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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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The company itself was using the threat of 6 to speed negotiations and take it or leave it stance

Show me exactly where they used it as a “threat” as you say? Where did Isom or particularly Parker make it sound like a threat?

I do recall Parker saying that we’re going to get some help soon and in his words “Maybe we need some help”

Parker is shifty I’ll say that but I can’t recall any threats?

When has the Company made a “Take it or leave it” stance or comment? Where?

Have you been smoking paint chips Al?
Show me exactly where they used it as a “threat” as you say? Where did Isom or particularly Parker make it sound like a threat?

I do recall Parker saying that we’re going to get some help soon and in his words “Maybe we need some help”

Parker is shifty I’ll say that but I can’t recall any threats?

When has the Company made a “Take it or leave it” stance or comment? Where?

Have you been smoking paint chips Al?
actually Parker seemed to imply a mediator would figure it out even though that will never happen.
If they enter section 6 then my hunch is that they would have a mediator assigned by agreeing to expedited negotiations. Iam did that at United but it didnt work. Maybe given the situation it would work here.

I do think section 6 is a good chance at a bad thing for the twu but good thing for me and lus. Its what we want and I will give Alex credit for sticking by us.
i read szwed's update and something is fishy about aa's about-face from it's established norm (leaked and unleaked scope issues from negos and from it's public jetnet scope proposals).

if it's true that nobody (union or company) wants to rankle the mediator...why would aa do this last second sabotage; knowing full well that the assoc. could never in a million years agree to bring that nonsense for a vote?

to me, it's the company pulling everything, only to 'give it back' to the assoc., so the assoc. can claim some type of victory, in lieu of losing lus insurance.

we can't and will never vote on the potential of losing all fsc work. there's something going on...a reason that aa did this nonsense...which isn't nonsensical at all. it will give the assoc. a much needed, 'way out'.
Al, it's really simple, the dynamics change when Section 6 is requested and is available as a tool. Why the spin and lack of acknowledgement is beyond me. Just like Parker used rising fuel prices in reference to negotiations in the last State of the Airline, he just happened to throw out there mediated help to get it done. Parker is sly and knows exactly what he is doing. No, it's not the boogeyman people love to put in our mouths, but regardless, it's different when the NMB gets to hang around a little more.
Good observation actually Tim. That’s exactly the way I saw it as well.

Why in the World would/should be not?
Because I don't believe the TWU membership is where Alex is at, thus Alex seems to be sticking his neck out. It won't bode well for him if this isn't a game and we are still on the road to nowhere 2 years from now. But I appreciate him in the trenches for our health care. Sito is a boatload, as you guys saw when he challenged the TWU INTL when he had his anti union guy Klima write a letter to the TWU Presidents. That was a slimeball move.

Klima isn't even in a union, he is like Kev, non union.
Because I don't believe the TWU membership is where Alex is at, thus Alex seems to be sticking his neck out. It won't bode well for him if this isn't a game and we are still on the road to nowhere 2 years from now. But I appreciate him in the trenches for our health care. Sito is a boatload, as you guys saw when he challenged the TWU INTL when he had his anti union guy Klima write a letter to the TWU Presidents. That was a slimeball move.

Klima isn't even in a union, he is like Kev, non union.

Wait a minute here Tim. 2 weeks or 2 years? You’re a very confusing/confused individual.

(My engagement with Mr Nelson is strictly for entertainment purposes and should be considered 8th party hearsay only)
Obama hammered Union members by having their employers bail out on the previously strong Health care. All through the threat of his Cadillac (excise) tax on employer excellent medical plans to union members. It's one reason why 80% of American now has a chit plan and a reason why Parker wants our health care cost expanded (along with Baskett's vote to expand United IAM health care by 400%).

Then toss in Obama's war against union members by agreeing that Union Bosses can cut the checks of retirees who are union members already collecting a pension. THAT is so anti union it is pathetic. Non Union members still will get their full protections and not have to get cuts if they are already collecting. Only union members. Thanks Democrats.


"In recent years, Republicans have dramatically intensified their war on organized labor. The battle plan was simple: Pass laws that limit union political spending and make it more difficult to collect dues. Since 2010, six states have passed“right-to-work” laws, meaning that workers can benefit from union representation without paying to keep the union funded. In other states, Republican legislatures have hamstrung public-sector unions by denying them collective-bargaining power.

