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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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It’s really sad to see the defeatist attitude of ALL the TWU members here except Weaasles

The enemy is not the IAM, it’s the company, many of you have lost sight of this.

The IAM Members didn’t complain about not getting equity money, nor the billions that AA has to pay into your frozen pension. And the IAM still has numerous mechanics on lay-off that would love to comeback if TWU scope is gained. We lost the backshops in bankruptcy and they sit empty on the second and third floor of the CLT Base Maintenance Hangar. We actually gained scope after the second bankruptcy as the company had the unlimited right to outsource base.

You all need to start using logic instead of emotions
This what the results are from the membership getting this fiasco of an asso. union shoved up their arses. Where have you been? The division is caused by the very same asso. that will soon call for unity and it is a fact that the IAM will bring on the deserved retaliation it brought onto itself, it's called "self inflicted wounds".

Let’s talk Wages today for Fleet.

The Company put out a calculator yesterday where you can input your information and it will tell you how much of a raise they are offering. Well I put in my information and it came back that at TOS (Top of Scale) my offered raise was $1.16 per hour.

What was promised?

Well to start off Doug Parker promised 7% above the TOS out there. Then he brought that down to 3%.

So where are we today?

Well currently TOS out there is UAL at $31.23

3% above $31.23 is $32.17
7% above $31.23 is $33.42

But the Company now seems to be offering only $31.97 on date of signing?

Maybe it’s me and my Math skills just aren’t very good? Can someone tell me what happened to the 3% or 7% promise?
That's right there little weezal, just keep on believing everything they tell you verbally, moron.

Doesn’t really matter if they present a full text proposal. The ASSociation said they will not being back any proposal that is concessionary.
As they should not. Our union said the same. Finally one came after 6 long years of waiting, but was well worth it. Stay united guys, get what you deserve, and do not allow the union to put out any vote if concessions are involved. Demand all concessions restored plus some.
Here lies the problem. What the company thinks is great, the union doesn’t. And vice versa.
The other problem I have is that if the union is going to keep telling us the devil is in the details, how do they know this if there is no proposal? Let us see the details or does the union does not trust its members?

Ok. so if the company puts out a full text proposal, should the ASSociation let us vote on it? or let us just peruse it and ignore the will of the mebership? We should demand a full text proposal I agree. if it is as bad as the union says it is, then the membership will vote it down

I agree with you that the membership should in fact see all the details. But, I will add to that that if there are concessions involved the NC should not allow it to come out for a vote. NC needs to simply tell the co. that no offer will go to the membership that has concessions within it, PERIOD. At the same time also demand full retro for the back pay plus compounding and interest for withholding it from you in the first place. Stay united and it will happen...
Fleet doesn’t vote on Mechanic’s Contract.
I know but it still won't stop the co from padding towards the much larger fleet group in order to get an offer to come out. And that is why the mechanics at AA need to get into a class and craft "mechanics" union.
It’s really sad to see the defeatist attitude of ALL the TWU members here except Weaasles

The enemy is not the IAM, it’s the company, many of you have lost sight of this.

The IAM Members didn’t complain about not getting equity money, nor the billions that AA has to pay into your frozen pension. And the IAM still has numerous mechanics on lay-off that would love to comeback if TWU scope is gained. We lost the backshops in bankruptcy and they sit empty on the second and third floor of the CLT Base Maintenance Hangar. We actually gained scope after the second bankruptcy as the company had the unlimited right to outsource base.

You all need to start using logic instead of emotions
The equity money was not for lus that was for laa when we had a sham bk. and again that was our frozen pension that was negotiated way before the merger for laa. And your iam doesn’t . Sound very good . If it gave up the back shops. Just like the twu letting them close afw both the iam/twu association are the worst unions; so there was nothing for lus to complain about . In 14 y’all got a contract before the negotiations started for joint contract. You got the same raise in 16 with less costly insurance and more holiday. N700 cry me a river. We twu members need to be made whole. So go back to your catering business 700
I’ll bet you we will. Everyone else in the industry who’s Contract was amendable got one, why wouldn’t we?

