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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Could be IAM isn't willing to negotiate on anything because they already have industry standard contract, could be AA is offering as much as they plane to as they hire an additional 145 mechs for TULE, could be TWU ramp isn't willing to negotiate unless they get all de-icing. Could be IAM ramp isn't moving off of their position of getting 13 more stations opened for IAM FSC stations, could be TWU ramp isn't accepting anything unless it has a pillow room opened back up at DFW.

COULD BE ? Could be anything, because the association doesn't feel the need to inform the membership, and the info they do say is something like AA wants to layoff all mechs and replace you with contractors, the association has a creditability problem and when it says some BS rhetoric it doesn't help....(AA has been hiring off the street for over a year now). SO who knows, I don't think any of us "especially you" have a clue what's going on.
Dunno bout all the could be but we are certain that all of us have a lesser contract in regards to total package than all other major airlines. The union shouldnt have rejected the jetnet proposal. Now there is alot less on the table.
I told people but they didnt listen.
Could be they were talking about the legal stuff and not necessarily negotiating.

What if negotiations are mostly done and this is about the legal liabilities going away. To me, if negotiations broke off the Association would be screaming. If negotiations continued this week, we would of had an update.

We got neither, so does that mean they're concentrating on the legal stuff? Could be that's why it's soooooo quiet.
Infortunately they tell us nothing. **** em.
Could be IAM isn't willing to negotiate on anything because they already have industry standard contract, could be AA is offering as much as they plane to as they hire an additional 145 mechs for TULE, could be TWU ramp isn't willing to negotiate unless they get all de-icing. Could be IAM ramp isn't moving off of their position of getting 13 more stations opened for IAM FSC stations, could be TWU ramp isn't accepting anything unless it has a pillow room opened back up at DFW.

COULD BE ? Could be anything, because the association doesn't feel the need to inform the membership, and the info they do say is something like AA wants to layoff all mechs and replace you with contractors, the association has a creditability problem and when it says some BS rhetoric it doesn't help....(AA has been hiring off the street for over a year now). SO who knows, I don't think any of us "especially you" have a clue what's going on.

Yep it could be all of this and yet the company doesn’t care what is hanging up this deal they are just moving on.
Who cares if we are the lowest paid and least overall compensated.
This is such BS all of it

(Answering Scorpion #23086)

Well, in Fleet, I can tell you the 3% difference allowed for the following changes:

  • There was an initial pay cut that was reversed. (2%, I believe)
  • There were 1.5% raises that went to 2.1% raises.
  • The PTers were brought back to paying the same amount as FTers on their medical.
  • The 401K Match was made to be for all hours worked rather than just the scheduled hours.
  • The 50% first day sick pay was returned to 100% pay
That's just off the top of my head.
Well you were dealing with just one union, we are not.
I would love retro but this is likely my last contract so no I don’t want to wait another two years so screw that

for others, this isn't their last contract.

in fact, since you don't want to make a stand on retro..the company could drag this on and on, since they would have no motivation to settle.

not from the assoc., anyways..only from wall street and the biggest investors in it's stock. that's the wealthy policing the wealthy, since unions have been weakened and really can't police.

i'm ruining your last contract? you're ruining my next 2 contracts.
Yes, by mutual agreement.
So, Sito continues to shine for his members and it now sounds as though the company and and the IAM are in step.
Boy Samuelson sure screwed the TWU side and our other leaders are scared to death. The IAM benefits the longer this is dragged out.
Well played, IAM!
Dunno bout all the could be but we are certain that all of us have a lesser contract in regards to total package than all other major airlines. The union shouldnt have rejected the jetnet proposal. Now there is alot less on the table.
I told people but they didnt listen.

you told us that jet fuel would cause the negotiations to backslide and the company would offer a lesser deal.

oil is in the $50s, jet fuel is .25 cents-.40 cents per gallon cheaper than last year.

so now, it's the company is making a lesser offer because samuelsen acted like a tough guy or the AMTs supposedly destroyed aa's beautiful summer of 2019 and a judge gave the company a heavy card to play.

we could have had a deal 3 years ago if corporate america could have ghostwritten 2-3 more friendly labor laws.
So, Sito continues to shine for his members and it now sounds as though the company and and the IAM are in step.
Boy Samuelson sure screwed the TWU side and our other leaders are scared to death. The IAM benefits the longer this is dragged out.
Well played, IAM!
Until the iam/association is financially threatened nothing will happen.
Well if this is true it’s extremely sad and frustrating and does not make the company look good either which makes no sense if they don’t want any holiday disruptions.
I use to enjoy my job but that has faded into the past.

who's fault is that?

i only remember parker saying that the NMB 'has tools' to force both parties to come to a satisfactory outcome.

i don't see that and didn't believe that at that time. i see the company has additional tools only available to corporate america that they are using to deny me, you and our co-workers an industry-leading and timely contract.

if the union fights and this nonsense goes another 2 years...i don't think parker and isom will be sitting in the captains' chairs.
Until the iam/association is financially threatened nothing will happen.

That started when the airline filed for the contempt order.

Like I pointed out with the SWA situation, it seems LAA will also seek a permanent Permanent Injunction in lieu of the actual payment of a contempt fine.

The Associatiion wants to exchange a JCBA for the legal issues to go away, including the probable fine and the permanent Permanent Injunction.

The Company probably wants to turn the fine into the permanent Permanent Injunction.

We're in a staring contest.
That started when the airline filed for the contempt order.

Like I pointed out with the SWA situation, it seems LAA will also seek a permanent Permanent Injunction in lieu of the actual payment of a contempt fine.

The Associatiion wants to exchange a JCBA for the legal issues to go away, including the probable fine and the permanent Permanent Injunction.

The Company probably wants to turn the fine into the permanent Permanent Injunction.

We're in a staring contest.
They are overplaying their hand again. Both the association and the company.
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