All BS. Neither him or any IAM Officer supported the TWU picket, and it was discouraged for other IAM members to attend as the TWU was painted as the bad guy not supporting our health care. I picketed and a few of my buddies picketed in MIA and a couple others in DFW who were IAM members. But not with the consent of our leadership.
Baskett isn't on the executive negotiation committee so all of his info is second hand.. Who actually is on the Executive Negotiation Team hasn't been publicly announced but as far as I know, none are LUS fleet service.
Baskett continues to refuse to distance from the IAM Pension and refuses to admit to members that the pension is now projected critical status. The IAM pension is a deal breaker in these talks even though Sito blows smoke and says he will consider all options. I support the company 100% on negotiating a retirement other than the IAMNPF, provided it is more than 9%. But even if we just switch to a 401 instead of future contributions into the pension, I'm still fine with that as opposed to keeping the current situation which is junk. And, no, Baskett can't rightly understand the TWU plight. Dude makes $125,000 a year, expenses every last cent of his medical cost to the members, and gets another $300 a month to blow, and $25 a day while he is at home, plus expenses and yet another pension. In fact, he can't even relate to me or ANY other members regarding retirement since he is part of a separate big fat retirement pension for him and other officers which collect 2% a year of his annual salary. So, he isn't as forthcoming about our IAMNPF. Next time he post, I'llsk Charlie Brown why he won't tell his members that the IAMNPF is officially projected critical status (Worst status).