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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Are you going to start enforcing the contract we have? I understand the district hasnt a bother with back to back pt but can you guys at least get the company to supply a electroni system seniority roster, per the contract by july 31st to local chairpersons?
Time to put down your pen and hankerchief feeling twu pain and maybe start doing your job. And you dont feel our pain either. Unlike you, i never expensed my health care contribution when working for the district. Why cant you pay the contractual contributions instead of expensing it?
You are a tool and we both know that. Everyone else will find out our secret when you belly flop as the pollyanna you have become. So sad
Tim if this goes into section 6 isn't the ass more likely to blink.I m thinking the rank and file mainly the TWU will put pressure on the union. It appears the mechs card drive has rustled some feathers
Tim would I be correct in saying the TWU folks will be the big losers should we enter section 6
Tim if this goes into section 6 isn't the ass more likely to blink.I m thinking the rank and file mainly the TWU will put pressure on the union. It appears the mechs card drive has rustled some feathers
Al, the only worthy contract we have ever got from the IAM that didn't give up scope was the 2014 one due to the solidarity of the TWU supporting us.
This whole thing is fuzzy to me since it was confirmed me that the holdup is truly MX, and I have no clue about MX or how long it will take. But we run into a serious and real problem going into section six. As it stands, Fly told me that there is NO anticipation of section 6 and that MX isn't that far away from a TA as Gary had led us to believe. I could be getting played as I can't counter some things that Weez has said. It's almost contradictive. All I can do is pass on what I was told.
I did report that if it did go into section 6 that it's likely that the company may take things off of the table unless there is a SERIOUS resolution in the form of expedited negotiations. But if the Association balks and doesn't come forward more with MX, then all bets are off and fleet is left hostage. The company may look at contracting out hundreds of IAM jobs to put pressure on the MX talks if things fall apart. Dunno.

One thing is clear, if there is any contracting out of more MX jobs then the Association is GONE for MX. It was probably tough to hang onto them anyways. And Gary Peterson's videos have gone south. His first said "industry leading', then he mentions 'Just a fair contract', and now he says they moved towards the company by 'agreeing to a fair amount of outsourcing'. OUCH! Say What? Not good. But Fleet may be stuck in this decert battle and have our talks stalled for 2 years or more. This is why I said that I support the Association up to and including a JCBA. After a JCBA then either TWU or some other outfit. Having 2 unions is just stupid.
Tim would I be correct in saying the TWU folks will be the big losers should we enter section 6
That is a HUGE understatement. CB doesn't feel anyone's pain. He even doesn't pay one red cent on his health care as he expenses it to YOU. And he collects another pension. He doesn't feel us, never mind the TWU.
Al, the only worthy contract we have ever got from the IAM that didn't give up scope was the 2014 one due to the solidarity of the TWU supporting us.
This whole thing is fuzzy to me since it was confirmed me that the holdup is truly MX, and I have no clue about MX or how long it will take. But we run into a serious and real problem going into section six. As it stands, Fly told me that there is NO anticipation of section 6 and that MX isn't that far away from a TA as Gary had led us to believe. I could be getting played as I can't counter some things that Weez has said. It's almost contradictive. All I can do is pass on what I was told.
I did report that if it did go into section 6 that it's likely that the company may take things off of the table unless there is a SERIOUS resolution in the form of expedited negotiations. But if the Association balks and doesn't come forward more with MX, then all bets are off and fleet is left hostage. The company may look at contracting out hundreds of IAM jobs to put pressure on the MX talks if things fall apart. Dunno.

One thing is clear, if there is any contracting out of more MX jobs then the Association is GONE for MX. It was probably tough to hang onto them anyways. And Gary Peterson's videos have gone south. His first said "industry leading', then he mentions 'Just a fair contract', and now he says they moved towards the company by 'agreeing to a fair amount of outsourcing'. OUCH! Say What? Not good. But Fleet may be stuck in this decert battle and have our talks stalled for 2 years or more. This is why I said that I support the Association up to and including a JCBA. After a JCBA then either TWU or some other outfit. Having 2 unions is just stupid.
On a personal note Peterson said seniority is everything or words to that affect.That statement will be pretty hard for me to grasp when I'm rotating days after 40 years.
That is a HUGE understatement. CB doesn't feel anyone's pain. He even doesn't pay one red cent on his health care as he expenses it to YOU. And he collects another pension. He doesn't feel us, never mind the TWU.
Yup I'm paying 6k less for medical than the guy sitting next to me at the next town hall. Incomprehensible
That is a HUGE understatement. CB doesn't feel anyone's pain. He even doesn't pay one red cent on his health care as he expenses it to YOU. And he collects another pension. He doesn't feel us, never mind the TWU.
Tim do you find it odd or inexcusable that one faction representing one group puts out a video and the other doesnt?Are they even on the same page?
Deregulation INCREASED airline worker positions. It also increased airline union positions... In fact... it created my unionized airline career, and probably yours as well-- Thanks Democrats!

I can't argue with the fact it created more airline jobs most at LCCs or small commuter airlines, but it ignited the demise of many good legacy carriers after the airlines got their ducks in a row and began using the new BK law to "Reorganize".

Before the 78 BK law overhaul large corporations were not able to file under Ch 11 and most liquidated erasing pensions which is the reason the PBGC was created. I believe our jobs are probably the last generation of decent paying airline jobs for the middle class even if the benefits are not nearly as good as the generations before us.

I simply don't share your ideology that it is one political party doing all the damage and believe the less government the better, they F*#k everything up IMO.
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