Did you just take your toys and go home?My friends call me Davey. You’re not my friend and I wouldn’t ever want to be your friend either. I don’t like or respect you and it’s your words that make me feel that way.
We just don’t share the same Worldview. But good luck to you in your life anyway.
Tim any way you look at this it as been a collasal CLusterF##k. Who's to blameWell, that is very selfish of you, but you are insulated in MIA and won't be one of the hundreds of IAM members who will be out in the streets or TWU members from those few stations. But then what Weez? So you tell Uncle Jerry to take those jobs......and he does.....does that solve anything then? What is your exit strategy?
Believe me, the company has what it wanted in cross utilization and only paid wages to get it. It does want this contract to realize more future synergies but if that isn't possible then oh well, they are completely fine with having a bankruptcy contract for all of your TWU members. Again, what is your exit from this chest pounding path when the union already blew its leverage on cross utilization? Members wanna know
Tim I've always wondered why a huge company such as ours would have to hire an outsider like Glassare negotiators backed themselves into a spot they simply can't get out.
The Union is to blame. We know this because we look at compatible cases. There are 80,000 union members with a JCBA at American, and they have had those JCBA for a few years now and the JCBA are mostly all amendable shortly. So they will all be coming back to the table as we hiss and fuss about the IAM pension. Who is stll fussing and apparently calling for a slowdown? The Association is out of control because only 1 man has made all mindless decisions. No considerations for the 16,000 employees, nothing. No information other than garbage from second hand people. Just garbage and lies.Tim any way you look at this it as been a collasal CLusterF##k. Who's to blame
The feeling is more than mutual Mr. Eivers...so be it!
Almost all companies recognize professional negotiators. Many unions do as well but ours doesn't. Sito is highly uneducated and has a vocabulary of about 100 words, mostly 4 letter. He is just way overmatched. He didn't understand that the company was stealing our socks by keeping our shoes on when it only had to open up one lousy article to get everything it wanted in cross utilization. Essentially, he failed negotiations 101. He also fired professionals and hired his son out of college who has done a deplorable job screwing up cost outs of contracts. We are in meltdown mode. I tried telling everyone but fleet service just don't listen.Tim I've always wondered why a huge company such as ours would have to hire an outsider like Glass
Almost all companies recognize professional negotiators. Many unions do as well but ours doesn't. Sito is highly uneducated and has a vocabulary of about 100 words, mostly 4 letter. He is just way overmatched. He didn't understand that the company was stealing our socks by keeping our shoes on when it only had to open up one lousy article to get everything it wanted in cross utilization. Essentially, he failed negotiations 101. He also fired professionals and hired his son out of college who has done a deplorable job screwing up cost outs of contracts. We are in meltdown mode. I tried telling everyone but fleet service just don't listen.
Sure, guys like me and Weezles want to kick the can down the road and get nothing else, but that's just selfish. I got a cush Saturday sunday gig and only work 2 days a week, but I'll be bumped and lose my gig if we merge seniority so I'd personally prefer to wait about 3-5 years and see what happens.
But fleet service just doesn't listen, so I'm guessing if these dopes went into section 6 ( I hope so) then fleet service will scratch their head and say "ok". Where does this madness end and why am I always right when I'd love to be wrong?
Almost all companies recognize professional negotiators. Many unions do as well but ours doesn't. Sito is highly uneducated and has a vocabulary of about 100 words, mostly 4 letter. He is just way overmatched. He didn't understand that the company was stealing our socks by keeping our shoes on when it only had to open up one lousy article to get everything it wanted in cross utilization. Essentially, he failed negotiations 101. He also fired professionals and hired his son out of college who has done a deplorable job screwing up cost outs of contracts. We are in meltdown mode. I tried telling everyone but fleet service just don't listen.
Sure, guys like me and Weezles want to kick the can down the road and get nothing else, but that's just selfish. I got a cush Saturday sunday gig and only work 2 days a week, but I'll be bumped and lose my gig if we merge seniority so I'd personally prefer to wait about 3-5 years and see what happens.
But fleet service just doesn't listen, so I'm guessing if these dopes went into section 6 ( I hope so) then fleet service will scratch their head and say "ok". Where does this madness end and why am I always right when I'd love to be wrong?
Of course, there was no vote on this single MAJOR ITEM since we have no voting rights as non members of the Association. You see, I give up NOHTING by being a non member of the Association because NEITHER is Weezles or anyone else a member of the Association. There are NO VOTING RIGHTS PERIOD.
I have heard nothing about a "rumored TA".
It's good to breathe again and be a non member. I'm much more productive this way pissing in the tent.
You must be mistaken. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right next to the tent and pissing in it for good now. That's what I did so effectively before Delaney unfortunately convinced me that this union was democratic. Then unfortunately organizing 42,000 souls into this miserable union before realizing the democracy was zippo. Be watchful Gulfcoast, this is where I'm going to deliver great pain to the IAM.This is probably the only thing we will ever agree on. It is much better to breathe cleaner air with fewer anti-worker anti-union people among us. Please feel free to take more pro-corporate anti-union maga's with you. Bye bye. See ya.
Tim any way you look at this it as been a collasal CLusterF##k. Who's to blame
Weez keeps calling himself a member. He's not. Nobody is a member, not even Screaming Mr Baskett. We have no rights whatsoever. Now, 2 years later, Baskett and Gary Peterson are left scrambling wondering what happened and apparently calling for a slowdown. Be careful with that because those guys will get sued by the company if anything significant happens in any slowdown now, plus there can be little doubt that the company would wipe out half of PHL and even some in CLT by giving the 175 work to a vendor. No bullets in our gun. The Association blew it with the cross utilization agreement. That's a fatal flaw in negotiatin 101. Never cave in on a company's biggest need by only accepting the money. Unfortunately, the TWU bit since their dues is based on base wages. We would have had a JCBA 2 years ago like everyone else. So now, the chest thumping and feet stomping and screaming updates have begun.Congratulations, this man has read and properly comprehended the Association Constitution. Even after reading it I can hardly believe it's real, but it is.