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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Read what you will into it, but this from Jetnet and David Seymour today in the Miami article.
"Since the time of this incident, we are in a different place. We are seeing some operational improvements with fewer aircraft out of service at the start of the day. And, importantly, we have promising developments on the negotiations front and are scheduled to resume that work with the National Mediation Board (NMB) on Sept. 16."

Is the "promising developments" the scheduling of more meetings only, is there more to it?
Some sort of deal will come out of there if not then shortly after imo. Now what sort of deal? No ideal no predictions anyone doing so is just guessing.
Read what you will into it, but this from Jetnet and David Seymour today in the Miami article.
"Since the time of this incident, we are in a different place. We are seeing some operational improvements with fewer aircraft out of service at the start of the day. And, importantly, we have promising developments on the negotiations front and are scheduled to resume that work with the National Mediation Board (NMB) on Sept. 16."

Is the "promising developments" the scheduling of more meetings only, is there more to it?
I suspect there is more to it. When was the last time we heard promising developments mentioned regarding negotiations? After Samuelsons unhinged rant and then the mechanic sabotage in Miami, the union is in a spot where severe damages may be awarded to the company. I thought myself that the company's operation slowed things down a lot, but some incidents get real hard to defend.
I would hope that this incident would motivate the company and the association to get this done and put this **** show behind us. I really hope the company doesnt try to take advantage and force a shitty deal. If you force a shitty deal because you can it wont help moral.Just do the right and fair thing stop this bullshit and get it done. We are all tired and demoralized over the whole thing. This mess in miami could have been avoided if the company the iam the twu and the association just did their jobs and the right thing. Im pleading with all involved just get it done fairly and honestly. For once.
I would hope that this incident would motivate the company and the association to get this done and put this **** show behind us. I really hope the company doesnt try to take advantage and force a shitty deal. If you force a shitty deal because you can it wont help moral.Just do the right and fair thing stop this bullshit and get it done. We are all tired and demoralized over the whole thing. This mess in miami could have been avoided if the company the iam the twu and the association just did their jobs and the right thing. Im pleading with all involved just get it done fairly and honestly. For once.

Everyone has a different idea of what fair is.
Stupid fker He won’t have to worry about that contract now, I hope his dumbass gets the max.
I would hope that this incident would motivate the company and the association to get this done and put this **** show behind us. I really hope the company doesnt try to take advantage and force a shitty deal. If you force a shitty deal because you can it wont help moral.Just do the right and fair thing stop this bullshit and get it done. We are all tired and demoralized over the whole thing. This mess in miami could have been avoided if the company the iam the twu and the association just did their jobs and the right thing. Im pleading with all involved just get it done fairly and honestly. For once.
Morale won't be had
Give it a few days and see what the flying public's response will be if any. I don't know what's worse, a 737 MAX that has aerodynamic flaws and crashes or a disgruntled mentally sick employee who sabotages an aircraft for personal financial gain. Either way I hate to be in that room with the big heads in headquarters over this issue and how it might tie into the dragging on of negotiations.
it was the breaking news on Fox news at 8pm last night. The dumb station had Samuelsons "bloody" video then tied that into the sabatoge. They had faa analyst say samuelson could have incited or encouraged this action thru his trash talk.
At any rate, the faa and govt will cuff samuelson if he doesnt submit next week.
This is big news and the govt simply will not tolerate safety threats.
Stick a fork in negotiations! They are done and ready to serve.
I doubt he is a terrorist, just an idiot. Jail time of 6 months or less.
No where in that did I suggest he was a terrorist just a dumbass.
If convicted he’ll get a lot more than 6 months and will deserve it.
No where in that did I suggest he was a terrorist just a dumbass.
If convicted he’ll get a lot more than 6 months and will deserve it.
i think it will be settled unless he claims the union coerced or incited him to do it. I just doubt he does any jail time since he prolly is just a disgruntled employee. 3 years probation is my guess just like the employee from clt that called in a b threat into 911.
If they tie it to the job action it will certainly depend on what the mechanic says in his statements. He can draw a line that could expose the Association to some liability by the Company, Crew members and even the passenger that may have been on that flight.

Hopefully, this doesn't push away any passengers to other airlines.
The articles I have read says the mechanic already admitted to doing it on purpose. You get this after the Judge has ruled in favor of AA in the suits. Not good for asso. when the ruling comes down from the Judge on the asso.
This criminal deserves the full 20 years for the attempted murder of over 150 passengers and crew. This will help the Judge hand down a huge punishment on the asso. in the companies favor.
i think it will be settled unless he claims the union coerced or incited him to do it. I just doubt he does any jail time since he prolly is just a disgruntled employee. 3 years probation is my guess just like the employee from clt that called in a b threat into 911.
You are kidding? Right? In 2009 Birgenair FLT 301 crashed killing everyone on board. 189 people died because the 757
they were flying in had its pitot tube clogged by a wasp nest, He did the same thing on purpose! That sounds like attempted
murder to me, thankfully our pilots did a great job. He not only was an A&P he also had his Avionics ticket, so he fully understood
what the was doing. Minimum, he deserves 10 years in a place where he has nightmares about his cellmates pitot tubes.
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