And you are the perfect example of what I posted
Yes they stopped paying into our pensions in February of 2005 and terminated our pensions. We went three years with only a 3% DCP. And now face another reduction in our pensions.
We lost 46% of the maintenance workforce in 2005, we took three rounds of concessions in two bankruptcies in less than two years. Fleet then took another 40% cut to the IAMNPF as they were in it before maintenance. We got no equity, nothing.
It’s not the IAM’s fault you were the last to the bankruptcy party. And our IAM Maintenance CBA was abrogated in February of 2005. And after our first bankruptcy the company violated or CBA and farmed out ten planes. We won in arbitration and they filed bankruptcy the second time and we lost over $300 million from the arbitration award.
So you are so willing to throw the IAM Members under the bus and force concessions on them to line your own pocket. Your nothing more than a greedy SOB. Forcing the IAM side to take your medical is a paycut to them, and not to you. But you don’t give a crap, your such a great unionist.
Doug stopped negotiating with the IAM and secretly went behind our backs and negotiated with you and you didn’t even work for Doug and US, that caused a delay in raises and gains to the IAM side, yet no one complained and whines and talked bad about the TWU on the IAM side.
We lost vacation, sick time and holidays from 2002 till 2014.
Did the IAM force concessions on you or was it Horton?
And if there wasn’t a merger you would still be making 26% less and would just be entering Section 6 last September.
Once again, open your eyes, it’s not any IAM members fault that you have less holidays, vacation and sick time, it’s AA’s fault.
But it’s easier to blame the IAM for your own yes vote on concessions instead of AA.
And you play right into management’s hands.
CBA envy is not a good thing.