"In recent years, Republicans have dramatically intensified their war on organized labor. The battle plan was simple: Pass laws that limit union political spending and make it more difficult to collect dues. Since 2010, six states
have passed“right-to-work” laws, meaning that workers can benefit from union representation without paying to keep the union funded. In other states, Republican legislatures have hamstrung public-sector unions by denying them collective-bargaining power.
Everyone remembers the high-profile barottle in Wisconsin that Governor Scott Walker launched in 2011, but the union-busting efforts have not slowed down. In 2017,
Missouri and then
Kentucky’s right-to-work laws were rammed through within weeks of Republicans’ gaining power, and Iowa
successfully limited the collective-bargaining power of public-sector unions. There was a push to do the same in New Hampshire, though it failed."
"Right-to-Work Laws Have Devastated Unions — and Democrats"
No party is perfect. I have said that many times. There is, however, one party that is much more supportive of labor, and the other party which is the party of corporate greed. Did any republicans show up at the big AFL CIO convention last year? I don't think so. I think I remember hearing Cuomo and several other Democrats did.