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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Oh believe me I find NOTHING funny in any of this!!!! Anytime we see any of you union big wigs tell us we will vote we question that. The infamous "question 5, Will we vote on the association" will be a stain on the TWU for the rest of our careers. NO, there is nothing funny about any of this.
It is a stain on the TWU that can't be downplayed, as it continues to haunt the membership.Lots of strange things going on such as getting assignments from the hand held which makes constant errors. Asked the union about not being assigned by a crew chief and get muffled replies. Lots of people wondering why we are paying dues.Very toxic environment right now. About to get worse.
NO!!! And that’s what pisses me off. Why is it the IAM is hindering your lively hood and not the company?? The IAM is trying to improve your livelihood. Wonder who you would blame if what’s on the table today gets rid of thousand your jobs. Would you blame yourself for voting yes? Just so you can get your extra holidays and sick days?
I’m sure you wouldn’t. Nor would you blame the company! You would blame the association. I’ve been through 2 bankruptcies in my time. And I can assure you, I would never had expected another group to give up things they had just to get me more sick days and holidays. Unbelievable how the union is to blame here, and not the company.
And I can assure you, I would never had expected another group to give up things they had.
what about the ones that dont have anything? you expect them to wait until whenever? we would be six months ahead right now if the association didnt spend the first six months playing games getting their **** together. no thats where our opinions differ i dont blame the unions i blame the association. i blame two unions forcing its members into an association where both parties have a different agenda and they usually dont involve the interest of each other.no until there is a jcba however it comes via imposition and or peb there will be no equality in the association
i have said this many times over and over again the iam leadership's decision to sit out any type of showing of solidarity is what put us in the position. it showed clear division in the association and created and or deepened the resentment of the situation. i dont think it ever occurred to the leadership or it really mattered to them at that time.
NO!!! And that’s what pisses me off. Why is it the IAM is hindering your lively hood and not the company?? The IAM is trying to improve your livelihood. Wonder who you would blame if what’s on the table today gets rid of thousands of your jobs. Would you blame yourself for voting yes? Just so you can get your extra holidays and sick days?
I’m sure you wouldn’t. Nor would you blame the company! You would blame the association. I’ve been through 2 bankruptcies in my time. And I can assure you, I would never had expected another group to give up things they had just to get me more sick days and holidays. Unbelievable how the union is to blame here, and not the company.
ill tell you what do the right think cosign,donate or give twu members your sick days and holidays and double time etc. hey just until we get a jcba. just saying. that would make us all feel like one big happy association.
And you are the perfect example of what I posted

Yes they stopped paying into our pensions in February of 2005 and terminated our pensions. We went three years with only a 3% DCP. And now face another reduction in our pensions.

We lost 46% of the maintenance workforce in 2005, we took three rounds of concessions in two bankruptcies in less than two years. Fleet then took another 40% cut to the IAMNPF as they were in it before maintenance. We got no equity, nothing.

It’s not the IAM’s fault you were the last to the bankruptcy party. And our IAM Maintenance CBA was abrogated in February of 2005. And after our first bankruptcy the company violated or CBA and farmed out ten planes. We won in arbitration and they filed bankruptcy the second time and we lost over $300 million from the arbitration award.

So you are so willing to throw the IAM Members under the bus and force concessions on them to line your own pocket. Your nothing more than a greedy SOB. Forcing the IAM side to take your medical is a paycut to them, and not to you. But you don’t give a crap, your such a great unionist.

Doug stopped negotiating with the IAM and secretly went behind our backs and negotiated with you and you didn’t even work for Doug and US, that caused a delay in raises and gains to the IAM side, yet no one complained and whines and talked bad about the TWU on the IAM side.

We lost vacation, sick time and holidays from 2002 till 2014.

Did the IAM force concessions on you or was it Horton?

And if there wasn’t a merger you would still be making 26% less and would just be entering Section 6 last September.

Once again, open your eyes, it’s not any IAM members fault that you have less holidays, vacation and sick time, it’s AA’s fault.

But it’s easier to blame the IAM for your own yes vote on concessions instead of AA.

And you play right into management’s hands.

CBA envy is not a good thing.

Actually the IAM has done plenty to hinder LAA TWU employees between TWA, driving down standards for workers at other carriers and selfishly concocting an association that was NEVER voted on by the membership.

Are you a representative of the IAMNPF? I thought the IAM and IAMNPF were “separate entities”.

There will be a vote if it goes to a peb. Copy and past this. We will see who is correct.
again we have it in WRITING form the highest authority in the union jim (pos) little. just out of curiosity who taught the little trick about dues check off cards to jim little? im sure when he promised a vote he was not aware of it at the time, until of course someone whispered in his ear......
Like I said to Dfwgen. If I was twu. I would probably feel the same. But again, you will vote on a peb decision.
And yes you can call me a bigwig if you want. But I spent 33 years on the ramp. So I know where I came from.

I'm sure that $30K+ raise you just got helps keep you grounded.

BTW, when's the last time you actually saw the inside of a bin?
ill tell you what do the right think cosign,donate or give twu members your sick days and holidays and double time etc. hey just until we get a jcba. just saying. that would make us all feel like one big happy association.
or better yet in solidarity why dont you have all your members refuse the benefits we dont have? it could be like a hunger strike that we are all on! man that would be a show of solidarity!
ill tell you what do the right think cosign,donate or give twu members your sick days and holidays and double time etc. hey just until we get a jcba. just saying. that would make us all feel like one big happy association.

You see. You make my exact point from my previous post. You blame the IAM for you not having these things.
Info: It was AA that put you into bankruptcy, not the IAM.
It is AA that is choosing not to give you your sick time and holidays unless you agree to give up thousand of jobs.
I guess the question that needs to be asked here, is, are you willing to give up thousands of your current jobs to get your holidays and sick time? If you are? Then yes, that’s the unions fault for not letting you vote for what’s being offered. Guilty as charged.
or better yet in solidarity why dont you have all your members refuse the benefits we dont have? it could be like a hunger strike that we are all on! man that would be a show of solidarity!

We went through two bankruptcies in our days. Were you sympathetic to us then?
So are we going to use that forever as a reason to do nothing? excuse me but we on our side of the fence have been doing a lot. other then the protest in clt what has the iam accomplished? has the iam shown up to the sota party every year? has the iam backed any of the twu initiatives? i dont recall seeing very many signatures from the iam on the documents. in fact the iam writes the updates but has a hard time putting names to it. please explain other then forgive and forget what the iam is contributing to the effort? angry? yes very. and every holiday and sick day you get dragging this out pisses me off more. what you fail to understand is that you are hindering our lively hood.
Winner x100......We are supposed to just forget that the IAM has been sucking the medical tit at a cost of what? +400 bucks a month? Enjoying more sick time. more holiday pay? And what? We are supposed to be a unified front. Now the banter of a $3000 bridge for IAM medical. Put a dollar amount to the additional pay and benefits they have enjoyed since this joint workforce came to be, and deduct it.
or better yet in solidarity why dont you have all your members refuse the benefits we dont have? it could be like a hunger strike that we are all on! man that would be a show of solidarity!
i mean you can have the company put it in a special account like our prefunding to hold for you until later. the iam didnt get on board to give us a hand on that prefunding issue? i mean a letter of support to the company probably would have gone a long way to the peons on the bottom, as useless as it would have been. but it would have been at least a sign of support.
We went through two bankruptcies in our days. Were you sympathetic to us then?
thats a good point. in hind sight cant say that i was, due to two separate entities or worlds.i didnt take advantage of the situation though. but i have a feeling in the future we will have the opportunity to share another one
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