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bigjets at the end of the day it does not really matter. The fact is you are in a UNION and the UNION negotiates your pay and benefits. You belong to a leftist entity so it should not upset you that they operate as a leftist entity would.

Frankly I understand your perspective. I was not a good fit for UNION culture. That is why I never bumped or put in a transfer. In the end the only real choice I had was to leave. I was not willing to tolerate the downside of UNIONs any longer. I had my fill and was ready to move on.

Obviously. Wow! Please move on...
Let me clarify my statement. If you are a new hire to the line you still have to test as a 6 mth evaluation. If you are a new hire at Tulsa or DWH you will still have to take a 6 mth eval test in your classification. We all had to take a 6 mth eval test. If you are a present employee lets say from Tulsa or DWH that has never worked the line you will not be tested. I have seen many people go to DFW and not be tested at all. It might be new to some people but the company stopped the line test at least a year ago for transfers. USAIR does not test so they stopped testing here. The USAIR way is a mechanic is a mechanic if you learned enough to get your A&P and learned to be an O/H mechanic you can learn to be a line mechanic. Now I will agree with you that their are different levels of competence but that goes equally for line and O/H mechanics. Just do not paint all O/H mechanics with the same brush. Just because an O/H mechanic has not been exposed to the line does not mean that person cannot work the line proficiently.

Are you serious?
That's fantastic news. 500 AMT's this year alone? That's about 50-60 AMT's per month. Very nice. Just love hearing of growth and hiring AMT's.
Kev, does Delta still do the "hire the mechanic fresh out of A&P school"? Train after they get them and help with paying off student loans for a 5-6 year commitment? I do remember them doing this back in the 80's and 90's.

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