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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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At what point will you say wtf? The twu gave you away to the ass family without a choice. Would you have a problem if the ass passes you on to another bargaining agent? What if Sito n Sam decide to form their own union and just use your check off card to indenture you to themselves. Sure you could have a card drive but look at all the free quid they could extort before the removal happened if it ever did.

You gotta wonder if Jim Little wasn’t threatened into signing off on this ass. Sure he may have taken a bribe or whatever commensurate term you care to describe it as but there may have been a veiled threat to go along with it.

If you think this ass was formed with YOUR best interest in mind you are in denial.

Of course the Association wasn’t formed ultimately with it’s Members best interest in mind. It was formed mainly so those in particular positions could keep those positions.

But that still doesn’t mean that either Union should have been stamped out like a finished cigarette just because two Airlines decided to merge.

I know it’s hard to believe here on this Forum with its thousands of posters but there are people out there who like the Unions they’re in right now. Why should THEY have just had to lose that?

Hey when I decided to work for AA I was given no choice but to join a Union. On that front I was given no options if I wanted the Job. I’m still working for AA so I guess some of those things I don’t control just aren’t bothering me as much as others.

Holding out for better scope language, better medical and support for a failing pension plan at this point in our careers is ridicules. Considering the first downturn in the airline industry this bankruptcy prone management will file and get the scope, medical n whatever else their heart desires from us.

Sorry but not everything is about people who are at your point in your career. I have 8 to 10 more years myself and I’m tired of giving up more and more. Particularly when economically now it’s ridiculous to do so.

Oh and these are the (Young) people we’re holding out for.

Of course the Association wasn’t formed ultimately with it’s Members best interest in mind. It was formed mainly so those in particular positions could keep those positions.

But that still doesn’t mean that either Union should have been stamped out like a finished cigarette just because two Airlines decided to merge.

I know it’s hard to believe here on this Forum with its thousands of posters but there are people out there who like the Unions they’re in right now. Why should THEY have just had to lose that?

Hey when I decided to work for AA I was given no choice but to join a Union. On that front I was given no options if I wanted the Job. I’m still working for AA so I guess some of those things I don’t control just aren’t bothering me as much as others.

Sorry but not everything is about people who are at your point in your career. I have 8 to 10 more years myself and I’m tired of giving up more and more. Particularly when economically now it’s ridiculous to do so.

Oh and these are the (Young) people we’re holding out for.

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So in your world contract language survives a bankruptcy? In 2003 we gave up the farm to keep retiree med and a sweet pension plan. The twu gloated about how great it was to maintain those two things? One bk n it’s gone and so is the farm we gave away to keep them. So these youngans we supposedly are holding out for on scope is a pipe dream. One bk and it’s gone just like the pension and retiree med.

course the Association wasn’t formed ultimately with it’s Members best interest in mind. It was formed mainly so those in particular positions could keep those positions.

You must be speaking for the Iam side because the twu had the numbers to keep their positions. Who got to keep their position?
I wondering if Jim Little wasnt coursed into this mess surely he didn’t hate us that bad.
Of course the Association wasn’t formed ultimately with it’s Members best interest in mind.

Understatement of the year.

... but there are people out there who like the Unions they’re in right now. Why should THEY have just had to lose that?

They should’ve had the opportunity to vote. “Will of the majority” and all that...
So in your world contract language survives a bankruptcy? In 2003 we gave up the farm to keep retiree med and a sweet pension plan. The twu gloated about how great it was to maintain those two things? One bk n it’s gone and so is the farm we gave away to keep them. So these youngans we supposedly are holding out for on scope is a pipe dream. One bk and it’s gone just like the pension and retiree med.

Not quite as simple as you make it out to be. You need to read the Law for yourself and don’t forget that any carve outs need to be “Fair and equitable”


course the Association wasn’t formed ultimately with it’s Members best interest in mind. It was formed mainly so those in particular positions could keep those positions.

You must be speaking for the Iam side because the twu had the numbers to keep their positions. Who got to keep their position?
I wondering if Jim Little wasnt coursed into this mess surely he didn’t hate us that bad.

Yes it would have been the IAM side since it was the IAM who put the pressure on to form the Association.

Not that it matters since IMO going after each other just spins the wheels and gives the Company exactly the division they want to feed off of.

