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All unions must eventually support ALPA

Are you that full of yourself? Go check with the chief pilots office in clt, this is happening and this is the company's policy. I post facts and events that happen, you on the other hand just post your opinion, and you know what they say about them?

Go check with your chief pilot and ask him about the changes that have been made to ACARS, it is done on the 757s and airbii and the other fleets will be modified as fast as our avionics shops can produce the new acars units.

Any line mechanics or avionics shop mechanics care to inform this person of the changes and events that are occuring.
Another thought: sometimes I start to pack my flight bag or tidy up the cockpit while I'm waiting for ground power to be plugged in. I may be a few seconds late shutting down #2, but it is not intentional. Also, Airbus doesn't have the relay chatter that the 737 has. We could usually hear the relays when you plugged in ground power. I'm not making excuses or minimizing the importance of this issue. This goes WAY beyond some sort of protest.

A320 Driver
I assure you that I am FULLY AWARE of company AND flight department policy. I exercise it EVERY workday. The bottom line is, you have NO CREDIBILITY, since your only goal on these boards is to rip pilots. I was just setting the record straight. PILOTS ARE NOT INTENTIONALLY PARTCIPATING IN ANY WORK ACTION (at this time).
Straight from the Company and Ground Safety:

Here on the line we have seen an increase in the practice of leaving BOTH engines running on the 737 aircraft until the ground power is connected.

I visited the Assistant Chief Pilot to voice our concerns over this Safety Issue. He confirmed our fears that because of the new pay issues and the issues around the Pension plan changes that they have accepted, some pilots feel they can get 5 minutes more pay by not shutting down the # 2 engine until the ground power is connected.

This situation could result in ground personnel (who normally have accepted that the # 2 engine has been shut down on taxi in) approaching the aircraft bag bins and entering the Ingestion Danger Zones.

The following procedure was put in place several months ago as you may remember. If you encounter this problem inform the Supervisor with a/c # and flight # and time and date.

We have asked fleet service training personnel to warn the fleet service and catering folks of this danger.
Plz feel free to print and post this in your work centers.

Special Bulletin


Procedural Change for Ground Power and Conditioned Air Hook-up

This information should be verbally briefed to all employee groups involved in aircraft
ground operations!

The 100 percent use of ground power and conditioned air on all aircraft became effective May 1. Flight crews are informed when ground power and conditioned air are available at the gate, and therefore will not start the APU on arrival. Because of this, the flight crews shut down the right engine (cargo door side) upon parking at the gate for all aircraft except B757, B767 and A330 aircraft. On B757, B767 and A330 aircraft, the flight crews shut down the left engine (main entry door side), due to the proximity of the left engine's intake to the passenger boarding bridge. This means that the right engine (cargo door side) on the B757, B767 and A330 aircraft will remain running until ground power is connected to the aircraft.
It is imperative that all ground personnel and equipment remain clear of the right engine
(both inlet and exhaust) on B757, B767 and A330 aircraft until ground power is hooked up to the aircraft, and the right engine is shut off and spooled down (approximately 60 seconds).

This information should be verbally briefed to each employee involved in aircraft ground operations. Station management should also ensure contract vendor personnel are made aware of this new procedure. Posting this bulletin in a visible area for employees to read is also encouraged after conclusion of your verbal briefings.
On 2/7/2003 9:07:42 AM Biffeman wrote:

A320, as of this past Sunday we were told the new ACARS program was here to stay, the shops are working hard to produce the new units.
Wrong again, Biffe. Better get another source of info. Yours is WRONG AGAIN. Just ask the Chief Pilot in CLT. You seem to be in there alot. An email was sent out last week to all flight crews (ask any of them) that things were being put back to the old system.
Well Biffeman,
Either your wrong or Dave Siegal is. You can't both be right on this issue. We have the CBS messages and I talked to the powers that be not one hour ago. This program is on HOLD...period.

A320 Driver
I did EXACTLY that. These were ISOLATED problems, not some grand conspiracy. The ACARS issue is settled and we are back to the old way of doing business. DAVE SIEGAL changed this HIMSELF.

A320 Driver
A320, as of this past Sunday we were told the new ACARS program was here to stay, the shops are working hard to produce the new units.
I don't know about that. All I can do is pass along what I was told. Truth is, none of us may know whats going on and the company has several options regarding methods to capture data on the 757s and ABs.

A320 Driver
Oldie wrong again, doors closed, brakes off, speed 1 1/2 miles per hour. Oldie when are you gonna post facts not your made up reality? I have never been in the chief pilot's office and the information about the engines was given to us by the ground safety committee to prevent someone getting injured because of a sour pilot groups knee jerk reaction to finally being treated like the rest of the U employees. The airbus and 757s all ready have the new acars units and that is how the out time is now generated.
well we have not switched the acars units out on the airbus of 757s on the rons and acars is what generates the out and off on and in times.
As of TODAY the program is on hold. The units will be modified, but the data will be gathered as it always has until the entire airline can convert to the new method of data transfer from the IRUs. This engineering order was NOT properly explained to ALPA and has it's share of problems already. I'm sure when the bugs are worked out and everyone is properly informed, the system will be transferred over to the IRU groundspeed format.

I think we're both saying the same thing just different perspectives.

A320 Driver
Bob, thank you for the compliments, I might not have agreed with everything you have posted in the past and I believe we have exchanged a few barbs, lol, ok numerous ones. But I do respect your posts and information you provide a fresh impartial view.

I just don't like certain posters who have the god complex and believe that all of us should take whatever they post for gospel even when they don't provide any facts or supporting data.

Once again Bob, thanks.
>>If a station does not have US Airways mechanics it does not have US Airways Utility, so you are 100% wrong in regards to reciept and dispatch
We will try harder to stay out of the way of your bonding. BTW, what kind of character is it that takes another swipe at a guy after he offers you an apology. Whatever it is Bob, you can keep it!

A320 Driver

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