You sir are incorrect. The company proposal guaranteed much more than loading and unloading under scope, even included cargo, and catering AND deicing. Period. I'm not sure basket or the other chest thumper saw the proposal unless they are being intellectually dishonest. Will the numbers come down from 16,000? Yes, because the backfilling is proposed to happen at most of the non hubs and non focus cities, through grandfather status. I think this number was estimated at somewhere between 1,000-1,250 jobs over a long process of time until everyone retired or transferred.
At any rate, that's the story. Leverage obviously with the company since these dopes took the $$$ and gave the Holy Grail cross utilization to the company. The company has the lowest cost for fleet in the industry right now in the TWU bankrupt contract so there really isn't any bother on the company side if the union doesn't accept the last and final offer. I guess the union can just wait a few years and see what happens, but what is that going to accomplish other than guarantee me my Saturday Sunday cush job I want to keep instead of merging?
One last thing, not sure what you are talking about with a mediator but mediators are not authoritative and don't even enter section 6 negotiations for quite a while, if ever. The only way a mediator will enter is if both parties agree to one in the "expedited negotiation process". That is a 6 month process where the mediator tries to facilitate things. Didn't work at United then the IAM filed section 6.
I can 100% guarantee everyone that in section 6, the company will not recognize any TA's on any article since it most likely won't be interested in any possible impasse until years down the road. The union would have to present all new proposals and then the company will do what the company does.
The question remains, where is the exit strategy for the chest thumpers? Don't get me wrong, I love my cush job which I won't be able to keep after we merge list, but other than waiting to see what happens in 3-5 years, not sure what else the union bosses can do.