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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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All BS. Neither him or any IAM Officer supported the TWU picket, and it was discouraged for other IAM members to attend as the TWU was painted as the bad guy not supporting our health care. I picketed and a few of my buddies picketed in MIA and a couple others in DFW who were IAM members. But not with the consent of our leadership.
Baskett isn't on the executive negotiation committee so all of his info is second hand.. Who actually is on the Executive Negotiation Team hasn't been publicly announced but as far as I know, none are LUS fleet service.

Baskett continues to refuse to distance from the IAM Pension and refuses to admit to members that the pension is now projected critical status. The IAM pension is a deal breaker in these talks even though Sito blows smoke and says he will consider all options. I support the company 100% on negotiating a retirement other than the IAMNPF, provided it is more than 9%. But even if we just switch to a 401 instead of future contributions into the pension, I'm still fine with that as opposed to keeping the current situation which is junk. And, no, Baskett can't rightly understand the TWU plight. Dude makes $125,000 a year, expenses every last cent of his medical cost to the members, and gets another $300 a month to blow, and $25 a day while he is at home, plus expenses and yet another pension. In fact, he can't even relate to me or ANY other members regarding retirement since he is part of a separate big fat retirement pension for him and other officers which collect 2% a year of his annual salary. So, he isn't as forthcoming about our IAMNPF. Next time he post, I'llsk Charlie Brown why he won't tell his members that the IAMNPF is officially projected critical status (Worst status).
Why wait for him to post. You should fire off emails. texts, and phone calls. Don't wait he may never post again. Get proactive, don't wait for someone to come to you.
I would think most 20k members would not look at section 6 as a positive step.what the shortest time spent in 6 and what is the longest ? Guess history, track record means nothing if you're a optimist .Question Weez would a doom and gloom report prompt more mecs into signing a card?
Doesn't matter what the report is, the cards will still come in. Time for a change.
i read szwed's update and something is fishy about aa's about-face from it's established norm (leaked and unleaked scope issues from negos and from it's public jetnet scope proposals).

if it's true that nobody (union or company) wants to rankle the mediator...why would aa do this last second sabotage; knowing full well that the assoc. could never in a million years agree to bring that nonsense for a vote?

to me, it's the company pulling everything, only to 'give it back' to the assoc., so the assoc. can claim some type of victory, in lieu of losing lus insurance.

we can't and will never vote on the potential of losing all fsc work. there's something going on...a reason that aa did this nonsense...which isn't nonsensical at all. it will give the assoc. a much needed, 'way out'.

The company has always done as you state and the TWU has always fell for it for the past decades.
Example; Co. claims they are going to close a base and layoff 2500 mechanics. The TWU puts out info that they will fight tooth and nail for those jobs. Co. already way, way over stated what they really want which is 1500 layoffs. So the TWU and co. go thru their acting processes and come out in the end with the original results the co. always wanted the 1500 with the TWU agreeing to it. Then the TWU comes out bragging saying we (TWU) saved thousands of jobs, the base never closed so they also say they (TWU) saved jobs, heads and all the maint when in fact this whole time was exactly what the co always wanted. And most of the time all this usually comes with reductions in pay and bennies as well, with the TWU agreeing to everything but the co. made it "look like" the TWU nego to keep/save all those jobs and positions.
So yes to your question. The co. will pull everything just to show that they made movement when in fact the final results were exactly what they wanted all the time.
true and catering was spared. But with MX everything is plugged up.
On the table, as of a couple months ago was $33, all scope minus lavs, lus medical only till 2020. But if you scroll back, I told you that Fly said that was it and that things may change and start taking things off the table. Maybe thats what happened last week. I talked to fly the other day and he didnt have much to say other than "They are almost done" and that all the Station Hub VPs were going to be summoned to DFW and given an update today or tomorrow. (good chance that your station VP was summoned to dfw this morning or tomorrow).
When they bring in those peeps, its usually pretty close. Imo look for an aip from mx extremely soon. Not really sure about mx but i do think that whatever was taken off the table will be placed back on the table. Catering was spared. Oh well.
Consider it all 3rd hand hearsay.
Sorry Tim, but I don't see an AIP soon with maint. Way too many "big" items left to T/A on. Scope being a big one along with cat seniority, med, and outsourcing. Will not be in the 2 weeks you claim, no way.
Show me exactly where they used it as a “threat” as you say? Where did Isom or particularly Parker make it sound like a threat?

