All US Airways mechanics and related.

The IAM has not done squat for the mechanics.Look what they did at United.
1) Closed Indy Maint. facility
2) Closed Oakland maint. facility
At usair the useless iam raised their members dues after the many concessions its members took.
Lets not forget about the "CONFUSED VOTE".
It is time to vote out the useless iam.
On 5/5/2003 7:37:27 AM cat 111 wrote:

The IAM has not done squat for the mechanics.Look what they did at United.

1) Closed Indy Maint. facility

2) Closed Oakland maint. facility


At usair the useless iam raised their members dues after the many concessions its members took.

Lets not forget about the "CONFUSED VOTE".

It is time to vote out the useless iam.

After reading these posts, I have come to one conclusion.
The smartest thing would be for everyone to get rid of both unions and put all union dues into an escrow account to pay for a good labor lawyer to deal with any major grievances.
To pay a new union money for nothing until contract negotiations comes around is a waste of money.
When you would decide to get representation, it would be on the terms the members decide.

If the union is the members, become pro active in the running of it.
Just a thought.
On 5/5/2003 7:37:27 AM cat 111 wrote:

The IAM has not done squat for the mechanics.Look what they did at United.
1) Closed Indy Maint. facility
2) Closed Oakland maint. facility
At usair the useless iam raised their members dues after the many concessions its members took.
Lets not forget about the "CONFUSED VOTE".
It is time to vote out the useless iam.

And at NW everything is perfect.....Sure another new and different union will make everything ok. People will fly again without fear, business will again pay top dollar swamping the airlines with full seats. Mechanics will once again be in short supply commanding top wages. You are allowed to dream a different union will affect these changes, but this is way beyond a different union. I must ask; Where were you guys before 9/11? Where?
On 5/3/2003 4:15:26 PM insp89 wrote:

Has any member of the IAM received their NEW contract book yet ???? I guess the union upper crust believe that we are still too confused to read it !!!!!

The company is responisble for the printing of the new contratct.

Go ask the NW Amts from ATL what happened to their heavy maintenance base that use to be there.
The company is responsible for the printing of the contract book (that language is spelled out clearly and concisely in the contract), but the union is responsible for making sure the company does follow the contract. Which the union has not done. It does not matter anyhow since it appears they have no intention of enforcing the contract anyhow. I know of no one that even uses the contract for anything anyhow anymore since there is nothing you can do for a violation.

Granted Northwest shut down ATL. We have shut down several stations also. With Southwest and Northwest being now represented by AMFA and if United goes AMFA then it most likely would not behoove us here to be the only major left represented be the current union. Remember strength in numbers. Hehe.

--Please give me a good reason to keep this union. What are they going to do for the Mechanics? I know what they have already done.
On 5/5/2003 6:34:53 PM LavMan wrote:

The company is responisble for the printing of the new contratct.

Go ask the NW Amts from ATL what happened to their heavy maintenance base that use to be there.

That is just another small example of the company''s disregard for our so called contract and the union refusal or inability to enforce the contract. In as far as the ATL maint base for NW, what about the state of the art maint facility in IND that UAL just shut down placing the IAM represented mechanics on unpaid leave. I wonder how they will vote when the election comes about????? Just received the IAM District 141 Messenger, reminded me of a political campaign, much negative talk about AMFA, how about some positive talk of what the have achieved for their members????
Shows how much you know about Unions, we have not been in DL 141 for quite some time now, we are 141M and The Messenger is from 141 not 141M, what you read is News and Views from DL 141M.
Sorry I forgot the details, I am looking at the cover of the IAM District Lodge 141-M News and Views as we speak, and you are 100% correct. I just left out a few of the specific details......somewhat like the IAM when they froce a contract upon its members!!!

AMFA’S True Feelings About Utility Employees

During the difficult bankruptcy negotiations with United Airlines, the IAM was faced with several issues concerning the Utility classification at UAL. For example, the company was determined to eliminate the Utility classification in all stations. The IAM continues to fairly represent Utility employees and is committed to bargaining aggressively to protect their classification and jobs under any circumstances. Unlike AMFA, the IAM represent all of its members in good faith. Read what AMFA thinks about the Utility employees and how they would defend your job and future:

A letter from National Director Delle -Femine April 28, 1994 -
" Our task, our mission is to separate from the cleaners/janitors. That’s our goal, and through your support and help we will win."

The Mechanic June 5, 1994 -
"AMFA makes no secret that it is only interested in representing skilled mechanics."

1994 AMFA bulletin signed by the national Director O.V. Delle -Femine -
" The cleaners/Janitors will be separated from OUR class and craft once we are in the class and craft separation hearing"

April 4, 1994 "The Mechanic" flyer -
"Mechanics and Inspectors wages historically have been sacrificed by the IAM in order to provide an artificially high scale for the unskilled workers who dominate the catch all union."

AMFA memo April 7, 1994 -
"The mechanics at UAL are being forced to make concessions for the unskilled class of cleaners and baggage handlers… AMFA is now currently accepting contributions for the mechanics/cleaners."

The IAM has always treated Utility Employees fairly and equitably, and brings their interests to the bargaining table. Utility Employees are treated as second-class citizens at every AMFA airline. At NWA, AMFA allows the mechanics to perform utility work and has refused to accept grievances on the cleaners behalf. Demand the truth don’t just take their word for it.


What is your remuneration (i.e. salary, expenses, misc.) from the IAM?

Once a person delves into all the facts regarding the AMFA vs. IAM decision, it becomes clearer. I do not receive any payments whatsoever from the IAM (I have paid dues for 20+ years), hence I am not beholden to the organization.

Jet Mechanic
On 5/7/2003 11:17:17 AM Jet Mechanic wrote:


What is your remuneration (i.e. salary, expenses, misc.) from the IAM?

Once a person delves into all the facts regarding the AMFA vs. IAM decision, it becomes clearer. I do not receive any payments whatsoever from the IAM (I have paid dues for 20+ years), hence I am not beholden to the organization.

Jet Mechanic


Hello, Jet Mech,

Let me take a swing at this one.

The IAM is much like our government - local, state and federal. In the IAM's case, that is local, district and international.

I doubt Lavman is at the international level. Assuming his nom de plume is self-descriptive, I am also unaware of any utility personnel holding the district office of Assistant General Chairman - my understanding is mechanics hold that post. Please correct me if I'm wrong on that. At any rate, the AGC's rate of pay is in your district bylaws, and if District 141 is any indication, the rate of pay runs from 70 - 90,000 annually. In some cases, that's a fair price. In others, absolutely not!

Assuuming Lavman holds a local post, such as trustee or vice-president, that renummeration is controlled by the membership of your local lodge. The membership, acting through your by-laws committee, can increase, decrease or abolish said renummeration. ALL BYLAWS PROPERLY SUMBITTED TO THE BYLAWS COMMITTEE MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE LOCAL LODGE FLOOR FOR MEMBERSHIP CONSIDERATION. We post a current copy of the bylaws in my station so the membership knows who's getting what.

The amounts vary from lodge to lodge. Some lodges are so small, and poor, their officers receive nothing. I'm from a medium sized lodge. The officers receive between $50 and $100 monthly. Considering many of these officers have a 2 to 4 hour one way commute to the lodge (and the lodge doesn't pick up mileage or per diem), most folks are out of pocket. Oh, and they get to pay taxes on it, too. Our stewards get bupkus.

Are there dirty dogs gaming the system, and unworthy to represent the IAM membership? Sure, and if we both were not gentlemen, we could name names. My view is it is incumbent upon us, the membership, to rectify that.
I have some long standing disagreements with how the IAM operates. The divisions amongst the class and crafts, and between stations, are appalling. Isn't the root word of 'union' unity? And don't even get me started on the 'vote the slate' bullhockey. Doesn't the district trust us to elect our own representation? (Trivia question: How many AGC's has been voted out of office in the past 20 years? Answer: None.)

Having said that, the IAM is not the sole, nor major reason for the recent enema we just took. ALPA is the most powerful union in the industry, if not the world. Did they not take a pimp-slapping, as did the rest of us? If they were unable to protect their jobs, pensions and health care, how in the world was the IAM, CWA or AFA expected to do any better? When this company's tactics find their way over to NW, and it will, AMFA will get punked just like everybody else.

Moreover, what political outreach does AMFA have? And please, do not give me the naive "unions should not be involved in politics" line. Management is involved. The Business Roundtable is involved. Majority stockholders are involved. WE need to be involved.

For instance, our contract calls for FMLA in compliance with federal law. No federal law, no FMLA. Federal law restricts FMLA? Your rights get restricted along with it. (FMLA abuse is another thread) Another example. A bill that has just passed the House says an employer can pay you compensatory time, rather than money, for overtime. The bill also reclassifies who is and is not eligible for overtime. Under the bill, the poor schmuck at JC Penney's that sells you a necktie is ineligible for overtime IF he is even partly compensated by commission - that commission can be any figure the company sets. Imagine the fun the Palace would have with that! But, you say, my contract says I get cash for overtime. Read the first few pages closer. It says the contract is subject to changes in the law. Right now, the only thing between this bill and Bush signing it into law is labor's friends in the Senate. I pray there are enough of them to vote down this monstrosity. So a political presence is very much in order. While I don't agree with every IAM political issue, UNIONS ARE THE ONLY DOG WE HAVE IN THIS FIGHT! Someone please educate me as to where AMFA is on these issues.

Seems to me AMFA wants us to marry them on the rebound.

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