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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Anyone know why the info has completely stopped?
The NMB mediators in our nego's did not put any gag order out but did have in place a system where they were suppose to "approve" the written updates that went out from both sides. After some time passed they stop having to approve them any more. And, we were given much much more detailed info at our monthly meetings at the union hall straight from the NC at the table.
Just curious to why it all stopped all of a sudden. Is this the asso's call or what???
Because AMFA cares about its members unlike the association
And the TWU continues to bend it's own members over!

Again, I ask.....

TWU is becoming so pathetic that the IAH people may be better off with the IAM and getting their holidays sick time and health care. I don't see the TWU doing anything for their members except take their money.
Why stop there put all the 2000 numbers up as well

operating income/(loss) for amr:

2001 - -$2.5 billion
2002 - -$3.3 billion
2003 - -$844 million
2004 - -$144 million
2005 - -$93 million
2006 - +$1.0 billion
2007 - +$965 million
2008 - -$1.9 billion
2009 - -$1.0 billion
2010 - +$308 million

obviously, 9-11 was cataclysmic. everything changed. nobody flew for 2-3 years. 2008-2009 saw astronomical jet fuel expenses...oil got to $140/bbl in 2008 - apprx. $170+/bbl in today's money. today, brent oil is at $60/bbl.
The 80s were easy as there was a big gap of the big airlines and the smaller low cost ones.
The 90s biggest problem was fuel skyrocketed and it harmed the smaller ones the most.
The fuel cost finally eased in the mid 2000s and more mergers happened.
Now is the time to focus on the quality of your product .
However this management team is not focused on that they are more focused on their pretty headquarters and there upper management teams and hiring people who have no idea how to run a quality airline.
This company needs a change at the top

Disagree on the quality. That was more important when there were so many more airlines. Today, there are 4 major airlines with each having strongholds in different parts of the country.

They will have enough services to compare with others, but to a certain point and with a certain expense. It isn't service above all.

The issues at LAA are similar to issues at other airlines, we just promote ours more.
They have this time and with videos. A lot of it was wrong or misrepresented.
Have they now?
Here's the latest updates from the asso., no details what-so-ever. And here are the videos from the asso. All videos by individuals is simply a court ordered action that they must comply with by saying there is no condoning or endorsing of a job action. Other than that where is the said "detail" updates and videos as you say exist???

Negotiations Update
September 27, 2019

Negotiations continued at the National Mediation Board offices in Washington, DC this week. Some progress on issues other than Scope, Retirement, Healthcare and Wages was made. Your Executive Negotiators remain committed to achieving the best contract in the industry.

The Mediators scheduled additional dates at the Mediation Board offices October 8 through October 10. We are hopeful progress continues and increases at the next meeting.

Please Post on All TWU- IAM Bulletin Boards

PDF version: Association-Bulletin-9/27/19Download
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Negotiations Update
September 20, 2019

Federally-mediated negotiations between the TWU-IAM Association and American Airlines continued this week in Washington, D.C. At the request of the NMB, the parties have agreed to keep details of our discussions confidential.

The National Mediation Board scheduled negotiations to continue next week in Washington, and we are hopeful that progress is made then.

Please Post on All TWU- IAM Bulletin Boards

PDF version: Association-Bulletin-9/20/19Download

And here are the videos:

Click HERE to view TWU President John Samuelson’s Video

Click HERE to view TWU/IAM Association Vice Director Alex Garcia’s Video

Click HERE to view TWU/IAM Association Director Sito Pantoja’s Video
All of you need to stop your complaining!!!

We offered you the option to sign cards and get out of the POS Association

The position was it wasn't a good time to change unions.
Once again believing they were close to a contract

Now a year and half later, Not only no contract, but you have lawsuit shoved up your back side.

So go ***** in the mirror you damn fools
You have exactly what you chose to support
Amen brother, Amen.

View attachment 14682
This letter is at IAH tonight.

Sounds more like a dictatorship.
Now I ask you guys, who in "F" is running this abortion of an asso. called a union???
It's not the members (as it should be)
It's not the local presidents and officers.
The IAM international is running this abortion of an asso.
Now, here's the biggie phrase;
You all had the chance to do something about it, but some kept on saying; "now is not the time", "Were too close to a JCBA."
Now we get all the whining about exactly what we warned you guys about and it is happening exactly as you were told it would.
As we told you guys years ago, if you do not stand up and do something about it YOU will have to deal with it for the rest of your careers. Now deal with it or sign a card...
Because AMFA cares about its members unlike the association
Agree. But conehead, they have totally shut off the updates and info now. This alarms me on what they are nego or giving up. I see this getting pretty ugly quickly when the terms are released. Pathetically sad to watch...
TWU is becoming so pathetic that the IAH people may be better off with the IAM and getting their holidays sick time and health care. I don't see the TWU doing anything for their members except take their money.

Pathetically Lame is more like it. The TWU never does shite when the IAM makes a move always in the IAM's favor and the TWU just lays there and takes it, sad.
Disagree on the quality. That was more important when there were so many more airlines. Today, there are 4 major airlines with each having strongholds in different parts of the country.

They will have enough services to compare with others, but to a certain point and with a certain expense. It isn't service above all.

The issues at LAA are similar to issues at other airlines, we just promote ours more.
I think we have more down time to ***** too.
Agree. But conehead, they have totally shut off the updates and info now. This alarms me on what they are nego or giving up. I see this getting pretty ugly quickly when the terms are released. Pathetically sad to watch...
They could have explained what they were doing the last 2 weeks considering everyones hopes were riding high.The last update was frustrating and depressing and im IAM i could imagine how TWU feels.
Have they now?
Here's the latest updates from the asso., no details what-so-ever. And here are the videos from the asso. All videos by individuals is simply a court ordered action that they must comply with by saying there is no condoning or endorsing of a job action. Other than that where is the said "detail" updates and videos as you say exist???


Video One

Video Two
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