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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Well there was deals on the table prior to summer but the ASS just kept saying no then the video meltdown happens and well here we are and I mostly blame the Ass for this but the company does have some accountability too
So for there to be any movement the union will have to bend.What will make them do that now....money damages against them.
The truth of the matter is we will get a contract when Sito says so. However the IAM will get another year of their medical which was a sticking point with him. Does anybody know what the cap on the TWU medical is? Rumors are saying it’s going up to 16% but I’m pretty sure we have a cap that’s much lower than that.
I think lus will lose the extra $3,000.
That means a net loss for 80% of us from the jetnet proposal.
Your full of it AA can’t afford this to be unresolved through the holidays.
They can’t afford more disruptions and poor moral this will be done prior to that.
Our summer performance was terrible if we have the same for the holidays we will be on our to bankruptcy again
Im not sure i buy that but you may be right.
Our workforce is ruined. It wont matter if we are making $40. Many are just ruined entitled people and they necessarily want to work.
Those of us who love our jobs now will remain the ones who love our jobs later.
Most likely because of mergers and bankruptcies, its a ruined culture like a beaten dog that snaps at everything now.
HR doesnt do the company any favors hiring undesireables who feel entitled to top pay at year 1 and are lazy and disappear or call in all the time.
So for there to be any movement the union will have to bend.What will make them do that now....money damages against them.

I hope they just offer what was put on Jetnet but I doubt all of that will be there. It’s possible there will be a few changes to entice movement from the union side but overall I doubt much will change. I do agree with Tim I think the extra 3000 is gone for the IAM since it was refused the first time
jeez Timmy your all over the place, we are on ice, we arent on ice. come on man take the bull by the horns and fix it.again your in command till lunch should be plenty of time for a man of your legendary status.
And genius status
I hope they just offer what was put on Jetnet but I doubt all of that will be there. It’s possible there will be a few changes to entice movement from the union side but overall I doubt much will change. I do agree with Tim I think the extra 3000 is gone for the IAM since it was refused the first time
The 3k for the iam wasn't really fair anyway and im IAM.Give me dl+3% and let me look at the language and im okay.The TWU doesnt like the language we have in our contract. Language we had since our first contract.Funny how people interpret the same words differently
Isom all but said we sucked this summer and that we need to fix it and that begins with getting something done with the unions.
They have had a long time to get something done.

So you can believe he’s lying or that he wants improvements.
I am sure he does want improvements. The question is... what will he do to get them?

Personally from what I’ve seen out of the idiots in the Ass I tend to believe the guys who run things, but only so far
I don't. I think they are one in the same. My experience at TULE with Scam Cirri was very educational.
I hope they just offer what was put on Jetnet but I doubt all of that will be there. It’s possible there will be a few changes to entice movement from the union side but overall I doubt much will change. I do agree with Tim I think the extra 3000 is gone for the IAM since it was refused the first time

Don't agree. Unless the Association continues to prolong this mess, I believe the Company will follow through with the public offers.

The language will be bad enough, don't think they'll want to alienate more than the agreement will.

That's only if the Association is trying to get a deal. If they ruin this opportunity then I can see stuff start coming off the table, like the $3,000.
So he waits till the summer is over to give us a contract? Why didnt he give us one to avoid the meltdown.?? Thats like putting oil in your car after the engine ceased.Nope is the company that has the leverage with the upcoming money damages against the union

this was brought up before..stalling only cuts off your nose to spite your face:

all they had to do was offer 3% more than ua and boost the 'bonus' for fscs...and bend a bit on % outsourcing for AMTs...and minute contractual language

aa would have avoided the PR/operational nightmare of 2019 along with avoiding delta + 3% after delta's 4% raise along with avoiding southwest's AMT pay raise.

if i'm a neutral on BOD, i'm not happy with how this all played out. stall some more...maybe ua will give out-of-contract bonuses to it's employees that aa may feel compelled to match. not sure there are neutrals on anyone's BOD anymore..they all sit on each others' boards and play golf together.

if we were signed in jan., no way we get this dl money and wn AMT money. hopefully, united gets generous in the very near future.
I have a question for the board, are there going to be flunky's there for the company or are they're going to actually be people that can make decisions? Like Isom and Parker and wroble.

That's a reality check, nothing will get done, there will be flunkeys, there will be a limited time to negotiate and they will spend most of the time going over old stuff and how we to where we are.

And that's not even counting the drinks donuts and hookers.
The 3k for the iam wasn't really fair anyway and im IAM.Give me dl+3% and let me look at the language and im okay.The TWU doesnt like the language we have in our contract. Language we had since our first contract.Funny how people interpret the same words differently
sure it was fair.
I have a question for the board, are there going to be flunky's there for the company or are they're going to actually be people that can make decisions? Like Isom and Parker and wroble.

That's a reality check, nothing will get done, there will be flunkeys, there will be a limited time to negotiate and they will spend most of the time going over old stuff and how we to where we are.

And that's not even counting the drinks donuts and hookers.

So the fix is in.
What Sito and alex are not telling you is the meeting they had with AA.
The union was told if we do not get a deal from you it will cost you the ASSociation over 145 million in damages, so here is what we are willing to give. Let us know.
Contract will be agreed in principal during the next session and we will vote on it within a couple of months.
I have a question for the board, are there going to be flunky's there for the company or are they're going to actually be people that can make decisions? Like Isom and Parker and wroble.

That's a reality check, nothing will get done, there will be flunkeys, there will be a limited time to negotiate and they will spend most of the time going over old stuff and how we to where we are.

And that's not even counting the drinks donuts and hookers.
Almost certainly the FAA reprimanded both parties to get this done since there is now reported sabatoge (and arrest as of yesterday). The confessional sabatoge in miami caused an aborted takeoff.
Samuelson should be sweating if they tie that sabatoge/terrorist act to him for possibly inciting things. While the big stockholders are probably telling parker to settle up as well.
Both samuelson and parker have their ass in the sling if they walk out without serious progress if not a deal.
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