
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