N924PS said:I don't believe any USAirways pilot expects wants you to be displaced at all.
I'm not sure what your age/seniority is but at some point, if you are younger, that yet to be built Airbus 350 that may pay considerably more a few years down the road may become ever more attractive to you.
It is probable that there will not be a negotiated seniority list integration. An arbitrator will most likely make the final determination. As far as I am concerned, the sooner the better. We will know more after the ALPA BOD meeting later this month when a merger Policy Initiation Date may be established.
ClueByFour said:Because the HP folks made a better choice at a better time counts for something. You essentially want to penalize somebody for making a smarter choice.
What is so damned hard to understand in the word "merger"?
NEITHER COMPANY put money into it. Parker and Lakefield TOGETHER got the financing going.
Quit being a bunch of idiots and focus on your jobs.
Lynyrd,Yes I am a captain, a junior one. I don't want to move up in the world at anyones expense, but at the same time I don't want to lose my captain seat. I'm a junior 37 captain now and thats all I want to be after this is said and done. I don't care if I ever fly international or a widebody, I could retire as a 37 captain in Phx and be perfectly happy. Maybe I'm mis reading things but sometimes I get the impression that AAA guys don't think i deserve that captain seat and want to displace me because of their hire dates. Straight DOH is a staple job, yet it seems to me alot of AAA guys are dolling it up as "only fair." Once again, thats only my impression and I'll be the first to admit I could be wrong.
And who loses when the merger goes through it's first financial hiccup? One guess.Date Of Hire is a Windfall AND the BEST deal for ALL! Nobody Will Lose Anything! And in 5 to 7 Years everyone is a captain! What is wrorng with that? Also if US sits status quo we,re dead anyway so some growth must be in the card's. Stop sweating it.WEEEEE ALLLLL WIN!
Seriously, upon what information did these folks make a rational 'better choice?'
How did these folks determine a 'better time?'
This is a roll of the dice. This instability and uncertainty and randomness is hurting our society... ESPECIALLY because the results are SO divergent.
C'mon, what do you tell your kids..... spend 10s of thousands of dollars and/or YEARS of your life to get training in some field that you don't know won't be outsourced and on TOP of it, make sure you were born at the right time, get married at the right time, hit the workforce at the right time, have kids at the right time OH AND ALSO get an extra MBA so you can analize EVERYTHING about the prospects of a certain company over say a 20 30 40 year period!
People will do nothing and become extremely risk-averse. That is not good for society. But who cares, the haves will just build the walls higher and thicker around their gated communities and hope that bird flu doesn't come in on the next Canada Goose, because government might just have some richer folk that need attention.
PID should of been established as of last May. The merger committee has been very evasive on that issue-claiming at an August meeting in PHL that May was going to be the PID. Your merger committee has also dropped DOH as our negotiating position at US Airways. They are also trying to frame our expectations on the issue by saying that DOH would be an unreasonable position in fron of an arbitrator and that as a result, the arb could "punish" us by over slotting AWA pilots. I say DOH with fences you can see from the space station. In 5 years I and alot of pilots from US will be gone so it will be a moot point!Why don't we wait a little longer on the PID so all the airplanes that are leaving the property are gone. That way our career expectations will be sufficiently lowered to a point that will make everyone happy.
A320 Driver :down: