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Aircraft maint issues

Why is the International Reps so scared of letting us see what’s on the table. Why can’t they just tell the truth. That they are out gunned. There is no such thing as strikes anymore. The people on the floor don’t give a **** about scope or the new guy coming through the door after we are gone. All of that is facts. The public don’t give a **** about any of us. They only care about cheap tickets. So what is going to make the company respect us enough to give us what we deserve. Nothing because most of you don’t have enough savings to be able to do what it takes to make them respect us. Hell if most of you miss one days pay you would kill yourself because you would not be able to pay your bills. It’s time to run GP and all the other idiots out and get someone in there that can get the job done. GP has become the problem. The company will NEVER deal with someone like him.
Welcome to the board.
Compliance, Compliance, Compliance. Stay at work and still get paid. Do your job to a "T". Follow the FAR's and the books to the letter. This way nobody can touch you. And if they threaten you just call the whistleblower hotline, every mechanic should have that number in their speed dial smartphone...
The 35% outsourcing language is very misleading. It’s 35% of the net work that falls into the parameters of the scope. Not 35% of the gross maintenance performed. Big difference.
In 2001 we had 18,600 maintenance n related and outsourced 20% according to the union n company.
Now we have around 9600 n supposedly outsource 35%. We must be super efficient and productive in our older stage of life.
Half the workforce and only outsourcing 15% more hmmm, how does that work?
It would take a full time accounting firm to keep up with all the caveats built into the scope language.
So by no means is 35% an accurate number.
Yes. We do the exact opposite % of outsourcing as you guys do currently at AA. Not proud of it one iota, but, it's been like that here since day one through the IAM and the teamsters for well over 4 decades.
BTW guys. Here's the latest from the ALK/Virgin JCBA contract nego's. Pretty good detailed update from AMFA's NC:

AMFA-ASA Virgin America Transition Agreement Discussions Update #8
April 30, 2019 -- AMFA and Alaska Airlines met in Seattle, WA on April 25, 2019, for a short session to discuss an Alaska Airlines – Virgin America Transition Agreement. The Company began by stating they didn’t want to see a line drawn down the middle of the breakrooms separating the Airbus and Boeing Technician workgroups. They also told us “to get more money for more time.”
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From the TWU-IAM FAQs today:

Q5: Will I have the opportunity to vote on whether or not I am represented by the Association?

A: Yes. Following the completion of the American – US Airways’ merger, the Associations will file representation applications with the National Mediation Board (NMB), a federal agency, which will culminate in three separate elections, one for each of the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores classifications. You will vote in the election of the classification in which you work with others from both carriers
From the TWU-IAM FAQs today:

Q5: Will I have the opportunity to vote on whether or not I am represented by the Association?

A: Yes. Following the completion of the American – US Airways’ merger, the Associations will file representation applications with the National Mediation Board (NMB), a federal agency, which will culminate in three separate elections, one for each of the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores classifications. You will vote in the election of the classification in which you work with others from both carriers
I'm waiting for a certain poster to respond to this one......
From the TWU-IAM FAQs today:

Q5: Will I have the opportunity to vote on whether or not I am represented by the Association?

A: Yes. Following the completion of the American – US Airways’ merger, the Associations will file representation applications with the National Mediation Board (NMB), a federal agency, which will culminate in three separate elections, one for each of the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores classifications. You will vote in the election of the classification in which you work with others from both carriers

What do you expect. Grease monkeys and bag smashers negotiating against highly educated union busting professionals!
I think this might be unfair. Our union guys go through a 30 day negotiating school, and I’m sure it’s a solid 8 hours a day with no dinners and drinks on the union dime.
From the TWU-IAM FAQs today:

Q5: Will I have the opportunity to vote on whether or not I am represented by the Association?

A: Yes. Following the completion of the American – US Airways’ merger, the Associations will file representation applications with the National Mediation Board (NMB), a federal agency, which will culminate in three separate elections, one for each of the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores classifications. You will vote in the election of the classification in which you work with others from both carriers
And I said the whole time this fiasco was going on, that, that vote for the asso. was complete BULL SHITE. And nobody believed me. I was trying like hell to tell the AA mechanics that the vote for or against the combining of the two unions with AA and US as an asso would not happen, and "only" a very few of them believed me. Then! It was slammed downed their throats. Thank you you very much!!!
Everything you just said should be happening everyday you are employed. Stating that only comes across as if you are not already doing it.
Wrong. I was simply telling you to do your job. Everything I said does in fact happen everyday within my job. Why did you, as an A&P think differently??
Wrong. I was simply telling you to do your job. Everything I said does in fact happen everyday within my job. Why did you, as an A&P think differently??
Swampy I will say this Airlines preach compliance, and train you that way. They will not hesitate to throw you under the bus, when you take shortcuts and get caught by them or the FAA. Give them what they ask.
NO honest Mechanic needs to be told this. Only the ones that pencil whip need to be told this. Do you really think telling them to stop will actually work. That was my point. I cant understand why you would not get that.
Telling them to stop what? Do your job. Get a clue brother. Helloooo...
Swampy I will say this Airlines preach compliance, and train you that way. They will not hesitate to throw you under the bus, when you take shortcuts and get caught by them or the FAA. Give them what they ask.
Exactly what I was trying to tell him.
Company proposal with language is now on Jetnet. Check your email
At locations covered by this Section J and any other line maintenance location where the Company utilizes AMTs when an out of service aircraft is in need of towing to an aircraft maintenance hangar or other non-terminal location for purposes of maintenance, such towing will be performed by AMTs, including brake riding, and connecting ground power and ground start units at the hangar. All other towing shall be as directed by the Company

Hmm, I thought Peterson said, the company wanted Fleet to do all the towing to/from?

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