With so many articles complete or close to complete section 6 should be a snap....BWAAAaaaFrom TWU Local 591
The following is an update of the current Articles and letters that are completed, and an estimate of what remains open.
http://www.local591.com/docs/M&R MLS JCBA Article by Article Percentage Completed July 26 2018.pdf
With so many articles complete or close to complete section 6 should be a snap....BWAAAaaa
There were to many to list,DOL ran out of ink.You really got to read between the lines with these rulings everyone on the planet knows thatTim I read the ruling by the DOL certifying the original election and they made no mention of any violations? Did you receive something separately from them verifying your claim?
If you have that letter you should appeal your loss to President Trump or Mitch McConnell.
That's your association for you as NYer has been saying the communication is lacking.Perhaps because there are two unionsWell Al if you actually read the update letter Gary put out they did have a lot of movement in Scope for Maintenance after all.
Now wouldn’t it be just wonderful if a Fleet Negotiator would put out some information like this for us so we don’t feel like we’re in the dark and maybe could tamp down on some “frustrations”?
http://www.local591.com/docs/Talking points from Friday July 27 Rep call .pdf
That's your association for you as NYer has been saying the communication is lacking.Perhaps because there are two unions
Never heard of any of them I'll stick to flyWe all have different definitions of how much information we need or think should be exposed. While I think official communication has also been lacking I absolutely don’t concur with information being a free for all like some others do.
That’s also though why I appreciate and share what I can from officials in the know such as Gary Peterson, Mark Baskett, Dale Danker and recently Juan Elvira. when they put something out publicly.
I’d personally encourage them to continue.
Once you reach the floors...not every station has the floors though..correct or incorrect? And if you are saying that you aren’t at your floors yet, that means they can hire more PT to get to the floor numbers WITHOUT hiring any FT. That would inflate your 31% automatically. A CAP is not a concession as long as the cap # isn’t high.Ah. Moot, eh?
You do understand if they need to have a FTer for every PTer, the ratio forces more FT once we reach the floors, that makes it less cost effective to just add PTers.
OT language is better in some places but worse in others and especially when PTers can be considered next to FTers without regard to their status. That's another mechanism used to control PTer expansion by the Company. Concession.
The Swaps is more restrictive than what we have but this is where the proper application of moot comes to play. Without the contractual language they could just change the policy to mirror the TA'd language. Even with that, because it's more restrictive it's a concession.
Sorry, No it has not....that was an INTERIM wage agreement.... the wages along with the WAGE SCALE are still being negotiated.Why yes, it has. It was agreed to in August of 2016.
Once you reach the floors...not every station has the floors though..correct or incorrect? And if you are saying that you aren’t at your floors yet, that means they can hire more PT to get to the floor numbers WITHOUT hiring any FT. That would inflate your 31% automatically. A CAP is not a concession as long as the cap # isn’t high.
...If pt gets any pt OT that is restricted to a certain number of hours per shift ( AS AN EXAMPLE. : pt gets pt OT of anything 4 hours or less) That isn’t regardless of their status.
No way no how that a policy that can be changed is better than protected language.
You do realize with the new language you could actually take off for 7 months ( or slightly more) consecutively as opposed to your 6?
Sorry, No it has not....that was an INTERIM wage agreement.... the wages along with the WAGE SCALE are still being negotiated.
Sorry, No it has not....that was an INTERIM wage agreement.... the wages along with the WAGE SCALE are still being negotiated.
Detrimental to some is not concessionary to allContractual language affords better protection than a written policy but the trade off for that is the forfeiture of flexibility with the current LAA process and that will absolutely be detrimental to some.