Everyone remembers the high-profile barottle in Wisconsin that Governor Scott Walker launched in 2011, but the union-busting efforts have not slowed down. In 2017, Missouri and then Kentucky’s right-to-work laws were rammed through within weeks of Republicans’ gaining power, and Iowa successfully limited the collective-bargaining power of public-sector unions. There was a push to do the same in New Hampshire, though it failed."

"Right-to-Work Laws Have Devastated Unions — and Democrats"


No party is perfect. I have said that many times. There is, however, one party that is much more supportive of labor, and the other party which is the party of corporate greed. Did any republicans show up at the big AFL CIO convention last year? I don't think so. I think I remember hearing Cuomo and several other Democrats did.
I guess a former IAM negotiator is spreading fear among the ranks on one of the Facebook pages. Stating AA ‘s latest proposal has them wanting to outsource the normal stuff we have heard, and then he continues on to say they want bagroom work, and pretty much everything except loading and unloading planes. SMH
I guess a former IAM negotiator is spreading fear among the ranks on one of the Facebook pages. Stating AA ‘s latest proposal has them wanting to outsource the normal stuff we have heard, and then he continues on to say they want bagroom work, and pretty much everything except loading and unloading planes. SMH
From what I understand,
The company’s latest proposal was to use the “when and where so directed” language across the board, with the possible exception of our “core work”. by the way....I believe the company wants the right to decide what “core work” means. The best definition the company would give is that “core work” refers only to the loading and unloading of Aircraft. So with that being said...the poster you are referring to is accurate.
This is the most blatant attack on our members yet. So as you can see, the LUS medical is not the only issue holding us back from a TA.... I hope that everyone will see now that none of fleet or Mtc should be demanding a TA come out with this language.
From what I understand,
The company’s latest proposal was to use the “when and where so directed” language across the board, with the possible exception of our “core work”. by the way....I believe the company wants the right to decide what “core work” means. The best definition the company would give is that “core work” refers only to the loading and unloading of Aircraft. So with that being said...the poster you are referring to is accurate.
This is the most blatant attack on our members yet. So as you can see, the LUS medical is not the only issue holding us back from a TA.... I hope that everyone will see now that none of fleet or Mtc should be demanding a TA come out with this language.
Love to read that Racer, instead of having to hear it hearsay. Unfortunately I haven’t been given that opportunity. My interpretation may be completely different.
By the way Racer, if that is indeed what it says or the interpretation does clearly state what you claim, wouldn’t you think that would be something the ASS would want to put in front of the members ASAP. I do believe it would be an extremely powerful to to unite the masses. Seems to me CB stated things are not really any different, but I don’t recall AA saying what you or the “accurate” poster is claiming.
One last thing Racer before I head off to work. You may come on here and say Scope is your number one issue, and it should be. But from what I have seen and heard, your medical is most important to your members, hands down. And while scope and other things have been discussed as important by CB and P REZ, I would say that the LUS Medical has been given the most emphasis. Even from posters on both sides of the isle in this forum it is THE topic here. Not much at all said from those two about us loading and unloading planes only.
But why do I get this feeling that’s about to change...
Seems to me CB stated things are not really any different, but I don’t recall AA saying what you or the “accurate” poster is claiming.

i read mike szwed's update and like i said, it's very fishy.

considering each side would want to clean and tidy things up (maybe vote on something from union's angle/move towards union on some issues from cash-heavy company's side) before section 6....why would aa blow everything up with ridiculous scope proposals?

the company and any mediator would know that the assoc. could never bring such a ridiculous scope proposal in a T/A to a vote.

i'm thinking this is the way to the end, a T/A, where aa will get what it wants and the assoc. will get better money/same scope, including catering & lavs..to sell the lus insurance loss to it's iam members. will it be enough to buy those members? probably not, but the twu is spring-loaded to vote a T/A like that in.
One last thing Racer before I head off to work. You may come on here and say Scope is your number one issue, and it should be. But from what I have seen and heard, your medical is most important to your members, hands down. And while scope and other things have been discussed as important by CB and P REZ, I would say that the LUS Medical has been given the most emphasis. Even from posters on both sides of the isle in this forum it is THE topic here. Not much at all said from those two about us loading and unloading planes only.
But why do I get this feeling that’s about to change...
I would agree that medical has gotten the MOST ATTENTION so far. IMO that is only due to the fact that th Company Scope Proposal had not been presented yet.. now that it has, I do believe medical will remain a big issue but at the same time I believe our members will agree that it is secondary to scope.
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