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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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FYI I don’t stutter. Maybe you need to sit down because LAA TWU Cities aren’t going to be following the lead of whipped LCC AW Phoenix AZ and bust a nut shorthanded for any on time departures.

Management has pushed time and time again over the years and every time we push back.

But hey if you’re a CC and you want to get in your daily workout again you do whatever floats your boat. No contract is ever going to prevent you from sucking it up and being a good little TeAAm player.

Don’t be cracking on me— take it up with Management and the Union.
BTW LAA-TWU has been working 3-man crews in, at least, one decent sized station for awhile already. So it could be systemwide someday— just sayin’.
Don’t be cracking on me— take it up with Management and the Union.
BTW LAA-TWU has been working 3-man crews in, at least, one decent sized station for awhile already. So it could be systemwide someday— just sayin’.

Don’t blame Management or the Union for the way you guys “choose” to work. If you’re working in PHX from what I hear this is how you guys always worked there back to the LCC AW days.

In any of those Roadshows I never heard any guys in any LAA TWU cities complain about working short?

Hope you don’t think it’s cause they like us more.
In this day and age with strikes and job actions near if not impossible what can the TWU union offer that our own Can't? The only reason I went with the IAM is I figured in the event of a strike we along with the mechs would completely shut down the airline.Again strike days are gone not an option
I could not agree more with this post.
The days of striking airlines are more wishful thinking than likely to happen.
To follow up I would be totally ok for CB,PREZ and NYer along with others to run the show if they were willing..........as long as they answered to Tim.If Tim wanted to hire Josh as a consultant Im good with that too
NYer is the only leader among them. He may very well be leading this miserable association before too long.
Don’t be cracking on me— take it up with Management and the Union.
BTW LAA-TWU has been working 3-man crews in, at least, one decent sized station for awhile already. So it could be systemwide someday— just sayin’.

our station has an ex-aw/us guy from phx as the operations manager (not sure of his title) and he has definitely implemented his ideas of 3-4 man crews and blocs of FSCs coming from other areas to either ramp or dump/load planes. the other top operations manager is an aa blue-blood, former c/c...and his thing is PT and more PT. he loves PT. my guess is that ex aw/us manager salisbury is one level higher than the former aa c/c...and only answers to the station manager.

ord has been gutted the past 20 years. in 2000-2001, there were apprx. 1800-2000 f/t & p/t fscs and c/c, 2nd only to dfw...with domestic cabin, intl. cabin, mail, eagle ramp connect, bus driving and other work areas gone...there are apprx. 900 f/t ramp and freight fscs & c/c now. the job losses/outsourcing and eagle have gutted ord.

i'd say the station is angry...lots of 50+ and older guys in limbo with 20-25 years having to work the gates, maybe even pm shifts...with no relief for easier/am shifts in sight. i believe that is the reason there is a new local president every election.
our station has an ex-aw/us guy from phx as the operations manager (not sure of his title) and he has definitely implemented his ideas of 3-4 man crews and blocs of FSCs coming from other areas to either ramp or dump/load planes. the other top operations manager is an aa blue-blood, former c/c...and his thing is PT and more PT. he loves PT. my guess is that ex aw/us manager salisbury is one level higher than the former aa c/c...and only answers to the station manager.

ord has been gutted the past 20 years. in 2000-2001, there were apprx. 1800-2000 f/t & p/t fscs and c/c, 2nd only to dfw...with domestic cabin, intl. cabin, mail, eagle ramp connect, bus driving and other work areas gone...there are apprx. 900 f/t ramp and freight fscs & c/c now. the job losses/outsourcing and eagle have gutted ord.

i'd say the station is angry...lots of 50+ and older guys in limbo with 20-25 years having to work the gates, maybe even pm shifts...with no relief for easier/am shifts in sight. i believe that is the reason there is a new local president every election.
If you recall, during the BK negotiations (if you can call them that) AA tried taking many of the jobs considered "High Seniority" forcing the guys you described to either find them a gate to work on or retire. They were successful in getting some of those jobs and that trend continues today. Work a gate or retire...
I will be disappointed if there is a signing bonus and seniority is not taken into account. The negotiators can surely do better especially if tos LAA employees will have 2 weeks tos wages taken away just because we are switching computers. Really?

I do not think it should be too hard to set something up where 0-10 years gets $2000, 10-20 years gets $4,000 and 20+ years gets $6,000.

don't argue any of that. agreed.

the other stuff was based on hearsay and more hearsay and maybe a secret getting out (laa c/c language over iam lead language in a potential T/A)...we'll see.
If you recall, during the BK negotiations (if you can call them that) AA tried taking many of the jobs considered "High Seniority" forcing the guys you described to either find them a gate to work on or retire. They were successful in getting some of those jobs and that trend continues today. Work a gate or retire...

when i have time to get a coffee and drive to the domestic side and see planes being pushed....wing-walked by guys limping and looking like they need velcro gym shoes and they left their dentures in the ready room...yes, you got it correct.
In this day and age with strikes and job actions near if not impossible what can the TWU union offer that our own Can't? The only reason I went with the IAM is I figured in the event of a strike we along with the mechs would completely shut down the airline.Again strike days are gone not an option
Back in those days the campaign slogan was "strength in numbers". the misconception that if one bargaining unit (mechanics or fleet) went on strike the other would be out with them. Not quite. Two different bargaining groups. One is on strike. The other is honoring picket lines. The company then files for an injunction, usually within 24 hours, to force sympathizers across the line. Court orders union to have members cross or be subject to fine for violation of a court order. When was the last time a union represented work group, in the domestic airline industry, was released by the NMB to go on strike? The NMB exists to mediate contractual settlements within the airline industry. Releasing any labor organization to withdrawal services (strike) is an admission of failure in the mediation process.
when i have time to get a coffee and drive to the domestic side and see planes being pushed....wing-walked by guys limping and looking like they need velcro gym shoes and they left their dentures in the ready room...yes, you got it correct.

That same scenario is playing out at other carriers as well. It's lose-lose. Those top guys are stuck in bins, and the guys with 15-25 yrs. of seniority who have been waiting for their time in the sun are stuck behind them...
If you recall, during the BK negotiations (if you can call them that) AA tried taking many of the jobs considered "High Seniority" forcing the guys you described to either find them a gate to work on or retire. They were successful in getting some of those jobs and that trend continues today. Work a gate or retire...
I would work a gate with other AARP members and work at our own pace and we will see if the company is happy with the results.Force me to retire.....nah.The company has to be "sensitive " to older workers too, if not I would consider it discrimination
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