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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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At this time means "now" "currently" "last meetings" Helloooooo!!

BTW quit trying to recover, it's already too late there skippy. What is done is done. Get over it.
At this time means "now" "currently" "last meetings" Helloooooo!!

BTW quit trying to recover, it's already too late there skippy. What is done is done. Get over it.

Good grief

"At this time," wasn't the terminology used.

It was "this time," in response to something never happening in the past.


Reading comprehension, it's fundamental.
If it's a reading comprehension, then why are others in agreement with me and not you. Call it what you want and spin it as you wish. We all read it and took it the same and NOT as you describe now.
The bottom line is that this abortion piece of shite asso never gives the membership any detailed information and they have not from day one of nego's, period. It took the company (twice now) to do a go around the NC and the asso to get the real information out to the membership thru jetnet and other means. And even after doing that the union still got completely bent that the company did this. The only real information and detailed offers in writing has ONLY came from the company (AA) NOTHING from this completely fuked up abortion of an asso that claims to be a union.
This IS the main point of all these topics being discussed. Not rather you meant one way or the other. Just remember everyone thinks how they want to come across in their writings but can be taken totally different once put to paper (text), and could actually come across to others in a different format. It's not reading comprehension it's how well or how bad the info was delivered. Maybe we should call it "writing comprehension"? LOL.
The bottom line is that this abortion piece of shite asso never gives the membership any detailed information and they have not from day one of nego's, period.

That's not accurate. They have given detailed information, it may have been inaccurate and usually late, but it's there.

There are videos and even released proposals from their side, as examples.

We may not like the information and it may have been wrong and misleading, but there has been some shared.
That's not accurate. They have given detailed information, it may have been inaccurate and usually late, but it's there.

There are videos and even released proposals from their side, as examples.

We may not like the information and it may have been wrong and misleading, but there has been some shared.
Let get this straight, information is information doesn't matter if its true or not? Hmmm im thinking thats false news, tell the masses what they want to hear to make them go away?
You dont hold office do you?
That's not accurate. They have given detailed information, it may have been inaccurate and usually late, but it's there.

There are videos and even released proposals from their side, as examples.

We may not like the information and it may have been wrong and misleading, but there has been some shared.
I want to think this is a sarcasm remark and a jab at the Association, but if it's not, it is mind blowing that you would actually say that.
That's not accurate. They have given detailed information, it may have been inaccurate and usually late, but it's there.

There are videos and even released proposals from their side, as examples.

We may not like the information and it may have been wrong and misleading, but there has been some shared.
Can u show the details...such as say...scope. Wages....benesfits....etc..etc...
That's not accurate. They have given detailed information, it may have been inaccurate and usually late, but it's there.

There are videos and even released proposals from their side, as examples.

We may not like the information and it may have been wrong and misleading, but there has been some shared.

Deceitful and untrustworthy.

You just gotta love "The Association".

WTF is next?
Let get this straight, information is information doesn't matter if its true or not? Hmmm im thinking thats false news, tell the masses what they want to hear to make them go away?
You dont hold office do you?
Are we talking negotiations updates or the daily White House briefings? Hard to tell between the two when information is released.
Let get this straight, information is information doesn't matter if its true or not? Hmmm im thinking thats false news, tell the masses what they want to hear to make them go away?
You dont hold office do you?

In this instance, they tried to make the airline proposal worse than they were, especially on the Fleet side.

They're bad enough but they tried to make them couple of notches worse.
I want to think this is a sarcasm remark and a jab at the Association, but if it's not, it is mind blowing that you would actually say that.

For most of the time we received stale and often regurgitated updates, but sprinkled on there were some videos by the IAM and the after the Company released their proposals we received the Association proposal on a couple of Article and a more detailed video by the Association.

Can u show the details...such as say...scope. Wages....benesfits....etc..etc...

They're on the Association website and a couple of videos were linked in a prior post.

Now that they're really talking, we'll probably not get anything from the recent sessions until there is an agreement.
That's not accurate. They have given detailed information, it may have been inaccurate and usually late, but it's there.

There are videos and even released proposals from their side, as examples.

We may not like the information and it may have been wrong and misleading, but there has been some shared.

The info we don’t like? Do you mean when we get rhetoric like AA wants to replace all mechanics. While at the same time there are a lot of new hires and an announcement for 400 mechs for TULE.

I wouldn’t doubt we get a contract soon, then Recession hits and AA goes bankrupt, the new ceo doesn’t even bother with asking for cuts, she takes cuts and then the employees that are left will be treated well.
The info we don’t like? Do you mean when we get rhetoric like AA wants to replace all mechanics. While at the same time there are a lot of new hires and an announcement for 400 mechs for TULE.

I wouldn’t doubt we get a contract soon, then Recession hits and AA goes bankrupt, the new ceo doesn’t even bother with asking for cuts, she takes cuts and then the employees that are left will be treated well.

That rhetoric is an example, yes.

There will be a deal soon, before a recession and a bankruptcy is not even a remote possibility for the next 5 to 10 years.
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