It really does come down to who wins the waiting game. In our case, we did. We were willing to wait as long as it took to get what we deserved. Full retro, decent raises on each year and not skipping any years, industry average bonuses, article 2 scope left the same, and added vac options, time off, etc... One item we could not get increased was the 401K match. That is hard to get increased when we already have the industry leading 401K by 4-5%.
It did suk waiting 6.5 years, but we had to in order to get made whole. And we all say well worth winning the waiting game. If the membership really wanted to get the full retro they could if they were united enough just as we did. Our co. was fighting our demand of full retro all the way to the final 5 days of nego's when Kinder came in and got it done. Even paid 15 million over full retro. Doesn't sound like a lot, but when divided by the small amount of mechs we have (compared to the other airlines) that 15 million overpay comes to an average of over 6-7K for each mechanic. Not bad for a little padding huh?