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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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remember, the faa told both parties to fix this crap, 6 months ago. Now a bonehead mx confesses to sabatoge. FAA no doubt communicated again imo.
remember, the faa told both parties to fix this crap, 6 months ago. Now a bonehead mx confesses to sabatoge. FAA no doubt communicated again imo.
Give it a few days and see what the flying public's response will be if any. I don't know what's worse, a 737 MAX that has aerodynamic flaws and crashes or a disgruntled mentally sick employee who sabotages an aircraft for personal financial gain. Either way I hate to be in that room with the big heads in headquarters over this issue and how it might tie into the dragging on of negotiations.
Those who think this incident by this nutcase will speed up negotiations is, well, nuts...
Loud mouth Samuelson is no different, his was just verbal Sabotage. This guy actually took action...
When a member is inspired by a Cult leader, they go after the leader as well. Let's see if the Judge or anyone else tries to tie this in with the TWU leaders ridiculous rant. Blood bath comes to mind...
I have a question for the board, are there going to be flunky's there for the company or are they're going to actually be people that can make decisions? Like Isom and Parker and wroble.

That's a reality check, nothing will get done, there will be flunkeys, there will be a limited time to negotiate and they will spend most of the time going over old stuff and how we to where we are.

And that's not even counting the drinks donuts and hookers.

You're not going to like the answer but the decision makers are in the room and have been in the room.

If Parker and Isom were in the room the second would be deferred until they consult with their proper parties in Labor Relations.

Haven't you noticed how in the Town Halls, they usually defer to the Labor Relations people when looking for specific answers?
Those who think this incident by this nutcase will speed up negotiations is, well, nuts...

May not speed it up, but it certainly will cement the Company resolve. Getting a JCBA in exchange for the legal issues to go away may no longer be enough.

The SWA situation could be repeated with the Association, in which a CBA was achieved with some company friendly language but the legal issues pertaining to the job action haven't yet gone away.
Loud mouth Samuelson is no different, his was just verbal Sabotage. This guy actually took action...
When a member is inspired by a Cult leader, they go after the leader as well. Let's see if the Judge or anyone else tries to tie this in with the TWU leaders ridiculous rant. Blood bath comes to mind...

If they tie it to the job action it will certainly depend on what the mechanic says in his statements. He can draw a line that could expose the Association to some liability by the Company, Crew members and even the passenger that may have been on that flight.

Hopefully, this doesn't push away any passengers to other airlines.
So the fix is in.
What Sito and alex are not telling you is the meeting they had with AA.
The union was told if we do not get a deal from you it will cost you the ASSociation over 145 million in damages, so here is what we are willing to give. Let us know.
Contract will be agreed in principal during the next session and we will vote on it within a couple of months.
You're not going to like the answer but the decision makers are in the room and have been in the room.

If Parker and Isom were in the room the second would be deferred until they consult with their proper parties in Labor Relations.

Haven't you noticed how in the Town Halls, they usually defer to the Labor Relations people when looking for specific answers?
Weel is a flunky..
You guys crack me up with your BS.

This crap has gone on for years it has reached the boiling point, the leaders in the the ASS cant negotiate their way out of a paper bag, the IAM has one of the best deals on the planet, and the company ain't moving an inch. The FAA don;t give a rats ass and Mcbryde and the NMB are in the companies pocket. The BOD? I can't figure out what their problem is but there has to be something that Parker has on them.

Everyone else that's on the outside looking in is starting to take notice, but the next big thing, whatever that might be, will cause them all to take their eyes off the ball and that will be it until they don't have anything else to talk about anymore.

Then they'll come back around to the company and the workers plight. Which will be years from now. Besides that, the pilots (that got us in the mess with Parker) and the FAs will take center stage momentarily and WE, below the wing will be forgotten.

So, I'm not getting my hopes up for anything, these people have been sticking it in my ass for 16 years and I don't see anything changing.

I hope I'm wrong. But I doubt it.
With that employee messing with the pitot-static/nav systems of an in-service aircraft, I think our negotiations plight took a major credibility hit with the FA's and pilots. I can't imagine them being anything but pissed off over this.
You're not going to like the answer but the decision makers are in the room and have been in the room.

If Parker and Isom were in the room the second would be deferred until they consult with their proper parties in Labor Relations.

Haven't you noticed how in the Town Halls, they usually defer to the Labor Relations people when looking for specific answers?

Besides all of what I wrote above, if there anyone in a room talking, it isn't those 2 clowns , pito and larcia, it lawyers.
There has been a lot of bad publicity for AA in the past few months and now this mechanic in Miami.
I think this could bring about a deal sooner rather than later if nothing else to bring about a good news story for AA.
Of course that all depends on if any of that really matters to Parker, Isom and the BOD.
There has been a lot of bad publicity for AA in the past few months and now this mechanic in Miami.
I think this could bring about a deal sooner rather than later if nothing else to bring about a good news story for AA.
Of course that all depends on if any of that really matters to Parker, Isom and the BOD.

It matters, but I think the bad press we've been getting as a union buys then time to get the deal they want.

They have multiple pressure points to exploit.
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