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All unions must eventually support ALPA

On 2/7/2003 10:49:12 AM PineyBob wrote:

Leave them alone! They are doing a fine job of displaying their character here and in other posts. The ALPA posters don't need you to demonstrate the double standard.

Times of crisis do not build character, Times of crisis REVEAL Character and it seems that many of the pilots have revealed their character.

Biffe will tell you we fought like cats and dogs on here and in the process I think developed a sense of respect if not agreement. Biffe, not only talks the talk, he Walks the Walk! When he posts he has facts to support his position. Something I have found to be lacking from the opposing point of view.


Piney & BIFFE,

On 2/7/2003 12:05:11 PM supercruiser wrote:

>>If a station does not have US Airways mechanics it does not have US Airways Utility, so you are 100% wrong in regards to reciept and dispatch
>>Lets talk about responsiblity, you take a plane from clt-lax and you do your walk around, get your paperwork, program the autopilot, taxi your plane to the runway, engage the autothrottles, and pull pack on Vr speed, then you put the gear up and let the autopilot fly the plane all the way to lax for you, while you read your papers and talk with your fellow crew members and listen to the radio to communicate with ATC
On 2/7/2003 2:23:22 PM supercruiser wrote:


If there was ever any doubt about your lack of knowledge about subjects you nothing about, it's certainly cleared up now.




AMEN, supercruiser, you hit the nail on the head.
On 2/7/2003 1:00:18 PM Biffeman wrote:



Fourth there was no deliberate sabotage going on,

did i read that you were in tampa in 92.
i was on the ramp at the time and we spent 3 hrs..coraling all the ground equip and then literally posting agents to act a security guards to avoid sabotage. as far as coporate went the threat was very real...
On 2/7/2003 10:49:12 AM PineyBob wrote:

Leave them alone! They are doing a fine job of displaying their character here and in other posts. The ALPA posters don't need you to demonstrate the double standard.

Times of crisis do not build character, Times of crisis REVEAL Character and it seems that many of the pilots have revealed their character.

Biffe will tell you we fought like cats and dogs on here and in the process I think developed a sense of respect if not agreement. Biffe, not only talks the talk, he Walks the Walk! When he posts he has facts to support his position. Something I have found to be lacking from the opposing point of view.
I find it interesting that this "love fest" between Piney and Biffe is based TOTALLY on WRONG INFORMATION being interjected by Biffe in some kind of effort to discredit the ALPA group. Apparently he is one that is upset with his lot in life and wants to cause distress for others in an effort to make himself feel more important. Hey Piney, I don't have to make up a lot of stupid untrue reasons for my statements, because everybody that matters (I guess that would exclude you) knows that what I have said is true. Pilots DID NOT perform struck work in '92, DID NOT come in on their days off to clean planes, DID NOT leave #2 running to intentionally injure ground personnel or any of the other idiotic things that Biffe has tried to pin on them. Let me tell you something, something that was explained to me very early in my aviation career. Pilots aren't just paid for what they do, but mainly for what they know. That is, how to save the lives of all aboard in the event of airborne or even ground catastrophes. I've been lucky, never had to use this knowledge to save lives, but there may come a day that I may. In that one split second I (and any other pilot in the same position) would have more than earned the company's wages for their entire career. That's what pilots are paid for.
On 2/7/2003 1:00:18 PM Biffeman wrote:



I am not sure if it's too late to comment on this post regarding "support for ALPA". From the threads above, its getting into a pissing match.

I think we should get off of the "who knows what for sure" type comments, and stick to the issue of solidarity. Folks, we have been dehumanized and our contracts have been gutted and abrogated by oursleves through fear. I think we should applaud the pilots and say "you go give them as much HELL as possible" for what they have done.

Think about it. As far as the pensions issue, the liability is due in 2004. Alot can happen between now and then. Slightest "upturn" in the economy, changes everything. In fact, I believe when management reported to the courts on Dec. 23, they said they have a projected profit of $127 Million dollars 2004 and $350 Million in 2005, not taking into account the 5% additional pay reductions for all employees. Why can't mangement wait a year, and if things don't improve, than the alternative will happen. Why not give the economy and the pilots the benefit of that. Dr. Bronner who handles pensions for unionized teachers and state workers should understand the improtance of defined plans, as that is THEIR BUSINESS. To begrudge the pilots for negotiating good contracts when times were good, is not in the best interest of anyone, any unionist anyway. Let's not forget, they have also given tremedous amount of relief to this Company. I think it highly "unfair" of mangement to now wait until the last minute to rip the pensions from the pilots. Pilots have made concessions to their pensions with round #2 negotiations. Its a question of "deception" on the part of management, to mislead pilots into giving half the needed concessions, only to terminate their pensions after ratification of all agreements. That kind of deception, in itself, should appaul every unionized employee.

