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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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TWU LOCAL 501 has just received a signed settlement pertaining to re-staffing a part of Philadelphia (PHL) Title 3.

A settlement letter is being worked on for Title 2.

The TWU Local 501 Executive Board is pleased that our former members will have the opportunity to return to TWU Local 501. Please understand that this re-staffing will still be tied to the future JCBA/Association Agreement.

Also any members who accept this opportunity to return to the TWU will be working under a Cross Utilization Agreement.

There is still much work to be done but TWU Local 501 will do our best to return our former members back as soon as possible.

I would like to personally thank our International for establishing this settlement in an expeditious manner.

Any questions pertaining to this communication please do
not hesitate to contact any Officer of Local 501.

Victor J. Gonzalez
President, TWU Local 501
International Executive Board
Too bad there will be no future JCBA in the near future.
It’s not a few things

Here is what CWA/IBT Gave up… scope by allowing up to 5 mainline jets a day to be outsourced. Allowing a whole different work classification with lower pay to do core mainline work, work rules language that is still surfacing. Allowing all baggage service to be outsourced. Allowing all wheelchairs and unaccompanied minors to be outsourced. Recheck of bags. Providing flight information to passengers. Allowing all curbside to be outsourced. Allowing junior part-time employees to get fulltime jobs before senior full -timers. Leaving health care insurance cost at the company discretion. Lost of holiday overtime paid option. Lost of comp-time, lost of catastrophic sick-time accrual. Lost of Profit sharing, No improvements in retirement.
They gave up a lot just for the dough. Geeze.
They are asking for carve outs for money that over time will erode more of the work we currently perform. Essentially the Company is looking for us today to sell out the future.

What you don’t get is that there actually are many people who aren’t supporting that purchase.

And after the Company finishes their buyout programs their overall Labor costs yearly will decrease dramatically.

In roughly 3 years those buyouts will be negated by lower cost Employees in both wages and use of benefits.
I have NEVER in my 32 years with the twu had a contract that didn’t have concessions of some sort. The twu has wrote the book on tricking its members n selling snake oil. In 2001 they told us $3 an hour was all the company would go. Just 2 or 3 weeks later after another union settled its contract it was upped to $5 by the company with no twu involvement. The twu was willing to settle for the $3. That was the closest to a non concessionary contract we’ve had since before B scale was invented by the twu in 1983. The concessionary part of it was the scope language changed. The C.R. Smith letter and a few other parts of it were removed which was a huge benefit to the company and concessionary for us. We’re still locked into the 2003 concessions. 16 fukn years if this ****. Let us the “union” decide what’s concessionary. We’ve had plenty of experience and are well educated on what’s concessionary over the years. We live the contracts we vote on not the negotiators.

There hasn’t been a contract that hasn’t had the carve outs n other things you mentioned above in my 32 year career. That’s why there’s been a continual push to get rid of these clowns over the years.
And neither is the company....It's ice time.
one thing is clear, the VAST majority want to vote and it would be a sweeping yes vote.
The company knows that as well as well as weez and the union persons.
To protect future headcount, and the iam pension, there will not be a vote.
Right now, the majority isnt going to sign cards to move things to a contract vote, but certainly patience with the association will deteriorate in 12-24 months as we get deep behind everyone else. And if the economy goes south like the union persons say on their FB pages against Trump then we lose the economic leverage that allowed the company to offer a $120 million per year fleet contract.

TWU LOCAL 501 has just received a signed settlement pertaining to re-staffing a part of Philadelphia (PHL) Title 3.

A settlement letter is being worked on for Title 2.

The TWU Local 501 Executive Board is pleased that our former members will have the opportunity to return to TWU Local 501. Please understand that this re-staffing will still be tied to the future JCBA/Association Agreement.

Also any members who accept this opportunity to return to the TWU will be working under a Cross Utilization Agreement.

There is still much work to be done but TWU Local 501 will do our best to return our former members back as soon as possible.

I would like to personally thank our International for establishing this settlement in an expeditious manner.

Any questions pertaining to this communication please do
not hesitate to contact any Officer of Local 501.

Victor J. Gonzalez
President, TWU Local 501
International Executive Board


UPNAWAY. Are u mgmt? Ur post sure sounds like u are. Tell me after years n yrs of gives backs n in this era of profits...billions in profits...seats so dam small passengers b!t(h bout it n bout customer service tell me why should we accept a pos esp in light of the fact that ceo named parker has clearly stated we deserve industry leading contract. Yet his proposal actually is a ch 11 type we do not need. He!! CWA gave up few things including baggage service. All for the dough. Why dont we outsource ur own job n mgmt to the cheapest n see. How u fare. Personally. Im done n finished w give backs.
If not management, a TN sock puppet with a corporate hand working it's mouth...
one thing is clear, the VAST majority want to vote and it would be a sweeping yes vote.
The company knows that as well as well as weez and the union persons.
To protect future headcount, and the iam pension, there will not be a vote.
Right now, the majority isnt going to sign cards to move things to a contract vote, but certainly patience with the association will deteriorate in 12-24 months as we get deep behind everyone else. And if the economy goes south like the union persons say on their FB pages against Trump then we lose the economic leverage that allowed the company to offer a $120 million per year fleet contract.


Let's assume your numbers were correct, the outsourcing of 3000 Association members would make it a cost neutral contract and anything more than 3000 jobs would make it cost negative.

P. Rez
Just curious, WeAAz. Why was this tidbit made public but none of the other articles?

It was made public because it’s a done deal. The Company went well over the flight threshold to restaff. This has nothing to do with our Contract Negotiations.
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