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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Oh yes here we are a week removed from the ASS walking out of the meetings pouting with their tail between their legs and we have not heard anything as to those so called next steps or as they say appropriate response, whatever that means.
Oh don’t we all love these guys who steals our dues for this
The negotiating committee kept bringing up the lawsuit and fines at negotiations. That's why AA walked away. The lawsuit has absolutely nothing to do with the negotiations.
The idiots representing us can't let it go and move forward. There will be a fine and the association is worried about dishing out millions in fines. They seem to be begging the company to drop it in return for concessions at the table. Concessions that will cost the membership and not affect the treasury of both Internationals.
This shows that the association is willing to let the membership take it up the shorts to save theirs. I pay over $1,000 a year in union dues for this? What a frigging joke.
The negotiating committee kept bringing up the lawsuit and fines at negotiations. That's why AA walked away. The lawsuit has absolutely nothing to do with the negotiations.
The idiots representing us can't let it go and move forward. There will be a fine and the association is worried about dishing out millions in fines. They seem to be begging the company to drop it in return for concessions at the table. Concessions that will cost the membership and not affect the treasury of both Internationals.
This shows that the association is willing to let the membership take it up the shorts to save theirs. I pay over $1,000 a year in union dues for this? What a frigging joke.
In bankruptcy why do you think we didnt take a pay cut? It means they do. They dell into the trap set by the company and we pay.
the Executive Committee is considering next steps and an appropriate response.

still waiting for the next steps and or the appropriate response.....

And the association is afraid to tell us?

Im pretty sure they wont tell us.

Oh yes here we are a week removed from the ASS walking out of the meetings pouting with their tail between their legs and we have not heard anything as to those so called next steps or as they say appropriate response, whatever that means.
Oh don’t we all love these guys who steals our dues for this

The negotiating committee kept bringing up the lawsuit and fines at negotiations. That's why AA walked away. The lawsuit has absolutely nothing to do with the negotiations.
The idiots representing us can't let it go and move forward. There will be a fine and the association is worried about dishing out millions in fines. They seem to be begging the company to drop it in return for concessions at the table. Concessions that will cost the membership and not affect the treasury of both Internationals.
This shows that the association is willing to let the membership take it up the shorts to save theirs. I pay over $1,000 a year in union dues for this? What a frigging joke.

Oh yes here we are a week removed from the ASS walking out of the meetings pouting with their tail between their legs and we have not heard anything as to those so called next steps or as they say appropriate response, whatever that means.
Oh don’t we all love these guys who steals our dues for this
NYer is right.
This will come down to the lawsuit. Hopefully, the judge orders an immediate massive fine.
The Association should stick with negotiations and leave the lawsuit to legal counsel. The membership is taking the hit and we have no say.
What a disgrace. This is NOT how a union is suppose to conduct business. The updates are garbage and the membership is in the dark.
Merry Christmas to all cause we ain't gonna see nothing until 2020. I'll bet the MAX will flying before we get a deal hammered out.
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this is so much BS dank says nothing this week. My guy personally ask Gary Schable and he sad they where talking this past week WTF ! no $%%$%$% updated. go into bk get a deal in days! I do not believe any of these fucks
this is so much BS dank says nothing this week. My guy personally ask Gary Schable and he sad they where talking this past week WTF ! no $%%$%$% updated. go into bk get a deal in days! I do not believe any of these fucks

Could be they were talking about the legal stuff and not necessarily negotiating.

What if negotiations are mostly done and this is about the legal liabilities going away. To me, if negotiations broke off the Association would be screaming. If negotiations continued this week, we would of had an update.

We got neither, so does that mean they're concentrating on the legal stuff? Could be that's why it's soooooo quiet.
Wtf do you know? All conjectures, no matter what you say the whole situation is seriously jacked up
What a joke the TWU at AA has become!

I'm personally ashamed to be a member.

And collectively we're too stupid to sign a card and rid ourselves of this anti-union Association.
Could be they were talking about the legal stuff and not necessarily negotiating.

What if negotiations are mostly done and this is about the legal liabilities going away. To me, if negotiations broke off the Association would be screaming. If negotiations continued this week, we would of had an update.

We got neither, so does that mean they're concentrating on the legal stuff? Could be that's why it's soooooo quiet.
Could be IAM isn't willing to negotiate on anything because they already have industry standard contract, could be AA is offering as much as they plane to as they hire an additional 145 mechs for TULE, could be TWU ramp isn't willing to negotiate unless they get all de-icing. Could be IAM ramp isn't moving off of their position of getting 13 more stations opened for IAM FSC stations, could be TWU ramp isn't accepting anything unless it has a pillow room opened back up at DFW.

COULD BE ? Could be anything, because the association doesn't feel the need to inform the membership, and the info they do say is something like AA wants to layoff all mechs and replace you with contractors, the association has a creditability problem and when it says some BS rhetoric it doesn't help....(AA has been hiring off the street for over a year now). SO who knows, I don't think any of us "especially you" have a clue what's going on.
Here you go, from the bankruptcy court documents as the APA was fighting the abrogation of their CBA.

"APA’s proffered (and inadmissible) evidence shows that American made offers to each of its unions to reduce the 20% labor cost reduction figure sought in litigation to a smaller figure (17%) as an inducement to settle and in return for long term stability, certainty, and labor peace. Everyone but the pilots accepted. APA now claims that it is entitled in litigation to the quid without surrendering the quo — to use the 17% figure as the benchmark figure for a new “necessity” inquiry — a figure inextricably linked in American’s compromise offers to the labor stability and certainty that come from a long-term deal before an exit from Chapter 11 — without agreeing to a thing. Allowing APA to accomplish this feint would punish the other unions for making the sacrifices necessary to get the lowered figure..."

So, in Court, LAA admits all unions with contracts received the 17%, the APA was fighting to get the 17% while the airline continue to hold them to the 20% until, like the other unions, they agreed to a BK CBA.

This submission was in August 2012 and the APA didn't get a contract until December 2012. As a point of reference the TWU contracts had dates of September 12, 2012

Read it yourself, PDF

I see you’re still playing that tune all these years later. The only difference between the 20% ask and the 17% supposed better deal is the international gave away 2/3rds of our new profit sharing plan. I hammered the international on what changed between the 20% ask and the 17% acceptance and no answer. It was a scam. The pilots got a snap back built into the deal that no one told us about. When it came out in the paper they were getting it we ask about the me-too provision that the twu used to get the contract ratified. The union said oh that doesn’t apply anymore. That was the bait the cocksuckers used to get everyone to vote yes on the deal. “Vote yes brother and if the pilots get a better deal you will get it to”
Ya fukn right!!!
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