We got retro in 2001 also.

Wouldn't it be nice if the TWU was a trend setter.....just once (in a positive aspect)
Wouldn't it be nice if the TWU was a trend setter.....just once (in a positive aspect)

As long as they don’t follow the trend set on November 20, 2006 we should all be ok.

Hint: That was the day it ended.
The company is pushing the mediators hard to proceed to a peb. The mention of arbitration will be offered, but they have already been told the union will reject that. That’s why i say “ the mention”.
After this week the mediators said they will take about 2 weeks to make their report to the nmb. And the nmb will then make the decision on what’s next. Which wil either be sit and do nothing for awhile, or declare a impasse and most likely a peb.
Just to clarify. It will take two weeks to get their report to the nmb. But then there is no timetable to when the nmb rules on what’s next.
The company is pushing the mediators hard to proceed to a peb. The mention of arbitration will be offered, but they have already been told the union will reject that. That’s why i say “ the mention”.
After this week the mediators said they will take about 2 weeks to make their report to the nmb. And the nmb will then make the decision on what’s next. Which wil either be sit and do nothing for awhile, or declare a impasse and most likely a peb.
Just to clarify. It will take two weeks to get their report to the nmb. But then there is no timetable to when the nmb rules on what’s next.
just out of curiosity at what point was the membership asked about the prospect of arbitration? or is this another case of we have absolutely no say in the process? personally i welcome of peb. the sooner we get to an imposed contract the better at this rate we are going nowhere . its a win win the association can point fingers at the system and blame the membership, we finally are equal and then no one has an advantage of saying lets just wait. wink wink we can afford to wait we have the benefits...if the tails happy **** the dog.
just out of curiosity at what point was the membership asked about the prospect of arbitration? or is this another case of we have absolutely no say in the process? personally i welcome of peb. the sooner we get to an imposed contract the better at this rate we are going nowhere . its a win win the association can point fingers at the system and blame the membership, we finally are equal and then no one has an advantage of saying lets just wait. wink wink we can afford to wait we have the benefits...if the tails happy **** the dog.
I understand your frustrations. But no you wouldn’t vote on going to arbitration. That’s what your negotiating team does. Now I know some of you, maybe your one, maybe your not, would just soon not have a negotiating team. The company could just keep putting out proposals for a vote until it gets voted in. Maybe if enough of you feel that way, that’s how it can go next time.

But the IAM ( not sure about twu) will never agree on a arbitrator deciding for our members. A arbitrators decision is binding. Ask the pilots and flight attendants how happy they are that they decided to go to arbitration. I can tell you they will say they made a huge mistake. At least if we go to a peb, that decision isn’t binding. Our members will get to vote on whatever the outcome is.
just out of curiosity at what point was the membership asked about the prospect of arbitration? or is this another case of we have absolutely no say in the process? personally i welcome of peb. the sooner we get to an imposed contract the better at this rate we are going nowhere . its a win win the association can point fingers at the system and blame the membership, we finally are equal and then no one has an advantage of saying lets just wait. wink wink we can afford to wait we have the benefits...if the tails happy **** the dog.

Transport Workers Union Local 514

Representing American Airlines Maintenance Workers in Tulsa Oklahoma and Greater Southwest Texas.