Change your focus folks!

We should all be in alignment with the violations by mangement of "good faith" bargaining. Focus of profound "distain" should be on this management who is still "riding the gravy train" on the suffering of the "rank and file" employees.

Maybe ALPA should get the FTA (Teachers Federation) involved in what Dr. Bronner is demanding. You figure, if many companies campaign/support Senator McCain on the hill in amending the RLA, and if the existence of the defined pensions will be in question in future airline negotiations and the possibility of thier elimination, how does that effect RSA business who invests for the security of these defined pensions?

Isn't this a conflict of interest or contradictory of RSA philosophy whose business is "defined pensions"?
On 2/7/2003 8:30:28 AM Biffeman wrote:

Any line mechanics or avionics shop mechanics care to inform this person of the changes and events that are occuring.

Good Grief! I leave the group for a few days and I find that you've been argueing about my work.

The ACARS Management Unit, RCN 52305, continues to be modified to revision "AG" software (the front panel of the unit only has a place to mark "GG").

For the 737's, the Multi Aquisition Prosessors, RCN 33439, are being modified to Mod status "5" in order to pass on IRU data on DITS word 12. Which the ACARS MU software "AG" uses to generate "OUT" times.

We in the shop have been informed that the urgency of doing the mod's is over due to the fact that OOOI times are being credited to the pilots the old way. Now how the company is doing that with the A/C reporting times the new way, I have no Idea.

Also, ACARS software "AG" seems to have a problem on how it reports "IN" times. This issue is being investigated by our engineering staff, and may require a new software revision.

Actually a new problem has been created. After the Jetway is retracted and the tug is connected, the Station Manager thinks that he has successfully made his "OUT" time. Not true any more. Until the aircraft starts to taxi, the new ACARS software won't post an "OUT" time. Therefore if a pilot sits at, or just beyond, a gate, the station is charged with a late departure.

Nothing is ever simple, is it?
On 2/8/2003 8:03:16 AM PineyBob wrote:

On 2/7/2003 11:10:50 PM PITbull wrote:

I am not sure if it's too late to comment on this post regarding "support for ALPA". From the threads above, its getting into a pissing match.

Actually, I think it has detioriated into a full blown urinary tract infection. Swollen bladder, frequent urination, etc etc. No place for this Cockroach, Bye bye
Typical cockroach. Turn the light on them and they run and hide.


I saw action from the trenches of the PIT ramp and hydro shop.hydraulic test stands making 3000 pounds of pressure and soap bubbles.compressed air into the ssb water sytem...flush the toilet and run....ramp lit up to prevent rampant acts of subterfuge....

Fourth there was no deliberate sabotage going on,

did i read that you were in tampa in 92.
i was on the ramp at the time and we spent 3 hrs..coraling all the ground equip and then literally posting agents to act a security guards to avoid sabotage. as far as coporate went the threat was very real...


Your post indoctrinates truth, until the veracity is actually understood by those arguing amongst themselves it will institute no understanding or impact.

Keep up the good posts.

On 2/8/2003 8:03:16 AM PineyBob wrote:

On 2/7/2003 11:10:50 PM PITbull wrote:

I am not sure if it's too late to comment on this post regarding "support for ALPA". From the threads above, its getting into a pissing match.

Actually, I think it has detioriated into a full blown urinary tract infection. Swollen bladder, frequent urination, etc etc. No place for this Cockroach, Bye bye


I don't know if I'm missing something or not taking into view the entire picture here, but can you reread what I wrote and throw some light on it or straighten me out?
Sometimes there is more honor in death than in victory, i.e., the charge of the "light brigade."

Its must be comforting to know so many lost their jobs just to preserve your honor.
On 2/8/2003 11:51:08 AM PineyBob wrote:



On 2/8/2003 10:35:09 AM oldiebutgoody wrote:

Typical cockroach. Turn the light on them and they run and hide.



That's why we are so hard to kill! we know when to pick our battles. The rest of the time we lurk in the shadows. To bad ALPA can't learn a thing or two from a six legged insect. Why fight a battle you can not win?

Sometimes there is more honor in death than in victory, i.e., the charge of the "light brigade."

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