Welcome to the board.Why is the International Reps so scared of letting us see what’s on the table. Why can’t they just tell the truth. That they are out gunned. There is no such thing as strikes anymore. The people on the floor don’t give a **** about scope or the new guy coming through the door after we are gone. All of that is facts. The public don’t give a **** about any of us. They only care about cheap tickets. So what is going to make the company respect us enough to give us what we deserve. Nothing because most of you don’t have enough savings to be able to do what it takes to make them respect us. Hell if most of you miss one days pay you would kill yourself because you would not be able to pay your bills. It’s time to run GP and all the other idiots out and get someone in there that can get the job done. GP has become the problem. The company will NEVER deal with someone like him.
Compliance, Compliance, Compliance. Stay at work and still get paid. Do your job to a "T". Follow the FAR's and the books to the letter. This way nobody can touch you. And if they threaten you just call the whistleblower hotline, every mechanic should have that number in their speed dial smartphone...