I do recall Parker saying that we’re going to get some help soon and in his words “Maybe we need some help”

Parker is shifty I’ll say that but I can’t recall any threats?

When has the Company made a “Take it or leave it” stance or comment? Where?

Have you been smoking paint chips Al?
Threat might be too strong but implying that we need a mediator means to most a long drawn out negotiation while most thought we would have it wrapped up.before summer.You are the king of spin and wide eyed optimists .But what it we really mean is you getting more and more upset as the mechs card drive gathers steam fueled by association's incompetence
You have pretty much spelled out, from the beginning, some things that are now becoming true. And I hope you are wrong, ie., this deal will have outsourcing plus lus will not keep their current health and that the longer we drag this we will be losing money, and i hope weezles is right that the longer we drag this out the better.

Ill admit that your straight talk comes across better than Charlie Browns chest thumping.

With lus health gone, and now agreements on a "Fair amount" of outsourcing it also appears that Fly was also truthful. This thing is looking worse as every day passes. They dont know what they are doing and using the iam pension as a deal breaker is also a bad strategy.
Im surprised Fa is sucking up section 6 butt. Section 6 isnt going to be good for twu peeps. That much is guaranteed.

Don't think it will have immediate outsourcing, if any, but it will be difficult to change the flexibility they seem to want with the "when and where so" directed language they want to keep from the IAM CBA. It seems the TWU side believes that means eventual outsourcing and wants to have the Company agree the current jobs are ours forever.

There may be protections included, but I'd imagine it would only be offered until the next negotiations as opposed to forever.

It is surprising the hear there was outsourcing as part of the Association proposal but having no further details on that it's difficult to put in perspective. It may have been a move to avoid Section 6 but also seems like an acknowledgment there needed to be movement rather than perpetual "no."
Movement is what the NMB expects, so it isn't really optional if the goal is to get to a deal.
Threat might be too strong but implying that we need a mediator means to most a long drawn out negotiation while most thought we would have it wrapped up.before summer.You are the king of spin and wide eyed optimists .But what it we really mean is you getting more and more upset as the mechs card drive gathers steam fueled by association's incompetence

That incompetent Association (TWU and IAM) have been “partially” responsible for a bunch of pathetic, whiny High School graduates today earning over $70,000 in pay and benefits and staring down the barrel of close to $10,000 more.

It’s also responsible for a bunch of Shop Class “special” kids today earning around $105,000 and staring down the barrel of about $15,000 more.

I think I personally like their incompetence myself.
Love to read that Racer, instead of having to hear it hearsay. Unfortunately I haven’t been given that opportunity. My interpretation may be completely different.
Exactly where did he read all that and if so it's a giant step back
again, only to be fair, obama's administration and the pbgc pushed back against aa, aa originally wanting to terminate my pension.

i have no doubt that with a mccain presidency, i would have lost an additional $600-$800 a month off of what's left of my pension.

We agree on this one.
Ok so at this minute and on this post you’re back to your 2 week prophesy now?

Would you say by around 3PM you should be back to saying 2 years again? Do you turn your air conditioner down really low at night to cool your brain?

BTW what ever happened to Sito’s cuffs?
it could be Macho Juice
Ah, a nice opinion piece for reference.
The biggest woes for the airline employees of the last 30 years are Deregulation Act and BK reform Act from the 95th congress controlled by Democrats and a D President.
Deregulation INCREASED airline worker positions. It also increased airline union positions... In fact... it created my unionized airline career, and probably yours as well-- Thanks Democrats!
Here are just three things (out of over 12) that Rebulicans blocked Democrates from doing to help the American Worker...

1. American Jobs Act.
In the minority, Republicans still shut down President Obama’s 2011 jobs plan. It would have imposed a 5.6-percent tax on all income over $1 million to pay for new “stimulus” spending by the government. The Democrats’ majority couldn’t pass the measure, which failed 50-49.

2. Minimum Wage. Republicans launched a filibuster in 2014 to derail a Democrat proposal that would have mandated an across-the-board federal minimum wage of $10.10.

3. Paycheck Fairness Act. Republicans blocked the 2014 Paycheck Fairness Act four separate times. The bill would have leveled harsher penalties for discrimination and required employers to account for any pay gap between male and female employees. The bill never made it to a final vote, though, failing 52 to 40.
Deregulation INCREASED airline worker positions. It also increased airline union positions... In fact... it created my unionized airline career, and probably yours as well-- Thanks Democrats!
you are stupid. Non union bought union. deregulation sucked.
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