Yes. And the company sees many $$$'s coming their way. Company attorneys are all over this issue. And it will be the top example used in the companies favor. This one dumb arse mechanic just screwed everything up the union could have done as a defence in the courts. However, it will be interesting to see how the asso. tries to wiggle their way around this one.You're missing the point. He can't say anything to help his cause.
The point is that his description of why could be tied to the job action and the call to avoid voluntary overtime.
It is something that could be seized by the Airline in their contempt case. It shows how mechanics interpreted the call to action by some Association representatives.
Maybe it won't have an affect or maybe it will, and if it does, it'll be very damaging.
Here's a question: With our union, every termination is handled by the union representing the mechanic fired. In this case, at AA with this mechanic does the union represent this guy? Or will they say, sorry man, you intentionally did this and there is no way they would help him fight for his job? I predict the later in order to distance themselves as far as possible from this individual. If this were the case here, our LEC would NOT elect to represent this individual. Instead they would tell the individual to go get his own attorneys, fight for getting the job back and then, if he was successful they would reimburse him of the attorney fees and cost. We all know he will not get his job back. Either way, and no matter what this does not look good for the asso. and they better change their attitudes at the table in these upcoming nego's.