ALPA/USAPA Topic for week of 1/24 to 1/31

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So the protection of self-interest begins. Avoid the accountability of a super-majority, keep the power just where U-SAPs wants it.

And U-SAPs guarantees that nothing substantive will happen by marginalizing the west. That's delivering for the East pilots! Yeah, right.

So how long do you think Parker will wait to gain the flexibility to deploy the US assets where he wants? My guess is his patience with the east will wear thin and he will see the quagmire U-SAPs is cooking up and decide to open west bases in CLT and PHL and east bases in PHX and LAS. Nicolau will become moot as west pilots upgrade into east bases, and the east's monopoly on growth will evaporate.

"But, but, but what about the, the TA? You can't do that! It says so! Seham sez so!" Our U-SAPs experts have given us the definitive word that the TA goes away when USAPA wins.

USAPA - Building a superhighway dead-end.

HUH???? I heard the Betty Ford clinic is wondering where you went.
Don't let the LAW get in your way!

We have had the good fortune to have two legitimate lawyers post here for the benefit of all, but they are unwilling to waste their valuable time here anymore, sad to say.
Any union is bound by law by the current CBA, and arbitration awards, guess you don't realize your transition agreement it part of your CBA and falls under the RLA.

A change in representation does not change your cba or any arbitration awards, oh by the way, aberrations are precedent setting.

Looks like someone is trying to sell you some magic beans.

700, you are exactly correct. Negotiated contracts and agreements are not changed by switching unions. USAPA has plenty of inconsistencies in their story and how they intend to sequester the Nicolau award. As you know one of their proposed strategies in rearranging the seniority list is to include DOH in a new CBA. Two problems with this. One, the shuttle and Empire pilots would have to be changed in addition to AWA pilots. Two, by combining pilot groups under the collective umbrella of one union, USAPA will have the nicolau seniority list on day one as the only list the company can recognize since it was completed by the two pilot groups and accepted by the company prior to USAPA becoming the new union. So what we would have is USAPA actually enforcing the Nicolau award for the west with the later hope of rewriting seniority in a DOH format after a new CBA is negotiated.
USAPA has three obstacles but they only see one, the Nicolau award. In reallity, they also have the transition agreement to step around as well as the previously arbitrated 757 and E190 agreements which specifically gives AWA pilots access to those airplanes. USAPs think they can just void any agreement they choose with a vote. Stupid, I know. So there are quite a few hurdles for these guys, but as you well know the USAPA leaders are fueled by emotion alone- logic has left their collective brains quite a while ago.
And THAT was a vote we were ENTITLED to have! That is why we are where we are. You do not even HAVE a copy of our US Airways policy manual, our contract OR any of the side letters WE have! YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU"RE TALKING ABOUT. That's probably why you're in OUR forum and not representing YOUR rank and file anymore. From your unintelligent legal conclusions I can see why that is. Your leadership has ostracized you to the US Aviation forum where you might actually LEARN something. Actually, your bitterness from having your strike broken in 1998 by US Airways pilots has always been the real crux of your venting!!!

Don't let the LAW get in your way!

You know in your case I know where the saying "You can't fix stupid" comes from.
I have read your CBA and LOAs.

Your pilots sued about your pension loss and you the case thrown out.

And dude, we went on strike for five days in 1992, not 1998, and we got a better deal than any other group on the property.

And I guess you proud of crossing a picket line.

You know in your case I know where the saying "You can't fix stupid" comes from.

Your quote describes you to a TEE!!!!

Once again, dont let the facts get in your way!

You really need some serious labor education.
We have had the good fortune to have two legitimate lawyers post here for the benefit of all, but they are unwilling to waste their valuable time here anymore, sad to say.

You could'nt fix stupid there either. Words that start with "L":

Legitimate (see laughable, above)

any other words? GOOD RIDDANCE!!
Quit it, NOW! :up: :cop: :cop: :up:

Stop accepting the premise that the election is about the Nicolau award. It is not. This election is about choosing a CBA that you trust to provide the best representation. Nothing more. It is not about Nicolau, and here is the proof.

If this election was about Nicolau then ALPA would have already “grabbed the steering wheelâ€￾and made Nicolau permanent before the election, thus making the election irrelevant (if in fact this election is about Nicolau). The fastest way that ALPA could do that is to put both MECs into trusteeship and unilaterally force a joint contract to make Nicolau permanent before the election.

That would be about the worst misstep I could imagine for ALPA to take. It would seem obvious the reason they have not done this is that instead of preventing the election it would actually serve to make the defeat of ALPA even more certain, seeing that it would dramatically reinforce the whole reason there is a representational election in the first place---namely that ALPA’s ability to provide adequate membership representation (rather than an oligarchy) is in question.

