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Aircraft maint issues

Yes it is, agree 100% and I can only hope you guys can get it done. Good luck.

Sad isn't it? I too hope we can get this IAM out of the airline industry. Scab union big time...
why is the union not going to meet with company . regarding the proposal the company gave them?
why is the union holding back our proposal to the company? Do we even have one yet??
ttthhe ccoommppaannyy ggaavvee uussee as pprrooppoossaall oohhh nnoo wwhhaatt aarree wwee ggooiinngg ttoo ddoo?? Ii kknnooww lleett uussee wwaaiitt aanndd sseeee iiff tthheeyy ggiivvee uussee aa bbeetttteerr oonnee. said the robot to the people.
I'm almost embarrassed to come here.

But what's more, I'm ashamed to be a USAirways employee and an IAM member and totally disgusted with the majority of my coworkers. This latest display of the lack of unity by my bargaining agent sickens me as it did during the NWA strike. But for the IAM, it's S.N.A.F.U.

I told you guys years ago you are the majority now and you'll get no help from us. We are now a group of apathetic, tired old men who want somebody else to do it for us. Keep in mind, not all of us, but now it seem like most of us.

When I say "the guys in DFW are holding a informational picket about the pace of negotiations", I get:
"That's the first I heard of that"
"What do they have to be unhappy about?"
"It'll get them no where."
Followed by:
"Excuse me now while I report to my next shift of overtime."

Just like when I said during the NWA strike about how they were replacing the strikers with scabs, and the IAM did struck work, I heard, "they should have never went on strike."

After Eastern and then NWA, the IAM, as an organization has flamed out. I can't wait to get out of here and now look forward to a job watering plants at Home Depot.

I don't think there is another single union that has been as much a hindrance to airline workers than the IAM scab union. Eastern, NWA, TWA, leading concessions train 2002-2008, "we'll get 'em next time", etc.

So long as the Grand Lodge can toy around on N11AM, enjoy their union paid healthcare, union pension (plus employer pension) it's no skin off their back. This union even had officers that NEVER worked in an IAM shop, likely violated the unions own constitution.

The IAM has never met a concession they didn't like and ultimately went to bat for management to help obtain it.

we need to negotiate a contract instead of whinning about what we had in the good old days.
the company gave us a first round proposal . so what do we say! we dont like it so instead of pouting about it give them are proposal and negotiate it out no more stalling. that's what we pay our dues for.....get it done!!!!!
I for one would like to see Doug's proposal. I think sometimes the union forgets they work for me , not me for them. If it is truly a bad proposal then we vote "NO" how difficult is that. I'm afraid that the union is not getting enough money put into the international bank account!
I for one would like to see Doug's proposal. I think sometimes the union forgets they work for me , not me for them. If it is truly a bad proposal then we vote "NO" how difficult is that. I'm afraid that the union is not getting enough money put into the international bank account!

I`d also like to see the proposal. However if the NC says its bad, there is no need to risk a vote. I got the impression from GP last video that info would be coming out sooner rather than later.
42 A319s to MEX for galley mods. Anyone else hear This? DWH stores are building the kits now.
I for one would like to see Doug's proposal. I think sometimes the union forgets they work for me , not me for them. If it is truly a bad proposal then we vote "NO" how difficult is that. I'm afraid that the union is not getting enough money put into the international bank account!
Since it is a company "proposal," we have a right to see it. We should demand the union let us see it. Let the membership decide what is bad and what is good!
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I for one would like to see Doug's proposal. I think sometimes the union forgets they work for me , not me for them. If it is truly a bad proposal then we vote "NO" how difficult is that. I'm afraid that the union is not getting enough money put into the international bank account!
One problem I see is the IGM crowd who would vote yes for anything that offers them a buyout (Like last time) no matter how badly it screws the rest of us. Also the IAM guys who are fat dumb and happy are yes votes waiting to happen. No matter how bad it is someone will say that it is a great deal and we need to vote on it. The biggest problem is we can't trust the membership. Question.... Outsourcing of overhaul work is a non issue to line guys so they vote yes right? We are a group of people who only care about themselves and nobody else. In my opinion a deal that is bad for some guys is a no vote. Unfortunately I think I am in the minority. With the IAM they have 30% guaranteed yes votes so they only need 21% more. Be careful what you wish for.
negotiate negotiate or walk around in a informational circle. what gets the contract faster? the NC needs to sit down with the company and hammer a deal out . to much whinning waaaa.
we need to put pressure on the NC to negotiate a contract NOW . no more whinning about what the company is not doing. I don't see much progress from the union side of the process. Get with IT!!!!