Next comments will likely be why didn’t the IAM join us in protest till now?

Again I don’t care why it took them so long to get here, I’m just glad they’ve finally arrived.

Not quite as simple as you make it out to be. You need to read the Law for yourself and don’t forget that any carve outs need to be “Fair and equitable”


Yes it would have been the IAM side since it was the IAM who put the pressure on to form the Association.

Not that it matters since IMO going after each other just spins the wheels and gives the Company exactly the division they want to feed off of.

Next comments will likely be why didn’t the IAM join us in protest till now?

Again I don’t care why it took them so long to get here, I’m just glad they’ve finally arrived.

Why would I need to read the law when I’ve lived it. Fair n equitable? Is that why stores have their sick time n vacation still intact n we lost ours? Kinda like 1113c was supposed to protect unions from corporations filing bankruptcy just to extract concessions. How did that work out for us?

Do you think the iam would’ve said hey let’s form an ass if they had the numbers? We would be iam members right now n either in a law suit or in the iam pension plan. They would’ve played hard ball and taken no prisoners. Jim Little was bought off and more than likely threatened.

It doesn’t matter what we do the corporation knows the score.
Why would I need to read the law when I’ve lived it. Fair n equitable? Is that why stores have their sick time n vacation still intact n we lost ours? Kinda like 1113c was supposed to protect unions from corporations filing bankruptcy just to extract concessions. How did that work out for us?

Your group gave back by Law 17% of their Contract value. How your Negotiators chose to structure that and what you ultimately accepted was your decision.

1113 was never meant to stop Corporations from being able to file Bankruptcy. But I will say Thank God we did live the Law and not go through Bankruptcy before that Law came into existence.

Again you really should read it.

Do you think the iam would’ve said hey let’s form an ass if they had the numbers? We would be iam members right now n either in a law suit or in the iam pension plan. They would’ve played hard ball and taken no prisoners. Jim Little was bought off and more than likely threatened.

No. The IAM absolutely would not have wanted to form an Association. And I’m sure they would have played hard ball and taken no prisoners since I don’t believe even to this day they’ve all gotten over the TWA situation. (But the TWU LPP’s could have made things difficult for them again)

But I think the IAM Leadership have finally come to terms with it after being in this Association the last few years.

As far as Jim Little. He’s retired and riding his Motorcycle somewhere in DFW.

It doesn’t matter what we do the corporation knows the score.

Accepting to at least some degree what George has to say here does make things easier. But we do Lobby and push for what little we can get cause it does make us feel better.

Your group gave back by Law 17% of their Contract value. How your Negotiators chose to structure that and what you ultimately accepted was your decision.

1113 was never meant to stop Corporations from being able to file Bankruptcy. But I will say Thank God we did live the Law and not go through Bankruptcy before that Law came into existence.

Again you really should read it.

No. The IAM absolutely would not have wanted to form an Association. And I’m sure they would have played hard ball and taken no prisoners since I don’t believe even to this day they’ve all gotten over the TWA situation. (But the TWU LPP’s could have made things difficult for them again)

But I think the IAM Leadership have finally come to terms with it after being in this Association the last few years.

As far as Jim Little. He’s retired and riding his Motorcycle sobmewhere in DFW.

Accepting to at least some degree what George has to say here does make things easier. But we do Lobby and push for what little we can get cause it does make us feel better.

Never said it kept them from filing bk . 1113c was supposed to keep them from filing just to extract concessions since we could not go the self help route under the RLA. You know all this. I don’t give a rats ass what George has to say by the way.
They would’ve played hardball regardless of twa. You post as if your playing both sides. Giving both these organizations an out for their actions when appropriate.

The best we can hope for is the company imposing the contract. If it sucks as bad as the ass says than we can take appropriate action from there.
Never said it kept them from filing bk . 1113c was supposed to keep them from filing just to extract concessions since we could not go the self help route under the RLA. You know all this. I don’t give a rats ass what George has to say by the way.
They would’ve played hardball regardless of twa. You post as if your playing both sides. Giving both these organizations an out for their actions when appropriate.

The best we can hope for is the company imposing the contract. If it sucks as bad as the ass says than we can take appropriate action from there.

My quarrel is not with the IAM. My quarrel is with American Airlines Management.

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