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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Odd im.not screaming bloody murder that the company will be contributing billions to your frozen pension.We see none of that another point what would you do if you were in our shoes.In the end we are likely to give that all up anyway

What, and the company isn't contributing to your pension plan? Why not just freeze your pension as well? Then we could both be on the same page.
Thanks for the Red marks Ken, such a baby.

Instead of red marks, refute the information and why you disagree, I see you have your red crayola out today
Nope, you didn't call me anything there...Geez, are you that dense. Go away.
What, and the company isn't contributing to your pension plan? Why not just freeze your pension as well? Then we could both be on the same page.

If the Company wants to get out of the IAMNPF there is a breakaway fee that they are required to pay. That fee was something they agreed to when they first chose to enter the fund.
What did your protest gain?

Did you get a CBA to vote on?

More vacation, holidays, sick time?

You got nothing, except Parker laughing at you.
The letters for the iam pension could not have come out at a better time for the company. Is the iam run by idiots. Even the twu could have figured the timing better then that. What has the protest netted? It clearly showed the division in the association, putting us in the position we are today.
Ok. so if the company puts out a full text proposal, should the ASSociation let us vote on it? or let us just peruse it and ignore the will of the mebership? We should demand a full text proposal I agree. if it is as bad as the union says it is, then the membership will vote it down

If it reaches a point where an impasse is declared because neither the Company or the Union intends to move on anything any longer I would have to say yes that what is put out should be voted on.

Yes the Association would be throwing the long ball if they recommended rejection and some or all of the deals passed anyway, but I agree at the end of the day it has to be the Membership who makes the final decisions.

April 26, 2019

American, AGAIN, Shows Their Unwillingness to Negotiate an Agreement – NMB Fails with its Strategy

Brothers and Sisters,

The Association leadership met with American Airlines’ negotiators and Federal Mediators this week in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The Mediator’s unorthodox approach to these negotiations failed to provide adequate space for the parties to face-off in the critical high stakes final issues to be resolved. The recent sessions were short threeday bursts that started late in the mornings and did not proceed into the evenings. The Mediators kept the negotiators in separate rooms instead of creating an environment that forced the negotiators to face each other to reach an agreement or stalemate. An arbitrary deadline was set (without agreement from the Association) that resulted in this session to be the last 3 days the NMB have scheduled for the parties to meet.

The company took advantage of this strategy (that undermines the process and favors the company) by continuing with their greed driven tactics and proposals. Company management is unwilling to acknowledge the workforce, whose sacrifices have created the world’s largest airline that makes Billions in profits.

Given the company’s unwillingness to move away from demanding massive concessions from our members, the Mediators have informed us that they will report to their superiors at the National Mediation Board (NMB) that they do not see a clear path to reaching an agreement. This process will take a number of weeks. It will be up to the NMB to determine the next step(s) in this process as outlined under the Railway Labor Act.

Since the beginning of these negotiations, company negotiators have continued to hold steadfast in their opening positions of massive concessions in SCOPE, failed to move off their substandard health and retirement positions and will not negotiate to secure best in the industry compensation. What they have focused on is continuing to spin their half-truths on Jetnet.

We are certain that the company will be lobbying the NMB to recommend a Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) since they cannot get the concessions they want from your negotiators. The recommendations from a PEB could favor the company. We must be prepared to reject those recommendations.

It is time for every Association represented member to clearly and unambiguously let the company know you will not accept another concessionary agreement. Your Association leadership has let the Company know that they are in for a fight. All of us must accept the fact this fight is truly on and it does personally affect each of us from this day forward.

Our collective success is up to you.


Your Association Negotiating Committees

please declare an impasse. then we can finally see something from this take over. again its about...concessions in SCOPE, failed to move off their substandard health and retirement positions and will not negotiate to secure best in the industry compensation.

1) dues payers
2) medical plan guess who's?
3) retirement plan guess who's?

and then pay....

Didnt one of the negotiators tell me he thought we would end up with a PEB and that they looked forward to it.Guess that strategy has changed

Brilliant move.
Amazing how delusional some people are. THE COMPANY AIN'T GONNA BUDGE!
Next, the ASSociation will begin the strike rhetoric.

Per RLA doesn't binding arbitration come first (after mediation) then maybe the co. could ask for PEB? I just don't see the NMB skipping the BA and going straight to a PEB. I could be wrong, but that is the next step isn't it???

Senior Vice President – Customer Experience

David Seymour

Senior Vice President – Integrated Operations

April 26, 2019


This week, negotiating teams for the company and the Association met for our last scheduled mediation session. Knowing the significance of this meeting, on the first day of talks, we proposed two very significant improvements to our current offer:

1. Increasing wages to match the new higher pay rates for applicable mechanic pay rates (AMTs, Inspectors, GSE/Facilities, and MCTs) in the Southwest tentative agreement

2. Making the transition to American Airlines medical plans easier for IAM-represented team members by adding a one-time, $3,000 medical transition payment. Also, under our proposal, the PPO 100 plan would sunset at the end of 2019, but participants could remain in the PPO 80 and 90 plans until the end of 2020.

These improvements are in addition to what the company already has on the table:

· An automatic 5% company contribution toward your retirement, with an additional match on team member contributions of up to 4%

· Significant improvements in holidays, vacation and sick time, including:

o 10 paid holidays and pay at 2.5x your rate if worked

o Up to six weeks of vacation

o 10 days of sick time paid at 100% of your pay rate

· A $3,000 signing bonus

· An early out that would pay approximately one year’s salary — $105,000 for full-time mechanics and $65,000 for full-time Fleet Service

· Most importantly, systemwide station and job protection on the date of signing. Every team member would continue to have a job in their classification at their same station. American would continue to do more maintenance work in house than at any other U.S. carrier.

