Hi zflygrl,
I would not get your pai****s all bunched up over this. What you, your husband, me, AWA pilots, or US Airways pilots thinks should happen will have ZERO bearing on the outcome.
However, how we all treat each other...what we say to each other will have longterm influence on our relationships. EVERYONE deserves respect for what they bring to this airline, to think otherwise is foolish. Where the company goes from here is the most important point, and having a good relationship between all of us is key to how and why we get to where we will get.
I have been through the Piedmont/PSA/USAir/USAir Shuttle mergers and so I do speak from experience. These went date-of hire and then the last slotting. Guess what? There were a whole bunch of people who felt screwed in all cases.
We all have a story, we all have a scenario that works for us...that does not make it fair or right, just your point of view.
Relax, you and all of us are along for the ride 🙂
BTW, threating to sue already and you don't if know if your husband will end up being the top A330 International Captain?