Are you an aa employee?
Typical you can’t refute so you make it about the poster.
Answer the question.
Not allowed but when it comes out I can’t wait.
What a cop out.
Are you an aa employee?
Typical you can’t refute so you make it about the poster.
Not allowed but when it comes out I can’t wait.
The six on the IAM all hold elected positions. If you want money for the medical then the IAM should get money cause of the hundreds of millions going into your frozen pension
+1Your an idiot. That attitude and philosophy will be the undoing of the association. Feel free to carry on.
This conversation is pointless
If they already have holidays, vacation etc. what's your point? Theve already gained it and get to keep it. We're not going to get any more retro "if there is any" by not having it and gaining it. The retro will be the same. That's a really weak and piss poor argument.How is going to be equitable when you are gaining vacation, holidays, sick time and overtime when the IAM gets nothing in this area?
How is it equitable when you get your 401k match on all hours worked when the IAM only gets a pension contribution on only 40 hours? How is it going to be fair when you say will get a 9% contribution and the IAM side does not?
How is it equitable when the company pays hundreds of millions of dollars into your pension and the IAM side pension was terminated and sits with the PBGC?
When you cost out the soon to be JCBA your side will gain exponentially more than the IAM side. Mark my words and you ***** and moan if the LUS side keeps their medical, how is it equitable when your side gains way more than the IAM side?
Agree. And the NMB did not make them take it down. This clown is way out there.What a bunch of garbage.
It was up for 5 months, the Association did a rebuttal and at no point singled out anything in those proposals and TA's that was a lie.
Sounds like this thing is going backwards, probably because of the legal issues, if they're trying to have us believe the posted language was "lie."
If that we the case they Association would have been livid and demanded a retraction at that time. Didn't happen.
Agree.Only hope ur right. But I for one will wait it out. If their as close as u claim is it bec in recent days AA mgmt reshuffling. Negative media etc
Are you serious???The six on the IAM all hold elected positions. If you want money for the medical then the IAM should get money cause of the hundreds of millions going into your frozen pension
Hey MORON!!! They will not gain in vac. hol. sick time and o/t. They simply wnt it replenished from what they took in BK. THAT IS NOT A GAIN you freakin moron, it's a "replenish" of what they once had before. Are you really this uninformed and claiming you are "totally informed?" Man you are freakin lost, and that is funny...How is going to be equitable when you are gaining vacation, holidays, sick time and overtime when the IAM gets nothing in this area?
How is it equitable when you get your 401k match on all hours worked when the IAM only gets a pension contribution on only 40 hours? How is it going to be fair when you say will get a 9% contribution and the IAM side does not?
How is it equitable when the company pays hundreds of millions of dollars into your pension and the IAM side pension was terminated and sits with the PBGC?
When you cost out the soon to be JCBA your side will gain exponentially more than the IAM side. Mark my words and you ***** and moan if the LUS side keeps their medical, how is it equitable when your side gains way more than the IAM side?
Then the TWU should agree to let AA terminate their pension.
They were above you for ten years, and if you want to count the blood bath of 92 they were ahead of you for 20 years. Guess you forgot they took way less cuts in their 2003 concessions and kept their pension for another nine years till theirs was frozen. They got equity you and I didn’t. Do you work the freight house?
Look at the whole picture not a small piece.
And you completely ignore your side is going to gain way much more than the IAM side. That’s a fact and take it to the bank.
I’m using your reasoning. You said the TWU should get more if and when the IAM keeps the insurance. If you want it equitable then terminate your pension since AA has to pay in hundreds of millions to it and not one IAM Member will see one cent from it.
Thanks for the insult as you can’t debate the facts. AA paid $921 million into the frozen plans this year, they borrowed money to do this and added to AA’s debt.
And completely ignore the fact their side will gain way more than you and your side will be losing things.
Not allowed but when it comes out I can’t wait.
They most certainly did. But hey your a WN mechanic you know it all about what is going on in the room at the NMB buildingAgree. And the NMB did not make them take it down. This clown is way out there.
Talk about being out there. They are not getting snap backs. They are getting gains. Thanks for the name calling. You lose any credibility when you start out with insults.Agree.
Are you serious???
Hey MORON!!! They will not gain in vac. hol. sick time and o/t. They simply wnt it replenished from what they took in BK. THAT IS NOT A GAIN you freakin moron, it's a "replenish" of what they once had before. Are you really this uninformed and claiming you are "totally informed?" Man you are freakin lost, and that is funny...
That’s funny coming from complete self-anointed know it all, who knows nothing and works at WN.A complete moron folks.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
And you believe that? Really?? You sure are gullible man!! The co can put the blame on the NMB, but it does NOT mean that is what happened. Do you believe everything the co puts out??? C'mon man...They most certainly did. But hey your a WN mechanic you know it all about what is going on in the room at the NMB building View attachment 14707
When you come to work at AA and become a TWU or IAM Rep and become a negotiator then tell everyone what’s going on, you only turn wrenches at WN. Man talk about delusions of grandeur. Better get ready for that huge assessment to pay WN that $20 million. Do they accept a payment plan?And you believe that? Really?? You sure are gullible man!! The co can put the blame on the NMB, but it does NOT mean that is what happened. Do you believe everything the co puts out??? C'mon man...
BTW it says assist. NOTHING about removal.
All that's telling me is that the company expects changes to what's posted, for better or worse is anyone's guess. Saying they were forced to pull it is your spin buttinski.They most certainly did. But hey your a WN mechanic you know it all about what is going on in the room at the NMB building View attachment 14707
We at AA before the 2003 concessions had 7 weeks VC and accrued 15 sick days a year. I doubt that is a replenish or return to what we had. Guys need to get their information in order.Agree.
Are you serious???
Hey MORON!!! They will not gain in vac. hol. sick time and o/t. They simply wnt it replenished from what they took in BK. THAT IS NOT A GAIN you freakin moron, it's a "replenish" of what they once had before. Are you really this uninformed and claiming you are "totally informed?" Man you are freakin lost, and that is funny...