After all, the only question before you as you vote is “Which CBA do you trust to provide the best representation?â€￾ Certainly, to answer that question one may consider and contrast how each CBA on the ballot plans to handle contract negotiations, pensions, seniority, company relations, membership participation rights, etc. But to limit one’s self to a single litmus test issue would be an illegitimate approach.

Why would a CBA encourage you to think of such an important vote as a single one issue litmus test vote? Don't fall for it. Look at all the issues and pick the CBA that will best perform its representational responsibilities on behalf of those who pay the dues. :up:
I have read your CBA and LOAs.

Your pilots sued about your pension loss and you the case thrown out.

And dude, we went on strike for five days in 1992, not 1998, and we got a better deal than any other group on the property.

And I guess you proud of crossing a picket line.

Your quote describes you to a TEE!!!!

Once again, dont let the facts get in your way!

You really need some serious labor education.

Sorry about the year....typo, DUDE!

As for the rest....GEE THANKS DAD! I guess you got paid what WE got paid?


Cheeky fellow...arn't you. (My quote describes your quote that describes my quote that....OH COME ON! Is that the BEST you can do??) You're about to get a serious labor education.
Stop accepting the premise that the election is about the Nicolau award. It is not.

If USAPA is not about the Nicolau, as you claim, then why don't you leave it alone? Bradford already is on record, in a video no less, directly contradicting what you claim.
Sorry about the year....typo.

As for the rest....GEE THANKS DAD! I guess you got paid what WE got paid?


Cheeky fellow...arn't you. (My quote describes your quote that describes my quote that....OH COME ON! Is that the BEST you can do??)
I was not replaced, I was a stock clerk when I left US, not Utility.

But hey keep trying.
We have had the good fortune to have two legitimate lawyers post here for the benefit of all, but they are unwilling to waste their valuable time here anymore, sad to say.

Oh, you must mean that distinguished and highly ethical lawyer, who spread the vile lie that the 5050 pilots committed a crime by "leaving the scene of an accident." When it was pointed out that the police had expressed no interest in questioning the pilots on the night of the accident, thus rendering his accusation absurd, he quickly changed the subject and his accusation. You mean that lawyer? :down:

Posters name deleted by moderator............the next time will be time off
If USAPA is not about the Nicolau, as you claim...

I claimed no such thing but thanks for injecting error into your argument so quickly. Your second word no less...

I said "Stop accepting the premise that the election is about the Nicolau award." You seem to have missed the whole point (or ignored it) and invented your own argument.

The election is about which CBA you trust (assuming you are an eligible voter). The NMB does not provide you with a ballot to vote on the Nicolau list. One CBA seems to encourage you to presume that this election is a one issue litmus test vote on the Nicoulau award. Why would they mislead you? Why be deceived?
Oh, you must mean that distinguished and highly ethical lawyer, Aquagreen73s, who spread the vile lie that the 5050 pilots committed a crime by "leaving the scene of an accident." When it was pointed out that the police had expressed no interest in questioning the pilots on the night of the accident, thus rendering his accusation absurd, he quickly changed the subject and his accusation. You mean that lawyer? :down:

I believe the term for them would be "legally impaired". :blink:
And THAT was a vote we were ENTITLED to have! That is why we are where we are. You do not even HAVE a copy of our US Airways policy manual, our contract OR any of the side letters WE have! YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU"RE TALKING ABOUT. That's probably why you're in OUR forum and not representing YOUR rank and file anymore. From your unintelligent legal conclusions I can see why that is. Your leadership has ostracized you to the US Aviation forum where you might actually LEARN something. Actually, your bitterness from having your strike broken in 1998 by US Airways pilots has always been the real crux of your venting!!!

Don't let the LAW get in your way!

You know in your case I know where the saying "You can't fix stupid" comes from.

Please show some respect and do not argue with the world's leading expert on everything. These areas of expertise range from Cuban overfly policies and procedures, to Airbus 319/320/321 flight control computer logic, to the arcane minutia of labor law, seniority integrations, Alpa merger policy, Allegheny/Mohawk LPPs and the merit of the USAPA counsel's opinions.

Even though he may have been a lav dump technician and utilityman during his bygone days on property, he held the position of stock clerk before moving on to greener pastures. Please make a note.
Please show some respect and do not argue with the world's leading expert on everything. These areas of expertise range from Cuban overfly policies and procedures, to Airbus 319/320/321 flight control computer logic, to the arcane minutia of labor law, seniority integrations, Alpa merger policy, Allegheny/Mohawk LPPs and the merit of the USAPA counsel's opinions.

Even though he may have been a lav dump technician and utilityman during his bygone days on property, he held the position of stock clerk before moving on to greener pastures. Please make a note.

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