Tim Nelson
Dunno bout all the could be but we are certain that all of us have a lesser contract in regards to total package than all other major airlines. The union shouldnt have rejected the jetnet proposal. Now there is alot less on the table.Could be IAM isn't willing to negotiate on anything because they already have industry standard contract, could be AA is offering as much as they plane to as they hire an additional 145 mechs for TULE, could be TWU ramp isn't willing to negotiate unless they get all de-icing. Could be IAM ramp isn't moving off of their position of getting 13 more stations opened for IAM FSC stations, could be TWU ramp isn't accepting anything unless it has a pillow room opened back up at DFW.
COULD BE ? Could be anything, because the association doesn't feel the need to inform the membership, and the info they do say is something like AA wants to layoff all mechs and replace you with contractors, the association has a creditability problem and when it says some BS rhetoric it doesn't help....(AA has been hiring off the street for over a year now). SO who knows, I don't think any of us "especially you" have a clue what's going on.
I told people but they didnt listen.