A summary of the NMB RLA process
March 11, 2010
A summary of the NMB RLA process
National Mediation Board processes under the Railway Labor Act. Upon receiving a notice to the NMB from either party requesting release, the NMB will notify the opposing party of the request. There will be a NMB imposed comment period (usually 10 days or 2 weeks), subject to extension at the discretion of the NMB. The Board deliberates upon receipt of the request and corresponding comments, if any, and then issues a determination. The Board may request a meeting with principles for clarification purposes prior to making their final determination of the disposition of the release request. Additionally, during the deliberation process, the NMB will discuss the release notice with the assigned mediators prior to making any determination on whether the parties are ‘unable to reach an amicable agreement’.
The term “impasse” is frequently misused. Under the RLA, parties are required to make every reasonable effort to bargain until an “amicable agreement can be reached.” This can go on almost indefinitely and the determinations of the NMB are greatly deferred to by Federal courts. The NMB does not technically declare an “impasse”; it determines when an amicable agreement cannot be reached. Once that is determined, a proffer of binding arbitration is given (which has to be voluntarily accepted by both parties – AA and the TWU). Once binding arbitration is refused, that triggers a 30-day cooling off period.
At anytime a Presidential Emergency Board may be requested by the NMB to investigate and report on the dispute making recommendations that it deems appropriate. The President will appoint the board members of the PEB. Once the PEB is formed, this continues the “status quo” to remain under the amendable agreement. There is a 30 day period to form the PEB and issue their report, although that 30 day period is often extended to finalize the report. Once the PEB issues their report, another 30 day cooling off period begins. Congress may then intervene and implement the recommendations of the PEB, or compel arbitration, or request special panels.
Of course, the parties are free to reach an agreement at any time during this process. At the end of any cooling off period, either party is free to engage in self help, including strikes, imposed agreements, etc. Only during self- help can the company can impose a contract.

A summary of the NMB RLA processNational Mediation Board processes under the Railway Labor Act. Upon receiving a notice to the NMB from either party requesting release, the NMB will notify the opposing party of the request. There will be a NMB imposed comment period (usually 10 days or 2 weeks), subject to extension at the discretion of the NMB. The Board deliberates upon receipt of the request and corresponding comments, if any, and then issues a determination. The Board may request a meeting with principles for clarification purposes prior to making their final determination of the disposition of the release request. Additionally, during the deliberation process, the NMB will discuss the release notice with the assigned mediators prior to making any determination on whether the parties are ‘unable to reach an amicable agreement’.The term “impasse” is frequently misused. Under the RLA, parties are required to make every reasonable effort to bargain until an “amicable agreement can be reached.” This can go on almost indefinitely and the determinations of the NMB are greatly deferred to by Federal courts. The NMB does not technically declare an “impasse”; it determines when an amicable agreement cannot be reached. Once that is determined, a proffer of binding arbitration is given (which has to be voluntarily accepted by both parties – AA and the TWU). Once binding arbitration is refused, that triggers a 30-day cooling off period.At anytime a Presidential Emergency Board may be requested by the NMB to investigate and report on the dispute making recommendations that it deems appropriate. The President will appoint the board members of the PEB. Once the PEB is formed, this continues the “status quo” to remain under the amendable agreement. There is a 30 day period to form the PEB and issue their report, although that 30 day period is often extended to finalize the report. Once the PEB issues their report, another 30 day cooling off period begins. Congress may then intervene and implement the recommendations of the PEB, or compel arbitration, or request special panels.Of course, the parties are free to reach an agreement at any time during this process. At the end of any cooling off period, either party is free to engage in self help, including strikes, imposed agreements, etc. Only during self- help can the company can impose a contract.
I understand your frustrations. But no you wouldn’t vote on going to arbitration. That’s what your negotiating team does. Now I know some of you, maybe your one, maybe your not, would just soon not have a negotiating team. The company could just keep putting out proposals for a vote until it gets voted in. Maybe if enough of you feel that way, that’s how it can go next time.

But the IAM ( not sure about twu) will never agree on a arbitrator deciding for our members. A arbitrators decision is binding. Ask the pilots and flight attendants how happy they are that they decided to go to arbitration. I can tell you they will say they made a huge mistake. At least if we go to a peb, that decision isn’t binding. Our members will get to vote on whatever the outcome is.
i have no problem with a negotiating committee that we voted for. there lies the problem the iam will never agree to arbitration so they veto that idea right off the bat.i dont recall voting to have the iam decide my fate. so what is the plan to wait until an impasse is declared then just accept whats imposed? if you have other plans you might want to give them a second thought. or is it to just keep saying no, well because you folks can afford to wait? i mean you hold all the cards and have all the benefits we are just the dog being wagged by the tail......
arbitration, peb does it matter? how long can we drag it out till the inevitable occurs? i can assure you the resentment runs deep and gets deeper the longer this **** show goes on.
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