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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Local 514 President
Dale Danker


It is very frustrating to once again read the association update with no details. I for one believe that those who are negotiating our contract should be selected by the membership to represent them. That is how the TWU has been structured in the past.
I am thankful that it appears slight progress is being made. I’m sure everyone including myself is looking at this association and asking themselves ” are we going to rid ourselves of this mess after we get a contract?”

There is so much miscommunication and lack of communication its almost laughable.
It is all settled and complete

The current delay is because LUS is getting to stay on their cheaper medical until current sunset date in their contract
The Association wants to delay past Health Care Enrollment so that LAA employees don't rise against the Association.
This is all about Dues preservation and fear of a card drive and Union election throwing Association off the property
This way they can justify the inequity by claiming Enrollment has completed and logistically LUS will not be forced to LAA medical after enrollment has completed.
And don't be surprised if increased Vacation Days do not come until 2021 since will have also completed VC selection process

Remember all things are to preserve power and dues payers
That is and always will be top priority

sounds plausible.

if the case, they could have done this nonsense last year, in sept. 2018..where insurance and vacations get lost in the company friendly timeline of deadlines.

bad on the company for not bending a bit and getting this done last year, at this time. they would have avoided 2019's horrible year of PR and operational numbers, along with southwest's & delta's raises and the assoc. would have avoided court and it's complications.
We should just let the iam negotiate the contract. When the tell us to say yes we can just have our leadership say "thank you sir may i have some more?"
Local 514 President
Dale Danker


It is very frustrating to once again read the association update with no details. I for one believe that those who are negotiating our contract should be selected by the membership to represent them. That is how the TWU has been structured in the past.
I am thankful that it appears slight progress is being made. I’m sure everyone including myself is looking at this association and asking themselves ” are we going to rid ourselves of this mess after we get a contract?”


Good on Danker. The Association goes against just about every union principle there is.
I wonder why Peterson and Shible wont speak out against the abortion called the ASSocitaion????? Hmmmm……
Any ideas??
At least someone in a leadership role within the TWU still has some balls and will speak out against this joke that’s called the ASSociation.
They all know we are being screwed over at the International level of the union, but are like sheep when it comes to doing things. And Samuelson who came off looking like a goon at the town hall has done nothing for the membership. The TWU is an embarrassment.
They all know we are being screwed over at the International level of the union, but are like sheep when it comes to doing things. And Samuelson who came off looking like a goon at the town hall has done nothing for the membership. The TWU is an embarrassment.
And alex just gushes what a great friend and mentor sito is.
"Please sir may i have some more?"
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Anybody else disturbed by the fact that the association and aa still talking about everything other then the big 3 items
First we dont have union halls. They took them away and sold them. Its much easier to keep us divided and seperate that way. The iam controls communication's they tell us what they want when they want. Thats what happens when your union surrenders itself as bitches.
I think the membership needs to flood the international with emails, text messages, and even phone calls asking where the detailed updates are. Make them tell you guys exactly why are there no longer details about what takes place at the table. Even threaten the idea of replacing them with another union, maybe, they might listen if they knew they were gonna get replaced.

They sued initially, but now i guess comfortable in their position?
I honestly think that they were moved up into their new positions to shut them up permanently about the negativity on the asso. and it worked. Sad but true. They were bought off by the international moving them up and giving them huge raises.
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