After the company’s enhanced proposal, the mediators developed their own proposal. After reviewing both parties’ responses confidentially, the mediators determined that there was no framework for an agreement at this time and said there was no basis for further talks at this time. We will be waiting to hear from the mediators as to next steps.

The company has had an industry-leading offer on the table since July 2017. That’s nearly two years that team members have gone without higher pay, increased retirement, more days off and the other benefits currently on offer. Literally millions of dollars are being left on the table with each week that goes by. To help you see the full value of what is available, we have created a calculator that shows the increase in pay and overall compensation you would receive under the company’s current proposal. It takes into account your pay step, seniority, vacation, typical overtime hours worked in a year, 401(k) contributions, current and future medical coverage and more. We hope you’ll walk through the details and find out more about what this offer means for you.

We share this now because we feel you have a right to know what is at stake. The company has tried repeatedly to move talks along. When we were stalled in 2016, we implemented a significant pay increase. We later put forth a comprehensive, industry-leading proposal and enhanced it twice, including with higher wages and station protection among other enhancements. Last summer, we asked the Association leadership to let you vote on the company’s proposal, but they refused. When we continued to make no progress, we asked for mediation in September. Last month, we suggested we go to arbitration and let that arbitrated agreement be put to the membership for a vote. The Association leadership once again rejected the idea outright.

The proposal on the table is industry-leading, including the new Southwest tentative agreement, and one that offers very significant economic and lifestyle benefits for our team members. We think you’ll find it compelling, and if you do, you should talk to your union, because we can’t deliver that value to you if they won’t put it out for ratification.

View attachment 14363

View attachment 14364

Twu members should get something for the holidays we missed I’m sick of hearing about lus insurance we’re losing money on holidays

This may sound like knick-picking but, in Seymore's letter he claims IL pay including the SWA T/A. Step one states that they will match SWA T/A pay rates not surpass them.
The co. trying to get you guys to vote on bullet points BS, don't fall for it. Also they show what other concessions are included in the offer to pay SWA rates and restore all those lost benefits from before.
Same tactics SWA tried to pull. If they want a vote, send out an offer that IS ILC and include everything in writing like SWA finally did for us.
To me it appears there was movement by the co. but I am an outsider, so hard to filter thru all the hidden information being withheld by both the co. and the asso.
By the mediators saying they are taking it all back to their leaders for the next move, it should be the offer of binding arb., if either side refuses then can the request of PEB be done or will it go to cooling off period after this ice session???
Too late the company could wait it out.We will get frustrated.I got to ask the WN people if Southwest put out proposals thst divided them.You said the end of April would be interesting...well not really
When Kinder came into our nego's he came to get a deal done and he put a halt to the co's game playing tactics. And he was successful in obtaining and offering an ILC.

Is it true if the mechanics are paid Southwest Airline wages that comes to about an $8.00 raise? I don't know, just asking.
AANOTOK, click the download in this memo, once it opens up click the blue colored "here" to read our fill redlined T/A offer that includes the pay rates. To answer you quickly we will go to mid 50's at our Aug 2019 contract date (right at $55) then we will end at $61 and change at the end. I forget where you guys are at but I think you are right, somewhere around an 8.00 raise.

Here's the link:

Joint Memo: Tentative Agreement Finalized
April 2, 2019 -- Following our announcement that we reached an Agreement in Principle on March 16, our Teams have been working to finalize the contractual language into an official Tentative Agreement (TA). We are happy to report that work is complete, and the TA is ready for your review.

Download: 20190402_Joint_Memo_re_TA_Finalized.pdf
Let’s talk Wages today for Fleet.

The Company put out a calculator yesterday where you can input your information and it will tell you how much of a raise they are offering. Well I put in my information and it came back that at TOS (Top of Scale) my offered raise was $1.16 per hour.

What was promised?

Well to start off Doug Parker promised 7% above the TOS out there. Then he brought that down to 3%.

So where are we today?

Well currently TOS out there is UAL at $31.23

3% above $31.23 is $32.17
7% above $31.23 is $33.42

But the Company now seems to be offering only $31.97 on date of signing?

Maybe it’s me and my Math skills just aren’t very good? Can someone tell me what happened to the 3% or 7% promise?

Coming back to this. The reason why the Company is posting $31.97 is because they are now comparing to what would be the bottom wage comparator of Delta and ignoring the higher UAL wage rates.

BTW, if we accepted $31.97, UA goes to $32.01 this December. It would take a matter of only a few months to get surpassed.
I honestly don’t think I’ll see a retro check if past history hold true
Full retro must be demanded. Otherwise they will just do it all over again and save millions. SWA tried it with us, membership said no way.

I’ll bet you we will. Everyone else in the industry who’s Contract was amendable got one, why wouldn’t we?

We got retro in 2001 also.
Neither the asso update nor the co update said one iota about retro or back pay now did they? You just keep believing everything this pathetic asso tells you verbally idiot...
we are 7 months past our amendable date. i didnt see retro on jetnet.
And I believe neither side said "anything" not one mention of retro or back pay. Wezz is an idiot, must be in writing or they will not pay it, they always seem to try to get out of the retro.

face it the iam is screwed they waited to long to join the fight. their decision to sit on the sidelines fat dumb and happy because its not the right time bit them in the ass. they cut a deal with the devil to make the take over happen and the devil fucked them. if they would have came out of the gate showing some any type of empathy for our plight their would have been a chance at unity. they blew it. they felt secure in their position and they fucked themselves. sorry i dont have much sympathy. the iam's leadership decision was poor,misguided and self serving now they have to face the consequences. just curious what moron on the iam side decided to come out with that memo on the solubility of their pension in the middle of negotiations? geez if anything turned us against them..... the company saw blood in the water and went in for the kill.
"WINNER" X's 1,000
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