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usair line maint.


Mar 11, 2010
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in the larger stations how many guys are on your day shift and afternoon crews. What about your hangar coverage during the days and afternoons. I know at AA we have some pretty heavy coverage at the line stations. But we also have about twice as many a/c as usair. last checked about a year ago usair had 350 aircraft and about 3500 in maint. at AA they have 650 a/c and just under 8000 in maint. (a/c numbers are from Wikipedia.) do your ots aircraft sit all day until night shift comes in?
Both CLT and PHL have line hangars, no planes dont sit till 3rd shift to be worked on, the line hanger in CLT has a pretty big crew as they do light checks, ots aircraft and engine changes.
2nd shift on the line in CLT and PHL are heavily staffed for the International operation and third shift is very large also to work RON A/C,
PHX has about 400  mechanics and msot of the work is done on third shift.