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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Biatch, I have told you that for the last few weeks and now you are agreeing with me, wow!!!
Swampy I wonder how the Association will hold up, if these guys go as long as we did 6.5 years, including ramp. Just how Militant is the American Airlines mechanics, and ramp?
Swampy I wonder how the Association will hold up, if these guys go as long as we did 6.5 years, including ramp. Just how Militant is the American Airlines mechanics, and ramp?

If the 6.5 years is a key then the picture that will develop is the apparent division between the Mechanics and the Ramp. In fact right now if the opportunity arose to vote on a T/A there would be a noticeable difference with the mechanics accepting the company offer.
The association will never last 6 years. We will have a contract by the end of this year. I personally want to see the companies complete proposal!!!! The TWU members out number the IAM . The TWU will wear down and force a subpar contract on to the IAM members. Money will overcome intelligence!!!
There won’t be a card drive, the one they last tried failed, that ship has sailed, you went almost seven years, where was your card drive?
It was in my head, because I was a Teamsters lover, but I got over it. AMFA proved their worth.
Yet they are, and you constantly whining about isn’t going to change it, you play right into the company’s plan of divide and conquer.
He’d rather the group with the chittier contract whom he complains has been screwing him for years be in charge, frightening he’s working on planes with that logic
Swampy I wonder how the Association will hold up, if these guys go as long as we did 6.5 years, including ramp. Just how Militant is the American Airlines mechanics, and ramp?
It will hold up for as long as the membership allows it to.
Just from these last few post, it really does show how bad these two groups need to be separated with different contracts for each different group.
He’d rather the group with the chittier contract whom he complains has been screwing him for years be in charge, frightening he’s working on planes with that logic

No he doesn’t. He doesn’t know who he wants anymore frankly.

He’s gotten lost in the Forrest.
The association will never last 6 years. We will have a contract by the end of this year. I personally want to see the companies complete proposal!!!! The TWU members out number the IAM . The TWU will wear down and force a subpar contract on to the IAM members. Money will overcome intelligence!!!
With the walls they are hitting as of late I don't see you all having a contract by the end of this year. But I also hope you guys prove me wrong too.
There won’t be a card drive, the one they last tried failed, that ship has sailed, you went almost seven years, where was your card drive?

You’re wrong Ken. There has been an ongoing Card Drive at American Airlines since 1962.

It’s only 57 years young. Give it some time.
There won’t be a card drive, the one they last tried failed, that ship has sailed, you went almost seven years, where was your card drive?
First... welcome to the board Ken! The folk's calling for "card drives" are company loyalist/trolls. There is no better way to divide and conquer the membership than to suggest they need to replace the collective bargaining unit. As you stated, this hasn't, and WON"T work!

et they are, and you constantly whining about isn’t going to change it, you play right into the company’s plan of divide and conquer.
As a purveyor of truth, expect personal attacks and claims that you are a union boss, officer, media rep, etc. This will all come from the same handful posters here whom are hellbent on fulfilling the promise to fracture solidarity, all in the name of their corporate sponsors!
First... welcome to the board Ken! The folk's calling for "card drives" are company loyalist/trolls. There is no better way to divide and conquer the membership than to suggest they need to replace the collective bargaining unit. As you stated, this hasn't, and WON"T work!

As a purveyor of truth, expect personal attacks and claims that you are a union boss, officer, media rep, etc. This will all come from the same handful posters here whom are hellbent on fulfilling the promise to fracture solidarity, all in the name of their corporate sponsors!

Not to mention these two posters as well.

Good Luck to you all, Good Luck to you all, Good Luck to you all, Good luck to you all, I wish you Good Luck, Good Luck, Good Luck, did I remember to say Good Luck? Well Good Luck then.

So lead the way! Model the behavior you wish to see in your workgroup. Get involved, run for a local off—

Oh wait, never mind. That’s actual work and involves putting yourself out there. Much easier to be a breakroom hero or keyboard warrior.

Take a seat.
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